不是油菜花 记忆中的油菜花已经模糊 尘世攘攘 心之田野渐渐荒芜 蓦然回首 伊人何处? 携尔之手 野花芳草遍天涯 水如镜 流云驻 Not Canola flower The memory of canola flowers has faded away Hustle in the world My heart hardened and hardened day after day Suddenly, I turned around Where did she run away? Hold your hand At the edge of the world, wild flowers glittering far far away On the mirror of water Wandering clouds stay  天涯海角
地之尽头是无边的荒凉 海之尽头是蔚蓝的希望 壁炉火熊 木柴噼噼啪啪响 听浪打礁石 看天老地荒 想春风又绿 拥你在我的身旁 天涯海角纽芬兰 完