诗歌抗议?裸体抗议?去死吧!上帝的羔羊! (附26图)
強兵壓境, 擅啟戰端, 民心人道盡摧殘; 哀鴻遍地, 炮火連天, 生靈塗炭最堪憐. 猶似侵華日寇, 欺凌殺戮, 慘絕人寰. 縱沃田獨佔, 四方稱霸, 豈可心安? 只換得: 遐邇結怨, 世無寧日, 遺恨人間. 2003/03/25
迢遙萬里向黃沙, 佇望長天不見家; 強暴當知離亂苦, 應思仁義罷征伐. 2003/03/24
薰風楚客送詩來,喜見天涯詠絮才; 一曲清歌人意好,秋深葉落亦花開。
美国人口只有两亿多,却有现役官兵213 万人,后备役人员117 万,文职人员103 万,共计433 万人,拥有世界上最大规模的现代化武器装备。1798年至今的美国战争史,其中只有5次战争是由国会“正式宣战”的,而其余的战争竟然都是在总统号令下的“不宣而战”! 美国共在海外使用军事力量238次,其国会曾7次讨论对外宣战的可能性:包括1812年(针对英国)、1846年(针对墨西哥)、1898年(针对西班牙)、1917年(针对德国)、1941年(针对日本、德国和意大利)、1946年(针对越南)、1991年(针对伊拉克),其中美国国会共5次“正式宣战”,最近一次在1941年。伊拉克战争是一场种族灭绝的不对称战争,这是一场屠杀。面对血腥的战争,人们不禁要问天理何在?诚然,美国及其仆从国的良民们也有反战的行动。
吸引公众眼球的行动是裸体反战。如此裸体让我想起古希腊故事,有个Phryne妓女,漂亮富有,Phryne因被控亵渎美丽女神(爱神),将要被判处死刑,她的辩护律师Hypereides几乎绝望,在最后一刻,他突然扯下Phryne衣服,让Phryne的裸体示众,法官们被她的美丽躯体折服,当庭赦免她。(Phryne before the Areopagus)


西方的人就是用这种方式表达她们意愿。女人们甚男人们也袒露身体,摆出“NO WAR”和“PEACE”抗议战争。
A Cheeky Protest,Bay Area Anti-War Activists Go Nude in Surge of Creative Vigils |
by Joe Garofoli
Lying naked on a dung-laden pasture, a group called Unreasonable Women Baring Witness hopes to bring attention to those against going to war with Iraq. Photo courtesy of Donna Sheehan
Camera courtesy of Dewey Livingston, .......naked on a hillside on a California ranch to protest America\'s nakedly aggressive policies |

Camera courtesy of Dewey Livingston
A Cheeky Protest,Bay Area Anti-War Activists Go Nude in Surge of Creative Vigils |
by Joe Garofoli |
几年前,我居住过的美国城市确实也举行过裸体活动,可惜我我知道的时候,活动已经结束,所以没有实际的体验。我们的文化视裸体,在本能上有“羞耻”感。当然,上帝的羔羊也会遵照圣经,因裸体也派生出“sin”。裸体的“sin”是吸引眼球,但政客们熟视无睹,因为政客们没有“sin”的感觉,这就是上帝的羔羊“裸体”反战的悲哀, 更是“自由民主”的悲哀。
我儿子Harry,也写了一首关于战争的诗歌“A Shadow of Enigma”,是他第一首作品。在学校上文学课时,听完老师讲诗歌的写作与欣赏后写的。或者说他的第一首诗歌是他的课堂作业。这首诗歌,立刻在学校的网站上发表。为什么作为一个小孩他的第一首诗歌是关于战争的呢?原来当时学校正在纪念一位在伊拉克阵亡的校友。校友的阵亡触发了我儿子的写作的动机。
A Shadow of Enigma (By Harry) 03/16/06
Every soul has a hidden depth, Every wound tells a broken story, Every soldier leaves his bloody mark, From the shadows of a spiteful mist, A shadow of enigma, A warrior walks from a horizon of hate.
Walk by the dead bodies with no hate, Walk by the cliff of the dead, Walk through the edge of the world with no faith, Where the undead minds wondering for answers A shadow of enigma, A warrior walks from a horizon of hate.
Those uncertain faiths, Wondering souls with in The wounded soldiers, Crying in pain, Those whom we call warriors, Died of a broken heart, Rise from the horizon of hate.
The shadow of hate, The shadow of mists, The shadow of the warrior Never thought, The ultimate sacrifice, Of a soldier spiteful shadow, A shadow of enigma rises, On the horizon of hope.
我是很欣赏他的这首诗歌,并鼓励他参加州诗歌协会上朗读。我还特意把儿子“A Shadow of Enigma”等几首诗歌,发给州立大学一个专业搞诗歌的副教授,并告知我英语水平有限很想知道专家的的意见。专家第一个回信时这样的:
“As I am enormously busy this time of year, I will not have the opportunity to read the poems. I am honored however and will read them with great pleasure as soon as the time permits.”
我回信表示很理解他很忙,我想小孩子的写作不会引起Associate professor的注意,然而我很快又受到了专家的来信:“Thank you for your understanding; just a brief scan of the poems assure me that I am in for a good experience with Harry\'s poems. Please do introduce yourself at some point. I am reading Thursday, April 13th with my colleague Nancy Welch at 5pm in Billings Hall. What are Harry\'s aims for his poetry? what does he hope to achieve?”
我们当然参加了他的阅读课,发现不只是学生还有很多的大学老师和他的朋友参加。下课后我们上前和他打招呼,他很高兴并且事后还发信“It was a pleasure meeting you and Harry yesterday and I am delighted you enjoyed the reading. I\'m looking forward to reading his work.”
眼泪!眼泪!眼泪! 黑夜中独自落下的眼泪, 在苍白的海岸上滴落,滴落,滴落,任沙粒吸净, 眼泪,星光一丝不见,四下一片荒凉和漆黑, 潮湿的泪,从遮盖着的眼眶中飘坠下来, 啊,那个鬼影是谁?那黑暗中流泪的形象? 那在沙上弯着腰,抱头跌坐的一大堆是什么? 泉涌的泪,呜咽的泪,为哭号所哽塞的痛苦, 啊,暴风雨已然成形,高涨,沿着海岸飞奔疾走? 啊,阴惨狂暴的夜雨,夹着暴风,啊,滂沱,乖戾! 啊,白日里那么沉着和端庄,状貌安详,步履均匀, 可是当你隐没在茫茫黑夜,没有人看见时——啊, 这时泛滥有如海水,蕴蓄着无限的 眼泪!眼泪!眼泪!
(惠特曼 诗 林以亮译)
BBC NEWS Sunday, 2 March, 2003, 18:06 GMT
Over 300 nude women protesters spell out \"no war\" during an anti-war demonstration in Sydney on Sunday. The women bared all to protest Australia\'s involvement in a possible US-led war on Iraq. — Reuters

Downtown Express photo by Jefferson Siegel. Hala Faisal was arrested after walking in the nude in Washington Square Park to protest against the Iraq war.

Posted on April 7, 2003 by Anita Topic : Activism

More than 750 women lie naked on a hillside at Byron Bayon in the shape of a heart with \"no war\" spelt out. The women are urging Australian Prime Minister John Howard not to follow the US into a war with Iraq. Below, in a similar demonstration in New York\'s Central Park women spell out the words \"No Bush\". Photo: Reuters
Helena-photo Katie Knigh 2003.jpg www.barewitness.org/photoalbum/Helena.jpg, Photo: Katie Knight �2003, Fifty women sang \"Give Peace a Chance\" as they lay in the snow in January in Montana. For more information, contact Katie Knight. kknight@mt.net, www.katieknight.net
Fayetteville-Photo-Robbie Hammer.jpg

Photo: Sean Smuda 96 women form a Pro-Peace message on December 29th, 2002

Photo: Christopher Springmann 24 men form a peace symbol on December 29th, 2002

\"Female police carry away a naked anti-war demonstrator in Santiago, Chile, Saturday, March 1, 2003, as hundreds of demonstrators undressed to stage a protest against a possible war in Iraq [in] front of the government palace La Moneda.\" (Photo AP/Santiago Llanquin), http://www.sattlers.org/mickey/site/archive/2003/03/images/santiago.jpg

More than 1300 naked men and women pose of U.S. photographer Spenser Tunick, at the Expo.02 in Neuchatel, Switzerland, Saturday July 20, 2002.\" (Photo AP/Keystone, Sandro Campardo)

This girl got a lot of attention for this one. The sign reads: What I learned from BUSH 1. Lying is O.K. 2. Cheating is O.K. 3. Torture is O.K. 4. Taking people\'s rights is O.K. 5. Neglecting the poor is O.K. 6. Being a religious hypocrite is O.K. 7. Killing is O.K. 8. Incompetence is O.K. 9. Cronyism is O.K.


Sept 22, 2006, http://autonomoussource.com/2006/09/canadian_first_crowd_wearing_r.html
Canadian first: Crowd wearing red cheers Conservative Prime Minister! There was a big turnout on Parliament Hill today to show support for our Armed Forces in Afghanistan and around the world. I have no skill at estimating crowd sizes, but I\'d say it was \'lots and lots\'. The CBC instead claims \'thousands\' were there, but I\'ll stand by my assessment.


Photo: Donald Winslow Jan18-Photo-Donald Winslow .jpg
http://www.baringwitness.org/PressRelease.htm |