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麦田圈(Crop Circles) 2012-03-27 10:00:58


19741116日,美国著名科普作家Carl Sagan和外星智能学者天体物理学家Frank Drake在波多黎各的Arecibo城附近的Arecibo射电天文台向距地球25000光年的M13星系发出了后来被称为Arecibo信息的调频无线电讯号。讯号的内容共含有1679 =23 x 73)个二进制符号,按照2373排的顺序排列(如果将之进行任何其它的包括7323排在内的顺序进行排列则是无序的乱码)后含有下图所示的信息:


图中左边是Carl Sagan他们送出的原始信号,右边是对之进行的解释。其内容自上而下分别为:

  1. 数字110
  2. 组成DNA的氢,碳,氮,氧,磷的原子序数。
  3. DNA核苷酸里的糖与基的化学式
  4. DNA核苷酸的数目以及双螺旋结构的图示。
  5. 一个按照人类平均高度的人的图示及地球的人口数目。
  6. 太阳系的图示。
  7. Arecibo射电望远镜的尺寸及天线大小的图示。


这个信号送出将近27年之后,人们得到了一个回复,但并非以人们当初所期待的形式。2001年八月19日人们在英格兰的HampshireChilbolton射电天文台附近的麦田里发现下面这个与当初Carl Sagan送出的信号的几何图示极为相近的图案:


这个图案与Carl Sagan发出的信号的主要区别在于DNA的结构和他们那里的人口数目及最底部的有关发射台的数据部分,另外有关太阳系的部分也有所改动。








当时英国的一位UFO迷及软件顾问Paul Vigay觉得此图案中的圆盘里的内容象是一种代码,于是用ascii码对之进行解码,解码后得到如下的英文内容(其解码依据是公开透明的,网上可以找到):

Beware of bearers of false gifts and broken promises.

Much pain but there is still time.


There is still good out there.

We oppose the deceivers.

 Conduit is closing.









6年半后的一天,这位解码者Paul Vigay在失踪了一天之后其尸首被发现在一个海滩上,死因至今不明。

对于整个Chibolton的麦田圈事件是智者见智仁者见仁,信者恒信不信者恒不信。由于这起于2000年至2002年发生在英国HampshireChibolton的麦田圈事件与1974Carl SaganFrank Drake对外星文明发送信号有着明显的耦合而使得人们很容易将之视为外星文明所为,尽管有很多反对的声音,但是至今为止还没有一个有力的证据可以否定这种与外星文明相联系的判断,反对意见基本上是信仰层次的观点---我并不是说信仰层次的观点就不对。

如果这起事件确实是外星人所,那么很显然外星人对于Sagan他们所发的信息的回复与Sagan他们所发的信息的力度是差出很多量级来的:一个是基本漫无目标地向外发射信号,一个是明确告诉你们我们就在你们的星球上而且知道你们的语言(包括计算机语言),甚至知道在你们心目中的外星人长是什么样的;一个是用简单的无线电信号形式,一个是用地球上至今至少是一般科学家还只能猜测并无法真正解释的技术。而Paul Vigay解码的那段话富于哲理。当初,Sagan他们向外星文明发送信息时多少带有炫耀地球文明的意味,结果得到的答复却是一种教训。这有点象一个小学生向一位老师炫耀自己的数学能力时,老师告诉他别太得意了似的。关于那段话中的虚假的赠予者有一种阴谋论的说法是说美国政府曾与外星文明有过交往,而其中有些曾给过一些虚假的许诺。这种阴谋论的可信性比起麦田圈这样的公开的信息来就又要差得远了。



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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2012-03-29 05:55:05
Actually I should say that there are a few more things quite sure: the first is the Arecibo message sent out by Sagan and Drake....I have the least doubt about that.....the second should be the decode done by Paul Vigay...even though I did not personally verify it but since it is open online for so many years, if there is obvious problem, others would have pointed it out.....the third is the death of Paul Vigay..........as for whether the crop circle is created by man or alien is not sure but might be only sure for US government who has the most powerful satellites over the eartch......
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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2012-03-28 19:21:59
thanks.....so far the only two things for sure: the first is that the crop circles were there since it were reported by the local media when they were still there and a lot people went to see the circles.......the second thing for almost sure is that the high definition and high precision satellites monitoring by US and some other governments should have record of how those crop circles were formed since this is not like secrete UFO things.....it is big and open in the field.........

I would think the article posted by 二野的博客 might be even more interesting: http://blog.creaders.net/jjeta/user_blog_diary.php?did=107815

I never thought about the question why the moon looks the same size as sun to us earth beings......and after read his article I come to think about it and feel that it is really amazing and could not be explained as natural by science...........now if it is true that the history of moon is 20billion years as it is said in that article, then we literally come back to the book Genesis..........I think a lot people like me have already thought that the BIG BANG theory is consistent with Genesis in many aspects but we need to reexplain the creation of Moon and Sun.....but now, if what is said in that article is true, it seems the data is more consistent with what is said in Genesis that the Moon and Sun was created at the very beginning.........at least the VERY OPEN OBVIOUS FACT that the Moon looks the same size as Sun to us earthly being is very very UNNATURAL by scientific standards......

I actually go online collected some data about Moon and Earth...it is said that the mass of Moon is 1/81 of Earth...but the diameter of Moon=3476 km while the diameter of Earth=12756 km, which means if the average density of Moon is the same as Earth then the mass of Moon should be 1/49.43 of the mass of Earth.....therefore, 1/81 either implies a much lower density of Moon than Earth or might mean around 60% of the Moon body is hollow (which is what is claimed in that article).......it is said that US has brought back some rock from Moon but nowhere mentioning that the density of those rock is much lower than the average of Earth.......of course, we could not use single sample to judge the average density either....the following is something about the structure of Moon from wikipedia:

The Moon is a differentiated body: it has a geochemically distinct crust, mantle, and core. The Moon has a solid iron-rich inner core with a radius of 240 kilometers and a fluid outer core primarily made of liquid iron with a radius of roughly 300 kilometers. Around the core is a partially molten boundary layer with a radius of about 500 kilometers.[27] This structure is thought to have developed through the fractional crystallization of a global magma ocean shortly after the Moon's formation 4.5 billion years ago.[28] Crystallization of this magma ocean would have created a mafic mantle from the precipitation and sinking of the minerals olivine, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene; after about three-quarters of the magma ocean had crystallised, lower-density plagioclase minerals could form and float into a crust on top.[29] The final liquids to crystallise would have been initially sandwiched between the crust and mantle, with a high abundance of incompatible and heat-producing elements.[1] Consistent with this, geochemical mapping from orbit shows the crust is mostly anorthosite,[6] and moon rock samples of the flood lavas erupted on the surface from partial melting in the mantle confirm the mafic mantle composition, which is more iron rich than that of Earth.[1] Geophysical techniques suggest that the crust is on average ~50 km thick.[1]

The Moon is the second densest satellite in the Solar System after Io.[30] However, the inner core of the Moon is small, with a radius of about 350 km or less;[1] this is only ~20% the size of the Moon, in contrast to the ~50% of most other terrestrial bodies. Its composition is not well constrained, but it is probably metallic iron alloyed with a small amount of sulphur and nickel; analyses of the Moon's time-variable rotation indicate that it is at least partly molten.[31]
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作者:山哥 留言时间:2012-03-28 15:31:29
Very interesting...
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