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宇宙微波背景的一个牛公式。。。 2023-01-03 09:38:03


上文《光子的质量》参考文献中用到了academia.com有一牛人Henry Corniere的一篇文章【】。在那篇文章中他错误地将普朗克-爱因斯坦光能公式E=hf与爱因斯坦的质能关系E=mc2合在一起得出:

hf= mc2                                                                1   


3kT=mc2                                               2



hf=3kT                                                  3






k=1.380649 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1

h= 6.62607015 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

T=2.72548 K


f=170.369 x 109 Hz =             170.369 GHz  (4)

而维基解密上给出的值是 160.23 GHz。我心想是不是宇宙学界就是根据测得的宇宙微波背景的频率来用理想气体模型反推出温度T的呢?如果是那样的话,(3)能得出一个较牛的结果也就不奇怪了。但我查了半天发现所有相关的文章都声称用宇宙微波背景辐射的频率来算宇宙背景温度是一个极为复杂的过程。





另外,在对这个现象的调研过程中我想到了这样一个问题:不论是用(3)式还是NASA他们的复杂的模型,把用CMB的微波频率算出的T=2.72548 K当作宇宙温度似乎有点说不通。这是因为所谓的宇宙微波背景是一百多亿年前发出的光经过一百亿年的红移之后的频率,它既不是这一时刻从宇宙某处发出的光,也不是一百多亿年前发出的光本身,它是在距离地球一百多亿光年以外的地方在一百多亿年前发出的光发生红移之后的频率。



Corniere H. (2022). “The Great Power of Prediction from a Massive Photon Hypothesis”. Journal of Advances in Physics Vol 20 (2022) ISSN: 2347-3487. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/s/557240e651

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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2023-01-04 07:07:09



Rongqing, It is often said that good theories can be expressed with a few words and this is the case. Here is a synopsis.

Photon mass, directly calculated from the kinetic theory of gases leads, with the de Broglie Wavelength relation, to the mean frequency of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
Radiation which has been measured by satellites. This radiation along with dark matter and the missing mass of the galaxy have a common origin: a unique viscous gas composed of active and dark photons.

That's all, clear and simple. Now things can be clarified.
-- The cosmic temperature T has been measured by the satellite COBE in 1989 to 2.73K. It has been later refined with comparison with the black body curve and other more precise satellites. So, this has been established, a data put into the first formula. Speed of light is also established long ago and the result is an accurate photon mass m.
-- Same mass m is now put into the de Broglie Wavelength,
it can be done since there is a m in the d B W, and a wavelength is obtained 1.76 mm. It can then be converted to frequency and the mean frequency of the CMB is obtained.

COINCIDENCE OR MAGIC ? Forget this controversial relation hf=mc^2, not needed, but it gives identical results.
What we obtained here ? A wave generated by massive particles as de Broglie said. So it cannot come from the big bang and existence of the CMB was the main argument. There is no such thing as the big bang, forget it! It will be soon invalidated with the new images given by the JWST. When it comes there will be a need to find the origin of the CMB! No doubt photons are massive, they pervade the universe. They come in two flavors, dark or active when they compose light rays. They make up dark matter.


You said 3kT = mc^2 is incorrect. This is the first equation.
If it were incorrect, I could not have built upon it and I would have gotten a completely different CMB frequency result. We note that it is the exact same equation used for the propagation of sound waves., i.e. the Newton equation corrected by Laplace. Same equations, same output behavior.

You also note I mixed ideal gas with blackbody, two opposite extremes of ideal models. A photon gas can be a black body as well. From Wiki. "These quanta were called photons and the black-body cavity was thought of as containing a gas of photons." ...and I say a gas of photon can be ideal if the conditions are met which is the case for that gas.

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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2023-01-03 18:36:05




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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2023-01-03 16:11:40


Rongqing Dai2 days ago


Nevertheless, we cannot use hf = mc^2 to calculate the mass of photons since E=mc^2 only accounts for potential energy while hf is for total energy. You might find the discussion on E=mc^2 at the following link: https://www.academia.edu/92650034/The_Real_Meaning_of_E_mc_2

Henri CORNIERE2 days ago


hf = mc^2 cannot be used to calculate the mass of the photon you have rightly pointed out. The mass of the photon has been calculated theoretically in the first place and has been put into that formula.

Rongqing Dai2 days ago

[The mass of the photon has been calculated theoretically in the first place and has been put into that formula.] It still won't work.....the equation hf = mc^2 does not hold valid.

Henri CORNIERE2 days ago


Now, using hf = mc^2 for other purposes than the CMB radiation seems to be very hazardous. I agree with you, E=mc^2 has nothing to do with relativity, it was in one of Einstein's 1905 papers.


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