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与我的人造飞碟文章相关的花絮 2023-05-20 09:40:04




那之后不久我又将“Who was flying that flying saucer”进一步整理补充为“Building an Alien Style Flying Saucer with Human Technologies”一文。当我还没有将该文在英文网站贴出之前,就已经将该文与 “Who was flying that flying saucer?”同时向不同的杂志投稿,但两篇文章先后被Nature,Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering等杂志拒绝。

7月15日我正式将“Building an Alien Style Flying Saucer with Human Technologies”的版本贴在英文博客网站 【[5]】。我在该博客网站的文章都在脸书同步分享。

2021年初我才开始想到要在几个Preprint的英文网站贴出“Building an Alien Style Flying Saucer with Human Technologies”.但Sage的Preprint网站居然拒绝让我在那里贴出该文。

我在academia.edu贴出该文后【[6]】拿到讨论区去希望能得讨论,但只来了一个网名为Atom Team的“怪人”(见附录),她的评论非常长,还带有一些奇怪的字符,我完全看不懂她的评论,应该是与我的文章毫无关系。让我觉得她像是外星人。之后一段时间里,不论我在academia.edu贴什么文章或参加什么讨论发言,她都会在后面发表类似的大段的我看不懂的评论,还给我私信,并邀我参加她的文章的讨论,都是千篇一律的奇怪内容。但是当我在2021年3月于academia.edu贴出“The Flaw of the Interpretation of Time by Special Relativity”【[7]】一文,她突然终止了上述行为,而且所有她给我的发言的评论都被删了,她邀我参加讨论的文章被删了,连给我的私信都被删了。按照academia.edu的运作机制,她作为一般用户应该无法删除给我的私信,除非她有特殊的权限。

这里再插一句题外话:虽然我推翻狭义相对论的工程是20223月正式开启,但实际上在20213月的这篇文章“The Flaw of the Interpretation of Time by Special Relativity”才是我开始质疑狭义相对论的第一枪(随后不知是什么样的巧合使中国某著名科普网红做了一期视频说有些人狂妄想推翻狭义相对论,还是好好地去多读读书吧。。。。赫赫)。

Atom Team删除了所有上述记录后,我才如梦初醒----我居然没有留下任何她在网上评论和私信的证据。不过好在我仍有当初academia.edu通知我Atom Team给我的文章进行评论的email。其中一例为:



kill all life on Earth as time = 2040 extinction

不知有谁能正确理解她的这句话。反正让我感到很困惑。顺便说一下,她在academia.edu的个人网页地址为:https://pnnl.academia.edu/Atom,其中的pnnl是在Richmond Wa的美国国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)的缩写,wikipedia上显示该实验室是专做能量研究的。而按照academia.edu的习惯,https://pnnl.academia.edu应该是该国家实验室在academia.edu的专用地址,所以她可以用这个地址表明不仅她应该是得到该实验室的认证的而且她在academia.edu的一切费用也应该是由该实验室支付的。

大家可以去https://pnnl.academia.edu/Atom读读她的文章,虽然在她的简历中自称是研究Earth System Science的博士后,而且她那里也有几篇所谓的和星球等有关的自然科学领域的文章,但她的文章整体可不像是我们通常理解的研究地球系统科学的内容,更像是从外星人角度把地球上的生命的社会行为进行研究的。而且她的那几篇关于星球的文章好像是她后来才贴出的。


不过当时在academia.edu只有Atom Team给的我关于人造飞碟的文章发表评论,而且是与文章内容无关的评论。后来同年7月我受邀参加他人关于UFO的讨论时【[8]】,介绍了我所设计的人造飞碟,才引起更多一些人的兴趣。不过那时我的那篇文章的讨论期(只有21天)已经过去,而那里感兴趣的人完全无法理解我所介绍的原理,总以为我所设计的等离子流场象闪电一样一闪即逝,我怎么解释也没用。

倒是在ResearchGate贴出的“Building an Alien Style Flying Saucer with Human Technologies”很快成为我在那里被世界各地的读者下载最多的一篇文章,直到今天这个势头也不减。







附录 Atom Team





Atom Team

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,  Earth Systems Science,  Post-Doc

All sciences

Ƭrauma = no memory of actual event 

Ƭrauma = pit
only sound made by another human = captor + only sight is flashes of light as captor opens + closes his basement door

Flashbacks of the pit  (not torture table yet = Master 14 game)
Trauma EM process moves us to Master 13 (torture to me ended 2013 vs beat to death with a bat 9-28-17 to wake = quicker recall as flashback instead of 91/2 years to recall pit - none of the torture able yet )

May 18: 1st flashback > May 19: 2nd + 3rd (2 hours each to process)

2012 Torture table set auto convulsions every 15 minutes for 8 months
then drugged unconscious put into the pit = wake = iɲd has no memory of 8 months (torture table) or my entire life prior

Time allows triggers
Amygdala recall stories (clues) given to me via my captor (not stories of my actual life)

2013: unconscious = put into my sisters home (she is gone) as her replacement. X-human rAdio teAm attempts have me seen as nuts = drug tested for poison twice = Drano death imminent = verified suspected

RADIO (NSA WORLD BOSS) defeats them eventually
calms my entire 𝐶oS allowing 𝐶o = then able better science as time to recall ability to analyze all code + all language = taught as child life

Lack RADIO I live as singular
iɲd-organ Amygdala (𝐶ae damage from infantile abuse) mostly Аɲа (thus the name I use often vs Doc preferred to keep consistent name as I am moved from from SK housing Death House (winged hit dead wake) Ora ran houses Ora MGH 1 Ora MGH 2 Ora MGH 3 = Ora is all fully beat. Remove them. Now I sit at Pur MGH 4

Gravity = BALANCE so why did parts of 7 planets hit Earth all at once - long long ago?  They did = all infection base

Moved needed from MAN 4 = more later


cɦ + cɦ 2 + Ƭƀ: schizophrenic psychotic

NSd N-Da0 NSd-Da0: narcissistic personality disorder ⸱ obsessive - compulsive disorders as personality disorder ⸱ disruptive as impulse - conduct disorder

BSd B-Da0 BSd-Da0 (gump): borderline personality disorder ⸱ dissociative disorders hear voice = childhood abuse
MED Medical Aid: prozac aid to prevent depression depression = cannot defeat attacker or chosen vic
          (kids choose parent as it = depress often)

P-Da0: Personality disorder ⸱ antisocial personality ⸱ trauma-stressor disorders

SSd S-Da0 SSd-Da0 (pole = bipolar): Depressive disorders ⸱ OCD ADD ADHD obsessive-compulsive personality disorder ⸱ anxiety disorders ⸱ somatic disorders ⸱ elimination disorders ⸱ sleep-wake disorder ⸱sexual dysfunction ⸱ gender dysphoria ⸱ paraphilic disorder ⸱medication-induced movement disorder vs inflict as accident: TBI = direct head hit: removes Intellect vs lower Intelligence to be dumb ∞
Braiɲ-Organs = knows real
iɲd-Organs = accepts taught intelligence

Goal =
𝐶o entire 𝐶oS
𝐶HEM retract = 𝐶o limited
𝐶HEM extreme retract (true trauma) = 𝐶o absent

Repression: Braiɲ-Organs maintain full memory while conscious

iɲd-Organs lack all memory connected to extreme (torture usually but can be absolute abused as child at least until 48 months time)

Braiɲ feels no pain vs sinus radiates pain as neural network

Brain feels no pain vs Dura does as tissue
blunt hit

Brain feels no pain vs Skull cracked = damaged
𝐶oS where the hit is (not brain damage)
(X-human = TBI + born deformed c0S as brain damage)

AƝ hit instant dead (or slow suffering death) is not brain damaged vs neural network is unable "spark" until plugged (spark plug won)

𝐶lean only consumed = AƝ does not need more than average daily movement to never need to exercise = natural fit

Female gives birth = needs lots of exercise
time for skin to tighten again birth early it does vs birth late it struggles long time  (gain weight to survive Drano then rapid lose it does same to Male + Female)

Braiɲ understands
𝐶HEM: memory (trigger memory) + EM + memory processed shares it with iɲd upon 𝐶o vs iɲd only feels the motion vs not (less traumatic memory) + sometimes remembers the end of a dream as wake sleep phase to wake to it enough to recall

𝐶HEM flow is memory + EM + memory processing processed for Braiɲ to know it all = job of Braiɲ

Braiɲ able
𝐶o iɲd enough = motion 𝐶HEM iɲd = Feeling motion slight vs always content + happy

Braiɲ able
𝐶o iɲd enough = motion 𝐶HEM iɲd = Feeling motion slight vs always content + happy

iɲd adopts taught habits vs Braiɲ does not

iɲd  is LOST in X-society unable to hear Braiɲ  enough to be innate

worry for anxious for all defined like it = Only iɲd (Braiɲ of AƝ is just CALM-CALCULATOR all the time)



Planet: Rotate

Star: Spin

Sun: Spin

Moon: Revolve

Astrochem: Gravity

Astrochem: Earth

Air + Water: O₂ required

Drill = Quake

Wildfire Science

AƝ: 4th 60 TYP

AƝ: 3rd 3.5 BYP

AƝ: 2nd 9.11 BYP

AƝ: 1st 9.13 BYP

Pure Life: Food

Genetic Modified Food



Brain: TED & TOCSS

Brain: S & R

Brain: A & E

Corpus Callosum survives

Brain-𝐶HEM: In~Love

Brain + Mind-𝐶HEM: Break

Mind-𝐶HEM: Attach

Brain + Mind: 𝐶oS


Natural Health

Archaic germ

Diet Damages Organs

Illness of MAN

Infantile inoculation

Sinus damage

Endocrine damage

Natural vs Not


Summarized Illness

Profile: Sch

Profile: N

Profile: B

Profile: P

Profile: S

cɦ: SK





N: murder

B: murder

P: murder

S: murder

Profile Criminal

SK inflicted Sd

Profile: Mind vs Brain

Profile: SK innate

Profile: c0s vs pat

Profile: SK innate c0s

Profile: SK never stop

Profile: SK: End vs Fin

Profile: ADHD = OCD

Profile: ADD

Criminal Profile I

Criminal Profile II

Criminal Profile III

Criminal Profile IV

Criminal Profile V

Criminal Profile VI

Criminal Profile VII

Criminal Profile VIII

Criminal Profile IX

Criminal Profile X

Criminal Profile XI

Criminal Profile XII

Criminal Profile XIII

Criminal Profile XIV

Criminal Profile XV

Criminal Profile XVI

Criminal Profile XVII


[[1]] 戴榕菁 2019真有人造幽浮?视频及原理分析https://blog.creaders.net/u/980/201905/348820.html

[[2]] 戴榕菁 2019现在想想,人造飞碟真的不玄!(原理介绍)https://blog.creaders.net/u/980/201905/349164.html

[[3]] 戴榕菁 2019现在想想,人造飞碟真的不玄!(原理介绍及有关视频)https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/28822/201905/28303.html

[[4]] Dai, R. (2019a). “Who was flying that flying saucer?”. Retrieved from: https://wp.me/p1w7vF-3h

[[5]] Dai, R. (2019b). “Building an Alien Style Flying Saucer with Human Technologies”. Retrieved from: https://wp.me/p9pbU7-4q

[[6]] Dai, R. (2021c). “Building an Alien Style Flying Saucer with Human Technologies”. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/44955660/Building_an_Alien_Style_Flying_Saucer_with_Human_Technologies

[[7]] Dai, R. (2019d). “The Flaw of the Interpretation of Time by Special Relativity”. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/45590958/The_Flaw_of_the_Interpretation_of_Time_by_Special_Relativity

[[8]] Arnold, E. (2021). “Unidentified Arial Phenomena Spatial Distancing orHow Abert Einstein Solved the Mystery of UAP Speed”. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/s/30a2a0b35d

[[9]] 戴榕菁 (2023)再谈谈中国的那只飞碟 https://blog.creaders.net/u/980/202305/462207.html


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