回他一记耳光 那个“Steve”(参见【】)继续扯谎如下:
当天在我用他们的online界面投稿时确实第一次因为没有在界面上指定联系人所以没有通过,随即也收到他们的一个email(附录1),但我马上就按照要求补上了,顺利地完成正式submit。而且他们的界面设计是如果不补齐那些内容根本不允许最后完成submit,而是会马上在屏幕上显示错误信息。 在我所upload的file里面明确地有按照他们的要求写的no competed interest statement (附录2)如下: 【Statements and Declarations There is no competing interests in any sense for this paper. No funding for this research.】 不仅如此,在他们的界面上我也选择了无利益冲突如下:
我也明确提供了Author Contribution Statement 如下:
下面是我申明no funding及指定联系人:
现在被我发现他们冒充我withdrew之后,居然说我没有完成他们要求的内容。他们似乎忘了,他们自己的系统设计是如果发现不满足他们的要求,根本就无法完成“submit”,而是马上会在屏幕上看到错误信息。 最可气的是,因为Foundations of Science是一份哲学杂志,所以他们的declarations根本没涉及动物实验的内容,这个“Steve”现在居然还造出一个动物实验的申明来。 可见他们耍的就是一拖二骗三无赖的花招,而他们赌的就是作者在submit的过程没有留证,那样的话日后可以任他们胡说八道!!!这就是骗子如何行诈的一个证据! 当我顺利完成submit之后,就又收到他们的一个email证实我以完成submission(见附录3),然后就从未收到他们的任何一个email,直到我发现有人冒充我撤稿后主动给他们发了email。 所以,今天在我收到“Steve”继续耍赖的email后,随手回他一记耳光如下:
总结: 1)不要和骗子来往! 2)万一非要和骗子来往或不确定对方是否为骗子,一定要注意留证。这是一个不可信的世界!
附录 1. 我在submit过程中他们的第一个email
附录2. 我在Submit的最后一步从他们那里下载的我所submit的原稿的Title Page Title: When Philosophy is Disparaged Author: Rongqing Dai, independent researcher Email: ronald_dai@yahoo.com Human beings are paying a dire price for disparaging philosophy in all facets of life, especially in the field of natural science where the most intelligent explorations of nature for the survival and advance of Homo sapiens species are supposed to be conducted. In the mean time, the professional discipline crowned with the title “philosophy” has been haunted by its own collective and systematic pitfalls. Consequently, despite of the apparent rapid growing global prosperity, the earth civilization is indeed walking at a fast pace down to a deep crisis. To make matters much worse, due to its intelligent challenge, the weakened collective philosophical capacity in the world is not something that can be made up with some crash courses as for scientific and technological trainings. This writing will demonstrate through examples how philosophically erroneous mistakes in mathematics and physics could last for decades or even centuries. In addition, this writing will also discuss the devastating stale status of the existing academia of philosophy as well as the need and vision of having a parallel new professional community of philosophy. Keywords: Philosophy, Hilbert First Problem, Special Relativity, Energy Conservation, Metaphysics, Quantum Statements and Declarations There is no competing interests in any sense for this paper. No funding for this research. 附录3. 7月22日投稿后收到的email confirmation:
【】 骗子的嘴脸继续暴露