这个月终于把在夏威夷欠下的医疗费付清了。我对儿子说:“那个没收钱的牙医,我们能为他做点什么呢?” 儿子对我的心思了如指掌,只听他一口回绝: “感谢信,你写吧。特别是他没收我们的钱,这个谢字,我说不出口呢。”。我摸摸他的头,心想:他怎么也懂大恩不言谢的说法呢。然后,我拿那些帐单给他看,进一步劝说: “其它的人,都得到了金钱的回报,给你最好服务的人,难道真该什么都不得到吗?写一封信,去明谢一番,是我们起码能做的事吧?” 他同意了,可拖了很多天。今晚临睡前,终于用了五分钟时间,草草写完,交给我时,很真诚地说: “和他的行为相比,我的信写得太潦草了!” 以下是他写的感谢信: I know it’s been a long time and hopefully you still remember me. I’ll try and help you remember by retelling some of my memory. It was my first time surfing and I had a great time with it, but near the end of my ride, there was a little accident. Basically a surfboard hit me in the face and knocked my teeth loose. My retainer was mangled and two years of orthodontic treatment seemed like it was for nothing. The next few hours, I was rushed to clinics and hospitals until one doctor sewed my lip up. He referred my mother to you and we began another drive. At your office I received an X-Ray, removed of my destroyed retainer and new braces. You had fixed me up great and my teeth look good as new. I was so thankful towards you as my friends back home could hardly tell. After our return, my mother began receiving bills from the various medical institutions we visited. We hadn’t bought travel insurance, costs for stitches and prescriptions amounted to over 2500 dollars. Anyway, we awaited the bill for the best job done and kindest service we had ever received, but it never came. Then we remembered that you had told us it was free! I am filled with sincere gratitude both for the service you and your staff provided and also your unmatched generosity. I will always remember the kindness that was shown to me on the island of Kawai. 以下是我写的感谢信: Hawaii Christmas vacation was our unforgettable life experience. Four month has passed since the surfing accident happened, my son is doing well at everything, (he is my great boy). His lip looks fine; his teeth look prefect and feel fine too. We believe without your professional help, we won’t get this result. I have to admit that I didn’t believe you when you told us you will waive the fee of your excellent service, I think I am guilty that I am not able to believe good people like you exist in our world. You changed my previous beliefs. By the way, send a great thanks to all the staff in your office. Best Wishes to all of you! 故事的原委请读我的博文“为什么要当医生” http://blog.51.ca/u-115804/2010/02/04/ 从今以后,去年圣诞的夏威夷之行,就成我们永远的记忆了。但我相信,这位夏威夷医生的形象,一定会不时地重现。我除了深深的感谢,还非常的高兴。因为他的出现,一定会影响儿子。下次别人再问儿子“为什么要做医生”时,我想他不至于理直气壮地答:“为了多赚钱”了。最起码,他不会把那些回答“为了救死扶伤”的人,统统看成伪君子了!这对儿子的前程,是多么生动的帮助啊! |