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  读文学看世界 “笼天地于形内,挫万物于笔端”,选载作者评论世界文学的论著,以及诗文作品和译作。
傅正明: 魯拜集與中國文化 2022-07-10 11:50:55

About the Book

This book is the first monograph in Chinese that searches for the Rubaiyat of the great Persian poet Omar Khayyam. It focuses on the comparative study and the implicit or explicit relationship between the thoughts and quarains of Khayyam and the Chinese culture. The author has made a broad comparative analysis of the similarities and the differences between Khayyam’s works and the thoughts of Chinese Confucianism, Taoism, and Zen, as well as the poems of Qu Yuan, Li Bai, Du Fu, Shao Yong, and Su Shi, the cultural connotation of Cao Xueqin's novel Dream of the Red Chamber and the independent spirit and free thoughts of Chen Yinke, a master of Chinese learning. For the readers who are confined to Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat and and the old Chinese translations, this book is enough to overturn the traditional understanding of the Rubaiyat and procure a new aesthetic intoxication.


魯拜集與中國文化 The Rubaiyat and the Chinese Culture

作者: Zhengming Fu




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