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傅正明中國古典詩詞英譯選6 2024-06-13 00:05:46


















Tr. By Zhengming Fu

The waves of Long River roll and roll eastward,

Having washed away all of heroic sons.

Is and is-not or victors and failures resolve rapidly into empty dances.

Nothing leaves but the blue mountains

Reflected in timeless shadows of fading red suns.    

On the islets in the water snow-haired fishers and woodcutters
Get used to watch fall moons and spring winds,
Gathering together joyfully by a pot of turbid wine.
Many tales through the ages are all turned into jests illuminating minds.




The torrents of the Yangzi wash away heroes of yore,

Right or wrong, success or failure, all are no more.

Green hills and wide rivers remain the same,

How many times has the setting sun spread its flame!


Fishermen with white hair work along rivers and on isles,

Rowing their little boats leisurely for miles.

They carry bottles with liquor and drink at ease,

Chatting about the past and smiling in the breeze.

 Tr. 丰华瞻



On and on the Great River rolls, racing east.

Of proud and gallant heroes its white-tops leave no trace,

As right and wrong, pride and fall turn all at once unreal.

Yet ever the green hills stay

To blaze in the west-waning day.

Fishers and woodmen comb the river isles.

White-crowned, they’ve seen enough of spring and autumn tide

To make good company over the wine jar,

Where many a famed event

Provides their merriment.

 Tr. Moss Roberts



Lin Jiang Xian


The roaring Yangtze flows ever eastward,

Its waves scouring away all heroes.

Success or failure, right or wrong 

They do not seem to matter so much

Once your back is turned.

But the green mountains will be there still,

And how many sunsets will carry the glorious afterglow?

White-haired fishermen work the shoals;

They’ve seen so much of the spring breeze and autumn moon.

A jug of cheap wine to drink to our happy meeting:

So many momentous events, past and present,

Are bandied about with a laughter!

 Tr. 龚景浩



Wave on wave the long river eastward rolls away;

Gone are all heroes with its spray on spray.

Success or failure, right or wrong, all turn out vain;

Only green mountains still remain

To see the setting sun’s departing ray.


The white-haired fishermen sail on the stream with ease,

Accustomed to the autumn moon and vernal breeze.

A pot of wine in hand, they talk as they please.

How many things before and after

All melt into gossip and laughter!

 Tr. 许渊冲



On and on rolls the Yangtze River, charging eastward;

Like heroes, billows upon billows they contend.

All fall void: gain or loss, right or wrong 

Everlasting are the green hills only;

Time and again the sun’s westering lonely.


Fishers and woodsmen still comb the beach, hair gray,

Watching autumn moon and spring tide, consistent array.

Life’s happiness lies: a wine jar, and a good company 

Doesn’t many a precedent event

Still hang on the lips of people present?

 Tr. 张智中

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