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光速悖论 2022-03-28 13:31:20


前几天在写“光速不变其实并非一个简单的假设”的英文版“Constant Light Speed in Vacuum was not a Mere Postulation”时想到一个有关光速的悖论,一直没能得到很好的解释,拿来与大家分享一下。







顺便提一下,我在“光速不变其实并非一个简单的假设”一文及其英文版“Constant Light Speed in Vacuum was not a Mere Postulation”中都提到由于近些年发现真空中具有能量我们或许有必要验证一下光线是否会与真空能量发生作用。无巧不巧,理论与实验物理学家Hosenfelder在上个星期六的一则视频(https://youtu.be/Bo4al7sNPkE)中提到了这个问题,她说从遥远的星球射来的伽马射线没有出现如在介质中会发生的衍射现象这一点表明光线不会与真空能量发生作用(她的原话说光线在真空中不需要借助能量来运行)。




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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2022-03-30 11:10:13


Javad Fardaei

2 hrs ago

Dear Dai

I am sure, you know, there is different between Sunlight and Laser beam light.

The property of sunlight is from high frequencies to low frequencies, and from short wavelength to high wavelength, that each ray has its own speed, but laser beam has just one frequency and wavelength.

Sunlight has visible to invisible character...

Unfortunately science mislead itself for century by saying "speed of light" is constant which it is not.

sadly, our icons did not detect this simple phenomenon, either. What I am saying is right and it conform by science as well. Science is wrong on light and sunlight speed


regards & thank you.


Rongqing Dai

9 mins ago

well, for the sake of the paradox that I am presenting here, what kind of light is not important.....in the container, the reason I am using laser is to create a sense of concentrated beam over a300000km length....just for psychological reason.....it does not really matter.....even if it is just a single photon, the paradox still holds since it is in vacuum without any medium.......as for beam A and beam B, the type of light is even less important.....they are just used as position markers.....if you can imagine well, then you might just assume there are two virtual empty pillars....I use beams of light for, again, making it easy for people to imagine.....

The real deal here is that no one (not even Einstein) has ever tried to put two relatively moving frames of reference connected as the targets of the SAME photon (or beam) to examine the logic behind the constancy of the speed of light.....Although there have been many critics of the constancy of the speed of light like yourself, I would say that this essay is the first one that provides a realistic paradox that no one can deny!

As for you, a critics of the constancy of the speed of light, it might or might not be a paradox depending on how you differ from the constancy of the speed of light.....if your difference is only in whether sunlight and other lights are the same, then it would still be a paradox.....if you don't agree with that the speed of light in vacuum is independent of the selection of frame of reference, then it is no longer a paradox for you....

This paradox holds only to the mainstream physicists who believe that the speed of light in vacuum is constant to all frames of reference......

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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2022-03-30 07:57:00


A courtesy reminder

I have been often surprised by how poorly professionals read very short essays....so as a courtesy reminder for anyone who would come to comment: Please answer the question whether the laser beam would hit the hole and the beam A or B at the same time as a proof that you do have the ability to understand this short essay.....

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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2022-03-30 06:17:34


It seems that academic physicists are collectively so intellectually crippled simply because they are so weak in philosophical thinking.....

A typical symptom is that when given a writing they would start a big talk and draw conclusions without even comprehending the content....Recently I am presenting a paradox challenging the constancy of the speed of light and I have posted it in multiple places in the internet, but NOT a single PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIST seems to be intellectually capable enough even to read and grasp the content of that very short essay....the only thing they could do is to come and make IRRELEVANT comments------this is so typical with nowadays disabled professional community of physicists, they are just intellectually SO WEAK.

It makes me feel so bad every time when I need to teach them how to read and think and comment maturely like teaching little kids!!! How corrupted is nowadays community of professional physicists???

Here is another chance for those intellectually weak physicists: ARE you even able to read this short essay correctly:


The edifice of physics is trembling......

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作者:慕容青草 回复 甄晓仁 留言时间:2022-03-29 17:26:33


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作者:慕容青草 回复 甄晓仁 留言时间:2022-03-29 14:30:01


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作者:甄晓仁 留言时间:2022-03-29 12:48:52


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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2022-03-28 18:06:04







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