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关于UFO我们确切知道哪些? 2022-09-04 14:35:00



What Facts Do We Know About UFO?

The following are what we now know for sure about UFO and what people have widely speculated but not sure about UFO.

1]]. Facts and Their Entailments


1) US government has told the world that UFO or UAP phenomena are real;

2) US government has confirmed that those real UFO’s are of technologies which are much more advanced than the US.

=>Direct Logical Entailments of the Above Facts:

1) UFO’s are of technologies which are much more advanced than humans all over the world because the US possesses the most advanced human technologies in the world since more than half a century ago and the advanced technologies of UFO’s have been observed for more than half a century. Therefore, we can further conclude:

2) There are other civilizations COEXISTING with our human civilization on this earth planet for quite a long time; therefore, we should modify the popular saying that we are not alone in the universe to a more narrowly pinpointed statement that we Homo sapiens are not alone on this earth planet.

3) On the other hand, we can also conclude based on what we have known for sure that we still do not know who the coexisting species are and from where they come and what their languages are like and how much exactly they are more advanced than us.

The above are the facts and the direct logical entailments of the facts which could be considered as real as those two facts.

2]]. Relevant Speculations without Official Confirmation

1) There are aliens on earth

This is so far still an unofficial speculation despite of its extremely high popularity. As mentioned above that we have been assured by the reports of the US government that there are other civilizations coexisting with us on earth, but we are not confirmed by any government that aliens from other planets are here.

As for where those coexisting civilization might be originated, we don’t have official accounts yet, and thus these are all open options: a) aliens from other planets; b) people from future; c) aliens from parallel universe; d) species from underground; e) a hermit group of our own species that deviated from the main society long time ago; and f) the leftover of some prehistory civilization; etc.

2) The reasons why we do not see aliens very often

If the coexisting species are aliens from other planet, then it is quite easy to explain why we do not see them very often: it is because only very few of them regularly stay on earth.

The reason why only very few of them regularly stay on earth could be very simple: earth natural environment is not their type of environment and earth social environment is too underdeveloped according to their standards.

It is just like that not too many humans of a very rich country would like to be sent to a very poor region in the world by his/her company or government for a long term stay as representatives. Those who have accepted that kind of jobs would expect long annual vacation leaves. Particularly, not too many humans would like to work in harsh natural environment for a long time. Similarly, if the coexisting species are from other planets, it must not be a popular job for citizens of their planets to come to this place, and thus there are only very few of them here so that we do not see them very often.

3) Aliens are friendly or hostile to humans

When humans from a rich country to a poor region, they might neither unconditionally be friendly to the local people nor unconditionally hate the local people. They will be more interested in getting local people to work for them in various ways, and the best option would be that the local people can be controlled by them, or in case local people cannot be controlled by them, the second best option would be that the local people can be manipulated by them.

Similarly, if the coexisting species are from other planets, their best interests would be getting the earthlings to work for them or to benefit them.

However, since only very few aliens would like to take the pain in an assignment to come to earth, they have to act very smartly so that very few of them can control or manipulate the huge population of earth without completely ruining the population.

4) Where are the most possible locations that aliens would be?

Despite the sky has been the venue where aliens are reported to be most active, reasonable logic would tell us that the most popular locations on earth that aliens would like to go should be the INTERNET, where they do not need to worry about the chance to be identified by humans, and can effectively manipulate human affairs all over the world.

Since aliens are technologically much advanced than humans, it would be very difficult for humans to track and catch aliens online, but it would be very easy for them to invade into any human computer system, no matter military or commercial.

5) How much the governments know about aliens?

Not sure, but must be much more than they have told us. The most sensitive question should be: have they worked with aliens or how much have they worked with aliens or have they worked FOR aliens……

Another sensitive question is…….

Final Remarks

UFO or UAP phenomena to a large extent is a philosophical issue despite, unfortunately, the mainstream seems never have looked at it this way --- that is why the human world by and large is very lost in this issue…….



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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2022-09-21 17:13:17

我在academia的一段对话 (https://www.academia.edu/s/03bed741b3):

Özgen Ersan4 days agoMay the Hegemons be aliens?LikeRongqing Dai24 hrs agoI used to never take the theory of group of humans as aliens seriously. But recently, one incidence somehow reminded me of a weird experience of many years ago, which makes feel strange.....

Many years ago I read Bergson's creative evolution (I think it was an important part of his Nobel Prize winning writings) in BN store. I clearly read a passage saying it is possible for reptiles evolve into intelligent beings. I did not pay too much attention to that because I did not believe that.

But a while (maybe a few months) later, I saw some video talking about lizardman, which reminded me of the Bergson's theory. SO I went back to the book store and found that book and tried to find that passage again, but failed. So I went online to download its e-book, and did search over the e-book, but still could not find that passage. I went online trying to find if anyone mentioned it, I could not find one.

Which part went wrong? When I read the book, I was very clearly aware of that passage and gave it a bit thinking but then denied it since I did not believe it. Was that some parallel universe experience? Or it is still in the book but somehow I failed to find it through search? It is very possible for me to miss it when I went back to check the paper book even though it has index at the back of the book, but the chance for me to miss the key word reptile in e-book search is very small.

Maybe it is still in the book, I just missed it. If it has never been in the book, then it is very strange........

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作者:慕容青草 留言时间:2022-09-05 13:07:48


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