1915 Sir William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg
1917 Charles Glover Barkla
1918 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
1919 Johannes Stark
1920 Charles Edouard Guillaume
1921 Albert Einstein
1922 Niels Henrik David Bohr
1923 Robert Andrews Millikan
1924 Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn
1925 James Franck and Gustav Ludwig Hertz
1926 Jean Baptiste Perrin
1927 Arthur Holly Compton and Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
1928 Owen Willans Richardson
1929 Prince Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie
1930 Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
1932 Werner Karl Heisenberg
1933 Erwin Schrödinger and Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
1935 James Chadwick
1936 Victor Franz Hess and Carl David Anderson
1937 Clinton Joseph Davisson and George Paget Thomson
1938 Enrico Fermi
1939 Ernest Orlando Lawrence
1943 Otto Stern
1944 Isidor Isaac Rabi
1945 Wolfgang Pauli
1946 Percy Williams Bridgman
1947 Sir Edward Victor Appleton
1948 Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett
1949 Hideki Yukawa
1950 Cecil Frank Powell
1951 Sir John Douglas Cockcroft and Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton
1952 Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell
1953 Frits Zernike
1954 Max Born
1955 Willis Eugene Lamb
my comment to the above video:
well, you tried, but the logic does not add up (or the numbers do not add up or logic is not straight, whatever)......but you just blow away the so-called Copenhagen which is still considered as the "official" view of quantum particles including photons.....
Described in the Sept. 24 issue of Science, the difference is much too small for humans to perceive directly—adding up to approximately 90 billionths of a second over a 79-year lifetime—but may provide practical applications in geophysics and other fields. (https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2010/09/nist-clock-experiment-demonstrates-your-head-older-your-feet#:~:text=In%20one%20set%20of%20experiments,lower%20clock%2C%20exactly%20as%20predicted.)