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重温我党特工休斯顿执法击毙孙茂业四口 2019-01-18 15:02:16

 重温我党英雄特工  五年之前 —— 


 随风潜入室 —— 

 14015 Fosters Creek Drive, Cypress

 Harris County, Texas 77429 ( 距休斯顿 7.9 公里 )

 United States of America

 行刑细无声 —— 街坊四邻均未听到任何枪击声响

  The Sun family was found murdered 

  in their home in Harris County,

  Texas, on January 30th, 2014.

  Maoye Sun, 50, an engineer; his wife, Mei Xie, 49; and their sons, 

  Timothy, 9; and Titus, 7 were all shot in the head execution-style

  in separate bedrooms.

 50岁孙茂业 49岁妻子谢梅 9岁孙晓天 7岁孙晓泰

 全部为头部超近距离中枪  分别倒卧在四个不同寝室

 请列位按住光标  快速越过下列繁多照片 文字

 务必坚持御览至本文  最 后 部 分







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Image result for 周永康接见

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 皇恩浩荡啊   小民我怎能不诚惶诚恐

One year later,   family's murders remain unsolved

A husband, wife and their two children were killed inside their 

Cypress home 

                                               By Miya Shay        Thursday,  January  29,   2015

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- The simple memorials glisten under the Texas 

sun. Two small saplings sit in front of the Coles Crossing community 

pool. Beneath each, a small stone memorial reads "In Loving Memory

... Always in Our Hearts." They were planted by the Cub Scout pack 

to which Timothy and Titus Sun belonged. The brothers were shot and 

killed along with their parents a year ago. 

To this day, there are no leads and no suspects.

"It was very scary when we found 

out," said Lisa Poteet, whose 

children attended the same 

elementary school as the Sun 

brothers. "Scary, just the whole 

situation was very scary."

Poteet, like many in this perfectly manicured, suburban neighborhood 

of Coles Crossing, still can't imagine why anyone would kill the family. 

Investigators believe Maoye Sun, his wife Mei Xie, and the two boys 

were shot in their home some time Friday evening, January 24, 2014. 

Their bodies weren't discovered until the father failed to show up for

 work the following Monday.

"Basically, a year has passed and we have no idea what's going on," 

said Wei Zuo, a friend of the Suns, who lives around the corner. "We've

 asked the police, and we don't know if they're going to catch this 

person or not." 

Even with the uncertainty, life in this otherwise idyllic slice of suburban 

life continues. Zuo's husband occasionally drives the Suns' cars around 

the block to keep them in running condition. The yard is regularly 

mowed by the homeowners association. The neighborhood is determined 

to keep the home the Suns would have wanted, even though they are no 

longer there.

When the murders first happened, there were small vigils, big memorials, 

and Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia made a promise.

"My office is dedicating all resources available to find those responsible," 

said Garcia during a rally last February.

Since then, the problem has not been one of resources, but just lack of 

information. No new clues. No suspects. Houston's Chinese community 

is understandably frustrated. Next week, it will add another $5,000 to 

the already large reward fund, bringing the total to $75,000.

"I think people in the Chinese community, they will feel unsafe, they 

won't know why it happened, what's the motivation, until we have 

answers," said Yinging Sun, (no relation) the head of the citizens group 

Houston Chinese Alliance.

Various rumors have danced across the internet, but a year after two 

little boys and their parents were killed, the trail is growing increasingly 


  周永康下令在美国休斯敦杀人 - 休斯敦灭门案真相

                  2017年07月01日 9:22  




Image result for 孙茂业灭门案

         遇害的是50岁的孙茂业(Maoye Sun)和49岁的妻子谢梅(Mei Xie)及他们的


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Cards, flowers and balloons have been placed as a memorial on the front porch of the Cypress home where four members of a family were found dead last week. Authorities on Monday said all had been shot in the head. Photo: Marie D. De Jeséos, Staff / © 2014 Houston Chronicle

Cops seek gunman in Cypress shooting that killed 4

Bodies of parents, young sons were found in different 

rooms, may have been there for days

By Brian Rogers, James Pinkerton, Cindy George, By Brian 

Rogers, James Pinkerton, and Cindy George Updated 9:20 

am, Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Officers work the scene in the 14000 block of Fosters Creek in northwest Harris County where sheriff's deputies said  four people were found dead at a home on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014, in Houston. Photo: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle / © 2014  Houston Chronicle

Officers work the scene in the 14000 block of Fosters Creek in northwest Harris County where sheriff's deputies said  four people were found dead at a home on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014, in Houston. Photo: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle / © 2014  Houston Chronicle

Officers work the scene in the 14000 block of Fosters Creek in  northwest Harris County where sheriff's deputies said  four people were  found dead at a home on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014. Photo: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle / © 2014  Houston Chronicle

Officers work the scene in the 14000 block of Fosters Creek in northwest Harris County where sheriff's deputies said  four people were found dead at a home on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014. Photo: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle / © 2014  Houston Chronicle

Rolf Nelson with the Harris county Sheriff's office gives the first press briefing about the investigation of four dead people found dead in the 14000 block of Fosters Creek in northwest Harris County where sheriff's deputies said  four people were found dead at a home on Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, in Houston. Photo: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle / © 2014  Houston Chronicle






Case File Theories


Zhou Yongkang

Did a corrupt Chinese official have the Sun family executed? 

The Chinese media has reported that Zhou Yongkang, a top 

Communist Party member, confessed to placing a hit on the 

Sun family.

While being interrogated about his involvement in corruption, 

Zhou stated that he had the family killed because Maoye, a 

former employee of the state-owned China National Petroleum 

Corporation, was privy to Zhou’s illegal dealings when Zhou 

was in the state oil industry in the 1990s. Also, Maoye reportedly 

managed Zhou’s assets in the United States and handled classified 

documents. This theory strikes me as both plausible and far-

fetched. Officials have been quick to point out that Zhou’s 

involvement hasn’t been substantiated. Moreover, most of the 

media outlets that reported Zhou’s confession have a mixed 

record of accuracy.



任务完成得悄(读音:巧)无声息、利索 漂亮!

你为党为国 预防性锄奸 守住镇国之密不被外泄、








特大英雄凯歌式赫赫战功 ! 





下一任誉满全球的国际刑警组织主席 ————  

就 是 你 了  !!

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia spoke 

directly to the murderer(s) during a news 



哈里斯县警长 Adrian Garcia


Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia holds up a picture of the Sun family at a press conference on Wednesday. The Cypress family was found murdered in their home in January. HCSO investigators are looking for clues to solve the six-month old murder. Photo: Submitted

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia speaks at the Harris County Sheriff's Detective Bureau about the investigation where a family of four including two children were shot to death in their Cypress home. Garcia

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia speaks at the Harris County Sheriff's Detective Bureau about the investigation where a family of four including two children were shot to death in their Cypress home. Garcia

“  I want you to remember that 

    you killed two children. 

    I want that to burn in your brain. ”

  我 要 你 给 我 死 死 记 住 :

  你刚刚杀死了两个孩子 !

  我要让它熔刻在你的大脑深处 !

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia speaks at the Harris County Sheriff's Detective Bureau about the investigation where a family of four including two children were shot to death in their Cypress home. Garcia

“I want it to give you a heart condition. 

  I want it to give you ulcers.” 

 我诅咒你 心 肌 梗 死  !

 我诅咒你 心肝脾肺肾 全 身 溃 疡 !

 Statements like this make it clear that 

 the police are working hard to seek justice 

 for the Sun family.

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Image result for 向无名烈士鞠躬


 需要千千万万钢铁般意志的钢铁战士去完成 !!!

 This  is  Because  Victory  Awaits  Us !

 因为,胜利正在等待着我们 !  ——  孟宏伟主席

   Wo Alle Straßen Enden ✠

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-01-18 23:21:42











---- 周永康被习近平赦免的罪行还有更多?作者:高新 2015-05-05

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作者:天雅 留言时间:2019-01-18 21:51:31
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作者:公孙明5 留言时间:2019-01-18 21:48:32
凡灭门都跟叛离组织大案有关,周永康从未负责此项工程。 - 公孙明501/18/19 0 2     从前是周恩来负责,周死邓继,邓死后至今,大家猜猜是谁? - 公孙明501/18/19 0 1

      周永康还不够格,如够,垮台的就不是他也! - 公孙明5

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-01-18 16:25:46

全民围观 肩负组织重托 五毛写手 ------ 何雪飞同志:

何é›aé£žï¼šé¢ 倒错位的祝华新及其网络舆情报告

------------- 【 何雪飞,察网专栏作家 】


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2019-01-18 16:16:47









2017年02月26日 11:59 PDF 版 二维码分享

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作者:天雅 留言时间:2019-01-18 08:17:32
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