1) (philosophy) Scientific knowledge; a principled system of understanding; sometimes contrasted with empiricism. 2) (specifically Ancient Greek philosophy) know-how; compare techne. 3) (specifically Foucaultian philosophy) The fundamental body of ideas and collective presuppositions that defines the nature and sets the bounds of what is accepted as true knowledge in a given epistemic epoch
好,有了这些铺垫,我们再来看相应的汉语翻译:科学 vs 格物,尽管科学一词是东洋人首先使用的。“科”字的本意,是“品类、等级”或者“法式;规制 (norms/rules)”的意思,所以“科学”一词,单看字面意思,基本上就是“将(知识)分类”的学问,或者关于“规则”的学问。
如果说古希腊时代 philosophy 更像个和智慧、知识体系有关的“名词”的话,那么 science 一词从中世纪欧洲到现在,则更像一个“动词”:most often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, not only the knowledge itself (refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science,尽管这不必强求成为共识)。从这个意义而言,“格物致知”也是个更好的翻译。
刚从网上抄来一段关于亚里士多德的科学贡献中的classfication的地位: In his effort to develop a strong taxonomic scheme, he noticed important similarities and differences between various zoological forms. He arranged these upon a basis of increasing perfection, extending from lower to higher animals. In its way, this was a theory of evolution.4 He also developed a coherent theory of generation, believing that the mammalian egg was formed in the uterus as a result of the activation of menstrual blood by male semen.3 “Sex” he wrote “is determined by the male principle already contained in the semen. If this is not strong enough, then the opposite must necessarily come into existence, and the opposite of man is woman.”