又到母亲节了,很感谢上帝给了我两个健康聪明的孩子,让我在做母亲的过程中学到了很多,也得到了很多的快乐和满足。 大憨七岁上小学一年级时,快过母亲节前的那一周,有一天放学回来后非常兴奋地对全家人宣布,今天学校的老师带着我们每人做了一件礼物,是送给家里一个人的,要在这个星期天送,现在我保密,不告诉你们这个人是谁。为了保守大憨的秘密,全家人都假装不知道要得到礼物的人是谁。那个周末正好我们公司组织我们去一个离家三个多小时的游乐场玩,周六玩了一天后我们就在当地住下来了,没想到星期天一大早孩子就把礼物拿了出来,送给我。难得孩子在离家前还记得把礼物装进包里,这样我就能在母亲节的早晨拿到礼物。是一个绿色的糖盒子,外面画着好多颗心,里面是巧克力。可惜搬了几次家后,我再也找不到这个盒子了。后来我吸取教训,孩子们送给我的东西我都尽量保存着。 这是小憨七岁时送给我的母亲节的礼物,是一首小诗: Hi mom, I have poem for you. Roses are red Violets are blue You are sweet and I am too So how was it? Was it bad, was it good, was, okay, fine, did you like it? That's all I'm say. Love. 小憨八岁时写的就长多了: 妈妈 My mom is special because she makes the best food ever. When ever I have a problem she always sorts them out. She never forgets anything and I am glad about that. When ever my mom says we can go on a vacation she never takes it back. My mom plays with me when ever I have no one to play with. My mom is really patient. Once I had a dentist appointment, she had to wait one hour and she didn't get mad. My mom always knows how to cheer me up. My mom loves to take walks with me. She says I was born in a trash can and I think that's funny. Happy mothers day. Love. 看到孩子写到我做的饭是最好的,我心里有些惭愧,莫非他指的是我下的阳春面?再卧个鸡蛋在下面,应该味道也不错的。要不然就是因为家里妈妈牌的食品种类实在不多见,所以只要是妈妈做的就一定是最好的? 小憨九岁时写给我的: I miss you when we are not together I'm growing up so fast I've made this hug for you My love for you forever will last As I grow I'll change a lot The years will fly right by You'll wonder how I grew so quick When and where and why So keep this hug and print Mom, I'm so glad that you are mine May you always have love memories of me And the year when I was nine 今年的母亲节就在这个星期天,不知道孩子们为我预备了什么。其实,做母亲的心都一样,不需要什么礼物的,只要你们健康平安就好。我知道孩子们一天天在长大,总有一天他们都会离开家。谢谢你们给了我这么多幸福的回忆,也知道能够做一个母亲真好。 |