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Hypocrisy on display 2016-11-10 09:26:52

Remember the last question at the 3rd Presidential Debate? Trump's anwser got him toasted by the media.  By elitism standard, Trump was the baby who would not have the mature brain to admit defeat.  What happens? Now it's the ultra-LEFT that is the baby, who are protesting everywhere for a fair and democratic election. 

I think this election is a revolt against the elitism, political correctness and uber-fast-paced globalization aimed at crashing the middle class and supressing the Judeo-Christian foundation of this country.

This is how an elite decries the election result: “I'll say it: This is the victory of the uneducated and uninformed.” (Tweet by Jeff Jarvis, director of the journalism program at the City University of New York)

How arrogant for him to say that!

Even Michael Moore, one of the ultra-lefts, did learn a lesson.  This is his "Morning After To-Do List":

1. Take over the Democratic Party and return it to the people. They have failed us miserably. 

2. Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn't let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must "heal the divide" and "come together." They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off. 

3. Any Democratic member of Congress who didn't wake up this morning ready to fight, resist and obstruct in the way Republicans did against President Obama every day for eight full years must step out of the way and let those of us who know the score lead the way in stopping the meanness and the madness that's about to begin. 

4. Everyone must stop saying they are "stunned" and "shocked". What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Along came a TV star they liked whose plan was to destroy both parties and tell them all "You're fired!" Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. He is both a creature and a creation of the media and the media will never own that. 

5. You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: "HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!" The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. 

If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don't. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he's president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we'll continue to have presidents we didn't elect and didn't want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there's climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don't want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the "liberal" position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen (see: #1 above).

Let's try to get this all done by noon today. 

Trump is not a perfect person.  He comes with some personal traits that I despise, but I pray that he be a good leader for America, the land I have chosen as my country.

I understand the hurt caused by a sound defeat, but it was time to unite as one people and, as Hillary Clinton graciously said yesterday, to give Trump "an open mind and a chance to lead".

The following commentary by Erick Erickson is worth reading, though mass protests by the ultra-right would most likely occur if Trump were defeated. It's called HYPOCRISY from either side.


For eight years the left has refused to hold itself accountable. Having once declared dissent patriotic, dissent for the last eight years has been homophobic, bigoted, and racist. Conservatives and people of faith have been hounded from their jobs, silenced, and punished for refusing to go along with the left’s agenda. The left demanded cultural homogeneity and is outraged that Americans refuse to go along with their anti-Christian secular agenda.

On Tuesday, Americans had enough and decided to seek fundamental change.

Today, the left is protesting in the streets because of American democratic action. The left accuses Donald Trump of totalitarianism, but it is the left refusing to accept a democratic act. The left blasted Trump for suggesting the election was rigged. But they are okay with protesting a fair election and declaring it illegitimate because they hate the outcome.

For eight years I have watched parts of the right descend to madness as they presumed the worst about their opponents. Parts of the right had become convinced that the Clintons kill people and Barack Obama would refuse to vacate the White House. During all this, the left became convinced, by their own rhetorical overreach, that conservatives want to put black people back on plantations, castrate gays, and forcibly impregnate women.

Wednesday night, their chickens came home to roost. Professional leftwing activists who have no skill other than agitation have trained a large group of people to do nothing but protest. Instead of trying to unite the country, they have flown into hysterics and temper tantrums.

A week ago the Democratic Party insisted that everyone accept the legitimacy of the election. What we are seeing today is that much of the left think that, like so many other things, it is a one way street.

This is what happens when you presume the worst about your neighbor. The left may love humanity as a concept, but they are prone to think the absolute worst of their neighbors and that contempt for those who see things differently is on full display in the streets of America.

Trump Derangement Syndrome has begun.


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