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Why Hillary lost? 2017-01-25 09:58:00
  1. Arrogance.  She is right, the social Elites are right and the "mainstream" Media is right.  Everyone else is enemy. Before the election, all her camp talked about was how "BIG" a landslide her vistory would be. Her loss was because of the FBI, the Russians, the turnout, the uneducated and uninformed, the whatever. Never her fault. Please keep in mind that the Democrats lost not only the Presidency, but also the House, the Senate and the Governorship.

  2. Intolerance. Anyone expressing opinions that are different from the "social progressiveness" prescribed by the lefties belongs in "the basket of deplorables" who are "... racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic, you name it." It created such an atmosphere that many who decided to vote for Trump kept quiet. This very blogger is just one of the "silent Trump voters" who was surrounded by know-all liberal academics. According to some on 万维, I am the despised “黄川粉”, another species in the deplorables basket. (secret: I used to be a pure Democrat just like my academic colleagues and their students.)

  3. Anti-Christianity. During Obama's eight years, he did everything he could, in the name of "equality", to delete the Judeo-Christian ethics that are the foundation of this country. The same sex can be legally married, the opposite sexes can share one toilet, "Merry Christmas" can not be said in public schools and shopping malls ...  Imagine how the "progressiveness" is received by a country where most people are Christians?

  4. Carelessness. While the elites and the establishment are pushing globalization, enriching themselves and other countries, the "rust belt" counties are left to rot. Who cares about the economically depressed "white rednecks" who used to be the "safe" blue voters? History goes that people revolt when basic survival needs are taken away from them.

By the way, here is a good news, which surely won't be reported by CNN, that NOT all Trump supporters are deplorable:

DC waitress overwhelmed by message, tip left by Trump supporters

Published January 25, 2017  FoxNews.com

A waitress at a Washington D.C. restaurant received a very generous tip and a warm message on her receipt from three men who were in town for President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Rosalynd Harris, who works at Busboys and Poets in the northwest part of the nation’s capital, told The Washington Post she was beaming with confidence Monday after taking part in the Women’s March over the weekend.

A group of men from west Texas entered the restaurant and started to chat with Harris. One of the men, who said he was a dentist, complimented her on her smile. Harris, who is black, told the Post she was admittedly a bit prejudice when the men, who were white, told her they were in town to support Trump.

However, Harris didn’t expect what would come next.

After the men had left, Harris picked up their check and found that they left a heartwarming message and a generous tip. They left Harris a $450 tip on a $72.60 bill. Their message read:

“We may come from different cultures and may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people. Not race. Not gender. Just American. God Bless!"

Harris said she was overwhelmed.

“You automatically assume if someone supports Trump that they have ideas about you, but [the customer is] more embracing than even some of my more liberal friends, and there was a real authenticity in our exchange,” she told the paper.

Harris added that the message was a great reminder not to make assumptions and that many Americans want the country to come together regardless of politics.

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2017-01-26 08:17:56


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作者:牛克吐温 留言时间:2017-01-25 19:00:41


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作者:牛克吐温 留言时间:2017-01-25 18:44:50

这叫啥乱七八糟的博文? 看了此文才知道红脖子确实比较傻。

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作者:新天狱博 回复 西岸 留言时间:2017-01-25 13:59:35



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作者:笑哈哈 留言时间:2017-01-25 13:42:33


其实希拉莉的问题,也就是奥巴马的问题.当奥巴马夫人说"When they go low, we go high"的时候,你可以看出她有多傲慢.穷人的生存状况是根本不在奥巴马同希拉莉考虑的范围的,国家是否会变穷变弱他们也不在乎.他们唯一在乎的,就是选票.





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作者:西岸 留言时间:2017-01-25 12:02:14



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作者:西岸 留言时间:2017-01-25 11:57:52







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作者:老张 留言时间:2017-01-25 11:31:47


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作者:七郎 留言时间:2017-01-25 10:12:53

Trump is far from being perfect, but he is now the president, so for the sake of the country that we adopted for whatever the reason, let's please give him the benefit of doubt. If his administration does something that clearly violates basic human right, I will be among the first to stand up against him.

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