这株变异的臭茉莉装疯卖傻,在各位博主的园子里一再撒野,把一个好端端的令人心旷神怡的万维博客弄得乱七八糟,心旷神怡,哈哈,可惜了一个好名字。兄弟看不惯它欺负老实人说过它两句,这东西就冲着我来了。 万维博主无论政治立场大多数是谦谦君子,打不还手,骂不还口,对它的烂贴也没有及时删除。在下其实在山人和山哥等处也已经对它一让再让,无奈这株变异的臭茉莉不知好歹一再逼我出手。先把它的语录整理一下,请问网管和网友,这株变异的臭茉莉该不该封ID?请乡亲们评评理。请问网管,万维对捣蛋者的容忍度几何? jasmin, 可惜了一个好听的名字。。。鄙人也算见多识广了,但散发着如此剧毒恶臭的jasmin,还是闻所未闻。 请问左派朋友,你们就眼睁睁看着这株臭茉莉装疯卖傻,到处撒野败坏你们左派极左派的名声?有这样的“朋友”,你们还需要“敌人”吗?华山兄弟,作为这株臭茉莉唯一的朋友,你要不要也来个“举报禽兽,了结网争”? 我把臭茉莉在跟贴的疯言疯语移到主贴上来,让大家看得更清楚,也顺便清洁跟贴处。可怜之人必有可恨之处。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-05-12 19:55:35 陈冲是个什么东西?她也不是什么好鸟!陈冲做婊子,你为她立牌坊?陈冲和台巴子国民党搞在一起,国民党主子是德国人,陈冲刚来美时不知天高地厚,为了拍主子马屁,诽谤诬蔑中伤犹太人,在好莱坞混不下去了。她以前骂中国,现中国有钱了,她又去讨好中国捞钱拍片,她那什么烂演技!台巴子还她一个金马子奖。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-05-01 14:09:08 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 这个山歌不只是缺一点两点心肠,其马是三点四点以上! 山哥和那装“学者”的 枫园梦客等一样,都属民运份子,对西方骨子里奴颜婢膝, 可惜本身都没多大花头本事,来美都没几年,还整天显摆自己那点儿对美国等西方国家的所谓浅薄认知,装成基督徒,在网上可笑的“传教”,并拉帮结伙,帮着和他们一样来美就没几年还装成“美国社会学家学者”的女人班门弄斧,在网上互相吹捧,围攻他人。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-07 01:02:31 看你那土头土脑傻不楞登的样子还挺活耀嘛?一下认你那土里巴叽的老孤一样是没正当职业靠台巴津贴的反大陆小丑? 作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-07 01:06:01 看你那土头土脑傻不楞登的样子还挺活耀嘛?一下认你那土里巴叽的老乡,一下又让那装中庸其实是民运份子的山歌引见,你和那职业五毛德孤一样是没正当职业靠领台巴津贴的反大陆小丑?
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-28 03:42:46 你住加拿大还是美国?民运分子不少住在旧金山。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-29 12:17:11 海外民运粪子拿的都是台巴子的钱,后面是小日本,吃了别人的嘴软。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-06 21:55:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 信济说的没错!万维网管的确厚此薄彼,太不公道!对反中国的阿牛特别关心。对其它人并不这样,动辄封杀。对昭君,椰子,二分钱,山哥,枫园梦客,怡然等比其他人都要优待。有人爱吹爱摆显,什么毕业于人大,中大,复旦,北大等,其实大家都是中国来的,都受过良好教育,学校好不等于有能力真本事,还要看专业呢。可万维就吃这套吧?这里也不是昭君一个是复旦毕业的,为什么偏偏把她捧得那么高?“心旷神怡”(apollo)也是复旦的,并没做错什么就把人家封了。为什么?因不反祖国?
作者:game 留言时间:2011-04-23 20:32:48 星辰翅膀:
Why don't you argue with someone or debate to justify yourself? You cann't do so because you are a loser and a fake Christian! If you think you are a real Christian, you should first learn how to respect others and speak properly. I feel ashamed about your profanity and unacceptable behavior.
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-08 11:35:32 如老共真的那么狠毒,阿牛,梦客,吾定,德孤,庄锐,山哥,五毛,伊萍等现就应在共党监狱呆着,还会让这些吃里扒外的白眼狼在海外反华?
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-31 19:33:08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 士别三日,当刮目相看.何时德姑为民运组织又招纳了一个小猡猡?一个没花头无处可去的小日本难民,可惜是个假洋鬼子,不过还是要祝贺您!
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-30 13:01:42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 本贴博主就是这个德性,动辄删观点不一评论,比那庄锐有过之而无不及,还搞“政治”?有资格嘲笑别人?哈哈哈。。。。。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-24 15:14:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 她怎么会是你的弟兄姐妹? 她的兄弟姐妹是民猪斗士吾儿开西和柴大妈(柴铃)民运分子。
作者:game 留言时间:2011-04-24 17:22:05 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Jasmin doubted Mr.Kim( 高丽棒子朝鲜金牧师) , 枫苑梦客 & 星辰的翅膀 launched an attack on Jasmin. The above could prove that both 枫苑梦客 & 星辰的翅膀 are fake Christians. I feel ashamed of their profanity and unaccepetble behaviors.
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-29 23:22:11 大闸蟹,你就使劲地吹瞎编吧!你和那娘娘腔又一蛮夷整天想装幽默,可惜水平还不到家,让人觉得有点儿故意卖弄,人也不够上路厚道。 作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-01 02:18:06 你这只断了八条腿的烂螃蟹对所有母的都感兴趣?小到母蚊子鼻涕虫,大到老母猪母老虎?那个bitch 正好对你的胃口吧?可以想像为你的bitch马子,你可自已主动跳到沸水中煮熟。哈哈哈。。。。。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-14 11:40:24 凡平(软饭凡):
是不是最近不在信济那蹲坑有失落感了? 看来是三天不打,上房揭瓦,不要太急了,以后会有人常常问候您的。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-29 11:21:37 海外民运粪子拿的都是台巴子的钱,后面是小日本,吃了别人的嘴软。
民运粪子民猪就是一言堂。看看德孤那小人得志的德性,而且还好色。呵呵。。。。 作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-22 22:57:01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你说的没错,我们在主面前都是有罪的。所有的人都是罪人。当然包括我,也同样抱括尔等。
一个医生住在两个国家(美国,加拿大)行医,整天女人长,女人短,女人身体等,有点儿耐人寻味。哪个女人敢去找个老流氓看病?除非这女人是13。哈哈哈。。。。。 复旦人搞政治?上海人没背景?能搞出啥名堂?俺还没见过复旦毕业的上海人学者去搞民运反中国的。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-29 17:46:27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 你有何资格对伟人毛泽东说三道四?你最好撒泡尿照照你那德性。老毛再坏也轮不到你这广东佬墙头草来抵毁。你不是也为了个女人在网上帮着落井下石做文革打手?和落鸡山人,大闸蟹,山歌,寄自美国,牛北村,又一夷蛮,民运份子阿牛,德孤,疯园梦客等小人对心旷神怡进行围攻。你们这帮文革暴徒拉帮结伙,为了你们马子在网上迫害他人,你们连巨人毛泽东拉的屎都不如!
作者:game 留言时间:2011-04-21 16:17:06 落基山人,三哥, & 枫园梦客 did support someone to frame against and to make a personal attack on Apollo. I don't think that those people including 落基山人 are qualified for the titles of Christians!
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-28 10:07:23 落基山人整天说别人蹲坑,其实就他自己及几个没正当职业还装成学者自吹叫师的家庭妇女半瓶醋在万维24小时蹲坑,整天写些乱七八糟的破东西自我陶醉,互相吹捧。
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-03-27 23:26:03 支持海龟子!
作者:game 留言时间:2011-04-11 17:12:51 Say, your writing deeply impressed and touched the two old men above, who share the same feeling with you, a sweet, gentle, and softly little woman. You may not be a shrew, right?
作者:game 留言时间:2011-04-12 12:45:02 作者:怡然 留言时间:2011-04-12 11:28:52 game:
我认为,楼上两位博主不过是就这一话题发表自己的感想而已,应该是无可指责的吧。您觉得,在人家的博客里对其他博主讲不太恭敬的话,是不是有些不大合适呢? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi怡然,
Would you please advise which sentence of my short comment is "不太恭敬的话".
I still think that they(Mr.梦 & Mr.鸥) were deeply impressed and touched by your writing, and you share the exactly same feeling. I did not think that you may be a shrew, and therefore you were imagined to be a sweet, gentle, and softly little woman.
作者:game 留言时间:2011-03-11 18:50:23 --------------------------------------------------------------- 与梦客谈学术,是对牛弹琴!
至于其他人嘛, a snob, hahaha......
作者:game 留言时间:2011-04-23 14:17:37
------------------------------------------------------------------- 小黄狗, you are a cheap korean dog, aren't you? How amazing is it when a stupid dog learns our human language!
小黄狗, you better shut up and stop barking!
作者:jasmin 留言时间:2011-04-21 14:30:02 有些华人教会是利用教会宗教搞政治达到其政治目的,给人洗脑发展人马派人回去进行所谓“传教”策反。还有不少人为了办身份让教会介绍工作拉关系等去教会,也有一些人是为了贪小便宜去吃个免费午饭,拿点别人不要的旧衣服等。
作者:apollol 留言时间:2011-03-22 00:42:20 Pumbaa,
那个你称之“泽东”的落鸡山人和同伙:寄自美国,西岸,牛北蠢,又一蛮咦,及你支持的阿牛,枫苑梦客,德孤,欧阳疯等都是一伙的,你信吧?平时观点不一的家伙,为了一个浅薄自称所谓学校的“老师”,大家一起共同奉承拍马,一个野鸡学校的老师都能让这些人如此激动羡慕不已,真不知这些人都受的什么教育?在海外混得怎样?见过什么世面? 就是正规大学的老师也没必要这样浅薄专门写出来吹嘘,更何况是个。。。。。可怜可悲!
作者:apollol 留言时间:2011-03-22 01:19:02 pumbaa,
别被那个德孤(江北人?)利用了,他老爸就是共党小干部。刚来时装可怜,我等还写评论同情他,他反过来故意去支持他同乡耶滓骂我,我告诉他我就是心旷神怡,他知道后故意说我是五毛(本人家里没共党,还受过迫害),故意又一次去支持那厮。这家伙共党土八路出生,反共党,出尔反尔,品德不好,白眼狼! ============================================================== 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-05 22:12:21 怎么?不合你的意辩不过想封人? 君子应动口不动手!有本事也来辩嘛!这才是民主的方式!你不是狠崇拜美国西方民主吗?难道俺写的句句刺痛你的心? 恐怕是没水平辩吧? 你在北京上过学? 没水平辩那只有自动出局!你不配叫民主人权,别在这丢人县眼! 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-05 22:31:20 令狐虫,You are a loser! 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-06 00:24:37 You can not write something, so you copied another person’s sentences, right? BTW, which school did you graduate from? From your ill-mannered behavior and attitudes, I don’t think you are an educated person; you are more like a thug. 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-06 00:38:51 --------------------------------------------------------------------- You hope to kick all the people you dislike from the forum, right? If possible, you probably want to drive them out of America, don't you? BTW, how long have you been in the country? Are you still an alien here? I am ashamed of you and cry for you, a pitiful "democratic " loser. 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-06 03:45:12 for 令狐bug: good morning wake up early don’t let a disgusting bug come in the son of a bitch is hungry he wants to catch his prey in the forum good night sleep tight don't let the annoying bug bite if the son of a bitch does hit him with a shoe until he turns blue 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-06 11:20:08 Hey, do you know that the constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America? The first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the first section of the bill of right) guarantees freedoms of religion, speech, writing and publishing… Living in the free country, Jasmin, a US citizen, has his right to speak ,write, and publish his words in the forum of course as he likes and when he wants. You can debate, but you have no any right to zip Jasmin’s lips. How can you play the so-called politics here if you know nothing about the constitution and the bill of right? How could you, a thug, get a visa to the lawful country, America? You are barbarous, aggressive and violent, so that I guess you may be somehow threatening, harmful and dangerous to some people here. I wonder if I should report you to the Department of Homeland Security. By the way, I don't think that 华山 and others will come here to talk to you, because they are well educated, and look down upon you. 作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-06 08:26:48 To令狐bug: Hey, do you know that the constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America? The first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the first section of the bill of right) guarantees freedoms of religion, speech, writing and publishing… Living in the free country, Jasmin, a US citizen, has his right to speak ,write, and publish his words in the forum of course as he likes and when he wants. You can debate, but you have no any right to zip Jasmin’s lips. How can you play the so-called politics here if you know nothing about the constitution and the bill of right? How could you, a thug, get a visa to the lawful country, America? You are barbarous, aggressive and violent, so that I guess you may be somehow threatening, harmful and dangerous to some people here. I wonder if I should report you to the Department of Homeland Security. good morning wake up early don’t let a disgusting bug come in the son of a bitch is hungry he wants to catch his prey in the forum good night sleep tight don't let the annoying bug bite if the son of a bitch does hit him with a shoe until he turns blue
作者:game 留言时间:2011-06-07 11:38:20 林彪孔老二都是坏东西? 那你自己是个神马东西?,原来张口闭口骂土共的家伙竟是土共培养出的土得掉渣的广东土包子,正宗土共后裔,大陆仔,本还以为你是台湾或香港出来的台巴子港猪呢。 |