《英美抒情诗新译》选载(一) 傅正明 译者附记∶ 《英美抒情诗新译》(台湾商务印书馆,2012年)一〇八首译诗在辑录出版之前,大约有十来首曾经在报刊或網络发表,编入这本译诗集时,发表过的幾首译诗再次作了修改,例如其中幾首标明词牌译为词體的诗。 我在前言《两头鹦鹉 一心创造――英诗汉译漫谈》中提到∶梁启超在章回小说《新中国未来记》(1902年)第四回插入他以曲本體翻译的摆伦(拜伦)关於希臘的诗,即长诗《渣阿亚》(Giaour,通译《異教徒》)选节;《端志安》(Don Juan,即《唐•璜》)选节,译诗标明元曲曲牌「沈醉东风」和「如梦忆桃园」,但並不完全受曲牌定字、定句和平仄的限制。後来以《哀希臘》为题闻名中国的拜伦诗,早期的多家译文,仍然以梁译曲本體为佳。基於这样的考虑,我在标明词牌以词體译诗时,个别地方有平仄不合之处,以免因韵害意。後来,我觉得汉语词汇,尤其是诗语中的同义词或近义词極为豐富,只要用心推敲,字斟句酌,仍然有可能谨守唐宋诗词格律来译诗。例如译爱德华. 托马斯《七月(水调歌头)》,最後一句,原译为「诗情到碧霄」,平仄不合,改为「诗意满青霄」,就合乎平仄了。下面选载的,是三首初次发表後在《英美抒情诗新译》中略有改动的定稿。 Abraham Cowley (1618-1667) Swallow Foolish prater, what dost thou So early at my window do? Cruel bird, thou'st ta'en away A dream out of my arms to-day; A dream that ne'er must equall'd be By all that waking eyes may see. Thou this damage to repair Nothing half so sweet and fair, Nothing half so good, canst bring, Tho' men say thou bring'st the Spring. 亚伯拉罕•考利 燕子 (虞美人) 逗情语燕飞来早, 当户啼清晓。 忍心 梦入懷中, 衔去如泥转眼杳无踪。 朦胧睡意今犹在, 只怕梦园改, 风流一失半难求, 枉自唤来春色赋闲愁。 ――――――――― William Henry Davies(1871-1940) The Example Here's an example from A Butterfly; That on a rough, hard rock Happy can lie; Friendless and all alone On this unsweetened stone. Now let my bed be hard No care take I; I'll make my joy like this Small Butterfly; Whose happy heart has power To make a stone a flower. 威廉•亨利•台维斯 风范(如梦令二首) 彩蝶飘然飞落, 风范启人思索; 棲息壁岩间, 不失向来欢乐; 孤觉,孤觉, 任尔石间污浊。 坚硬眠床似铁, 我已无心关切; 孤苦化甘饴, 效此袖珍蝴蝶; 欣悦,欣悦, 顽石吐芳萌櫱。 ―――――――――― Edward Thomas(1878-1917) July Naught moves but clouds, and in the glassy lake Their doubles and the shadow of my boat. The boat itself stirs only when I break This drowse of heat and solitude afloat To prove if what I see be bird or mote, Or learn if yet the shore woods be awake. Long hours since dawn grew, - spread, - and passed on high And deep below, - I have watched the cool reeds hung Over images more cool in imaged sky: Nothing there was worth thinking of so long; All that the ring-doves say, far leaves among, Brims my mind with content thus still to lie. 爱德华·托玛斯 七月(水调歌头) 萬籁静无念,但见白雲飘,平湖如镜, 舟影轻荡共雲摇。 劃破沉沉炎璁, 驱散丝丝寂寞,極目入林梢∶ 归鸟或纤芥, 睡意幾时消? 晓天白,明霞染,碧空高, 撒落湖畔,苇间凉氣聚难销, 映入悠悠雲水, 忘却纷纷物我,沙漏滴悄悄, 卧聽斑鸠语, 诗意满青霄。 |