
叶慈情诗禅诗《情殇》(八六子二阕) 傅正明译 W. B. Yeats
1. The Sorrow of Love
The quarrel of the sparrows in the eaves, The full round moon and the star-laden sky, And the loud song of the ever-singing leaves Had hid away earth's old and weary cry.
And then you came with those red mournful lips, And with you came the whole of the world's tears, And all the sorrows of her labouring ships, And all burden of her myriad years.
And now the sparrows warring in the eaves, The crumbling moon, the white stars in the sky, And the loud chanting of the unquiet leaves, Are shaken with earth's old and weary cry.
(First Printed Version, 1892)
一、情殇(初写本,八六子)1 雀群飞,绕檐争嘴, 星河皓月同辉, 听草叶高歌永在, 浊尘哀泣稀闻,匿声片时。 朱唇 2 来兮衔悲, 为尔普天流泪, 帆船苦聚愁思, 数百载,肩头重荷同哭。
此时禾雀,旧年兵戈, 星天低挂蟾宫冷寂, 高吟衰草迷离, 尽含悲,歌摇万年泫啼。 1892年初写本 1 中译依照英文原文诗行排列。这首诗最初发表於1892年,即诗人认识女演员、爱尔兰民族主义者毛德·岗(Maud Gonne)两年之後的热恋中。 2 指引发特洛伊战争的海伦。
2. The Sorrow of Love
The brawling of a sparrow in the eaves, The brilliant moon and all the milky sky, And all that famous harmony of leaves, Had blotted out man's image and his cry.
A girl arose that had red mournful lips And seemed the greatness of the world in tears, Doomed like Odysseus and the labouring ships And proud as Priam murdered with his peers;
Arose, and on the instant clamorous eaves, A climbing moon upon an empty sky, And all that lamentation of the leaves, Could but compose man's image and his cry.
(Final Printed Version, 1925)
二、 情殇(重写本,八六子)1 雀单飞,绕檐争嘴,2 星河皓月同辉, 愿混迹和融草叶, 寄言冲突心图,揾乾泫啼。 朱唇情劫伤悲, 普世泪泉泓邃, 英雄十载乡思。奥德赛,风帆命中撕裂。3 两强矛舞,独夫头断。4 重闻屋角翻飞鸟语, 虚空流泻蟾晖, 草离离,5 殷勤抚平泫啼。 1925年重写本 1 1925年诗人重写这首诗,借怀古抒写他对毛德•岗的无望之恋以及对爱尔兰民族独立运动的思考。 2 叶慈把旧版的「The quarrel of the sparrows」(几苹麻雀的口角)改为「The brawling of a sparrow」(一苹麻雀的争嘴),曾引起一位批评家的质疑∶一苹麻雀能争嘴吗?实际上叶慈在散文<人之魂>(Anima Hominus)中已回答了这个问题∶「借重与别人争嘴,我们造出雄辩术,借重与自己争嘴,我们造出诗歌。(We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry.)」可见这首诗修改後的起句,有类似於禅宗公案的意义。 3 「奥德赛」的意思即奥德修斯的故事,原文点明希腊英雄奥德修斯的名字。 4 原文点明特洛伊国王普莱姆(Priam )的名字。这个傲慢的国王在特洛伊陷落後被希腊英雄亚吉力的儿子杀死。 5 「离离」一词,含义丰富,除了可以状浓密貌、隐约貌之外,还可以状悲痛貌(《楚辞•刘向<九叹•思古>》 ∶「曾哀凄欷,心离离兮。」),因此可以涵盖原文含有的悲恸之意。 选自傅正明译《英美抒情诗新译》,台湾商务印书馆,2012年 附录 八六子,词牌名。《尊前集》所收杜牧之作为九十字,句读与北宋诸家多有出入。通常以《淮海词》为准,双调八十八字,前片三平韵,後片五平韵。作词应注意转折处,有骀荡生姿之感,乃称合作。前片第四句以一去声字领六言两对句,後片第四句以三仄声领格字领六言一句,四言两对句,第七句以两平声字领六言两对句。前後两结最末四字并宜用「去平去平」,方能发调。 词牌格律 仄平平(韵),仄平平仄,⊙平⊙仄平平(韵)。仄仄仄⊙平⊙仄,仄平平仄平平,仄平仄平(韵)。 平平⊙仄平平(韵),⊙仄⊙平平仄,⊙平⊙仄平平(韵)。仄仄仄、平平仄平平仄,仄平平仄,仄平平仄,平平仄仄平平仄仄,⊙平⊙仄平平(韵)。仄平平(韵),平平仄平仄平(韵)。