William Shakespeare(1564-1616) 莎士比亚十四行诗第122首新译 傅正明译 122 君贻芳册我珍藏, 记下浓情久未忘, 简略胜他闲适语, 流年赢得永恒香∶ 莫言大脑心田久, 5 人体自然惮晚秋, 冬尽楼空全失忆, 仍留纪念在环球。 笺短难书意蕴长, 真情不托纸皮囊, 10 我今冒昧弃芳册, 但信心湖无尽藏。 假如全靠他物铭记君心魂, 至爱明珠,岂不暗投健忘人? ―――― 这首诗涉及的戏剧性情节有不同的解读,拙译采用一种比较合乎情理的解释∶美男子送给诗人的一本笔记本,诗人在笔记本上写了几首诗後,告诉美男子说∶笔记本已弃置不用了,或不慎遗失了,但这一点也不要紧,因为宝贵的深情永远珍藏在更可信赖的心底。 第7行的片语till each ,意思是∶直到每一个部分,指思维的大脑和多情的心脏,片语razed oblivion,直译是∶夷平的遗忘,「夷平」原本指战火的摧毁後果。 第10行为倒装句,正常语序为∶I need nor tallies to score thy dear love,直译是∶我不需要账簿来记录你的情爱。 Sonnet 122
Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain Full charactered with lasting memory, Which shall above that idle rank remain, Beyond all date, even to eternity: Or, at the least, so long as brain and heart 5 Have faculty by nature to subsist; Till each to razed oblivion yield his part Of thee, thy record never can be missed. That poor retention could not so much hold, Nor need I tallies thy dear love to score; 10 Therefore to give them from me was I bold, To trust those tables that receive thee more: To keep an adjunct to remember thee Were to import forgetfulness in me.