Joe Billy Bob of Darfur Joe Billy Bob was a happy farmer who lived in the land that is now called Darfur Joe grew crops and some stock And sold 'em to increase his flock And then the world changed War and great pain Joe Billy Bob was scared For what had once been fair He had to flee from his town That was being mown down He cried and he wept Until the day he slipped He was found in a cave Carrying weapons with no shame He was shot on the spot And the thing was, he didn't care Pigeons on the Hilltop In the hole on that hilltop, there lay a brilliant flock of white n' black pigeons their singing felt like fission. I went to see them every day Gave them food and watched them play They flew around in the air And one landed in my hair Alas, it happened The sin that destroyed and saddened The great bulldozers came And they should be shamed! For they destroyed the home Of those pigeons that I loved And I could've written a tome For the things those pigeons showed...
In the hole on that hilltop,