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2050前用战争瘟疫消灭40亿没用的吃货人口 2021-09-12 21:16:24

 (14)2050 年之前,将通过有限的战争、由组织

布置的致命性快速见效的瘟疫和饥荒,消灭至少 40 亿










《单一世界秩序(One World Order)》、《欺骗外交

(Diplomacy by Deception)》、《 你应该了解的有关美国

宪法和权利法案的内容 (What You Should Know About the

 United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights )》。


科尔曼博士在《阴谋家的等级制度,300 人委员会的故事》一书的主要论点是:在世界各国政府之上,有一个叫“300人委员会”的超强大的组织,掌管着世界大事的方方面面,他们的目的是推动建立一个“新世界秩序(或称为单一世界政府)”,实现对全世界的统治。


(1)由非民选的永久世袭的寡头统治的“单一世界政府(One World Government)”和“单一货币体系(one-unit monetary system)”。他们将以中世纪的封建制度形式从他们自己的人中自我选择统治者。








(9)强制性的性自由(Free sex)。女性20岁以前至少要完成一次交配,否则要受到惩罚。一个妇女被允许生育两个孩子。之后怀孕时必须被引产和施行绝育措施。


(11)经济体系建立在寡头统治的基础上。只允许生产足够的食物和服务,以维持大规模奴隶劳动营的运转。所有财富都应集中在 “300 人委员会”的精英成员手中。

(12)工业将与核动力能源系统一起被彻底摧毁。只有由 300 名成员组成的委员会及其精英才有权使用地球上的任何资源。农业应完全掌握在 300 人委员会手中,并严格控制粮食生产。


(14)世界总人口目标:10亿。到 2050 年,将通过有限的战争、有组织的致命性速效疾病流行和饥饿,至少消灭 40 亿“无用的吃货(Useless Eaters)”。













科尔曼博士在《300人委员会》一书中,介绍了光明会(Illuminati)、罗马俱乐部(Club of Rome)等组织与“300人委员会”的关系。文贵先生在9月8日的直播中说到,光明会是维系美国大佬(总统、高科技媒体等)与中共寡头(王岐山等)及“富商”(陈峰、张宏伟等)的组织体系。9月3日,文贵先生还说到,共产党用利益与华尔街300家(资本或大佬)相捆绑。





From the Back Cover

Can you imagine an all powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no one but its members?

To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, "It can't happen here, our Constitution forbids it."

That there is such a body, called "The committee of 300," is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about "they"; this book tells precisely who "they" are, and what "THEY" have planned for our future, how "they" have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods "They" use and exactly how "they" have brainwashed us.

If you are Puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don't like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, Why the UNITED states is in a depression from which it will not emerge, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, the CONSPIRATORS'' hierarchy: the committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees.

Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored.

About the Author

Dr Coleman,former MI-6 intelligence agent spent years in the study of this group. Born in England, and in service in South Africa, and in intelligence research for England.




有这样一个机构,称为“300 人委员会”,本书形象地讲述了这一点。当大多数人试图解决我们的问题时,他们会说或写“他们”;这本书准确地讲述了“他们”是谁,“他们”为我们的未来计划了什么,“他们”如何与美国国家交战了 50 年,一场我们处于失败边缘的战争,什么方法“他们”使用以及“他们”究竟是如何给我们洗脑的。

如果您对为什么正在发生的事情感到困惑和困惑,为什么我们作为一个国家不喜欢但似乎无力阻止的事情,为什么美国似乎总是支持错误的马,为什么美国处于萧条状态它不会从中出现,为什么我们以前的社会和道德价值观被抛在一边,似乎被埋葬了;如果您对众多阴谋论感到困惑,那么 CONSPIRATORS'''层次结构:300 人委员会将明确确定这些条件是故意创造的,目的是让我们屈服。



Coleman 博士,前 MI-6 情报特工花了数年时间研究这个群体。出生于英国,在南非服役,并为英国从事情报研究。







Friedrich Mencken

Jun 16, 2014Friedrich Mencken rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition

Shelves: sneak-rulers

This was an interesting albeit very speculative piece of writing.

When Coleman makes a claim, for example that this or that person is a member of the committee of 300, unless he is making it up, that information has to come from somewhere, if he does not show where he got that information how are we to know if its true or not?
Now you can have circumstantial evidence to support a claim but then you have to make that clear and list the circumstantial evidence explaining why it support your claim and show references to the circumstantial evidence.
You can of course speculate and in so doing make a coherent argument for something but then it should not contain unsubstantiated absolute statements in order to have any validity.

This book is largely built on the premise we should all take Colemans word for it.

To illustrate why this is so dangerous with a few very simple examples is for instance how Coleman spelled Aurelio Pecceis name wrong and refers to Zbigniew Brzezinskis book: Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, as "THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA". If his attention to detail isn’t better than that on such simple things why should we believe the things that cannot be verified as easily to be accurate?

“All information that I provide in this book comes from years of research backed up by impeccable intelligence sources. Nothing is exaggerated. It is factual and precise” p-66
How are we to know that when there are no real references as to where the information comes from?

“Historic records made available to me in the British Museum in London and from India Office and other sources—former colleagues in well-placed positions, proves this completely.” P-125
This is not a real reference, its just Coleman making a claim that has the appearance of a reference. It is still just an unverifiable absolute claim.

You should never just accept things at face value just because someone who seems credible says something are a certain way, at the same time demanding sources to every bit of information is also unreasonable and puts too much hindrance on creative thinking. The important thing is that the writing is transparent and honest about its claims, not trying to appear to be what its not. With that said, even if this book is deeply flawed it still has some value if one keeps this in mind while reading.



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