就千维网部分博文消失事件答记者问(下) 在上期中本报特约记者令狐冲采访了天朝有关部门负责人,副局级科员全庸筒子。据全筒子跟中共驻千维特委的负责筒子了解,千维网发生的部分网友博文消失事件,跟我后清朝廷无关。 据了解,天朝有关部门有十几个,除了全庸筒子外,还有朱坚强等筒子正在度假治疗,不接受采访。疑似跟事件有关的茅十八,小安安等以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势消失。 本小记娱记出身,虽然擅长编排花边新闻,但对这么重大的恶性事件,虽经高人指点,还是一头雾水。尤其是,在事件发生后,众多嫌疑人以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势消失,令事件真相更加难以发掘。 无奈之下,本记者采取第二套方案,采访了一个网络安全家族。这个家族的成员除了大哥欢乐颂以外,都是ABC。包括芒果颂,菠萝颂,香蕉颂,枇杷颂,荔枝颂,龙眼颂等人,虽然能听一些中文,但说不好,因此对本记者的回答多以英文进行。 令狐:请问,什么样的密码才能成为安全的密码。 芒果颂: The strength of a password is a function of length, complexity, and unpredictability. 令狐:明白了,一个好的密码要考虑长度,复杂性和不可预测性。那么这三者中那一个更重要? 香蕉颂:Length does matter, le me tell you a story. 香蕉颂: A new employee joins the Company, and is required to have a password setup for his computer. The boss directed a secretary to setup the password for him. The secretary asks the man for the password. The man, attempting to embarrass the secretary in order to show superiority, said, "Penis." Blushed, the secretary inputted the password Penis, and re-typed it again. Then she hit enter. The whole office heard the secretary bursting out of laughter's as a reaction from the computer's screen: "Password rejected. Reason: Too short" 令狐:哈哈哈,看来长度的确是很重要,不够长就通不过啊。 香蕉颂: 夜视,There are two factors to consider in determining password strength: the average number of guesses the attacker must test to find the correct password and the ease with which an attacker can check the validity of each guessed password. The first factor is determined by how long the password is, how large a set of characters or symbols it is drawn from and whether the password is created randomly or by a more predictable process... 令狐:明白了。判断密码强度要从三个方面考虑,即其长度,复杂性和不可预测性。一个强密码要有足够的长度,并随机排列,这样潜在的进入者就需要花很多时间才能够破译。 令狐:跟洋鬼子说话真累。总之,各位看官切记,密码要加强,长度要达到8位以上。除此之外,还要记得备份。关于备份,颂家族的大哥欢乐颂曾经传授过一个很实用的备份工具--ScrapBook for Firefox。 如何“一键”备份全部博客文章 令狐: 以下是菠萝颂,荔枝颂的两个视频,和一些文章供各位参考。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AF%86%E7%A0%81%E5%BC%BA%E5%BA%A6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_strength http://www.microsoft.com/security/online-privacy/passwords-create.aspx http://blogs.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/password-policy-length-vs-complexity