美军测试一种傻瓜型智能狙击步枪 人人一秒钟变神枪手 2016-11-02 浙江资讯网 http://www.6z77.com/keji/shuma/1444.html
这种造价27000美元的狙击步枪,配备了一种微型电脑,这种电脑可提 供“制导扳机”和“目标锁定”技术,哪怕是从来都没有使用过枪械 的人也能在1200码的距离上开枪击中目标,精准度几乎为100%。
The smart rifle is packed with sensors and it own computer to control the firing process.
The U.S. military has begun testing several so-called smart rifles made by TrackingPoint, which include computer controlled scopes and their own app 此外,这些步枪还都配备了WiFi天线,允许使用者实时收集弹道数据,
此前的一次测试中,美国国一位从未接受过射击训练的12岁女中学 生在使用Tracking Point步枪射击时,分别准确命中了200米、500米、 750米和1000米外的目标。而这名女中学生只是经过了教练简单的指导, 就能“百发百中”成为神射手,进一步显示了这种智能狙击枪的准确性 与简单易学。
Archive (2012) - Innovations: Networked Tracking Scope
TrackingPoint - Precision Guided Firearm (PGF) Demonstration [360p]
Next Level Shit Right There: Insane Accuracy at Tracking Point
以往部队中的专职狙击手或将消失。 五角大楼已订购测试
这款傻瓜型狙击枪最大的卖点在于,哪怕是从来都没有使用过枪械 的人也能在1200码(约合1097米)的距离上开枪击中目标,而且精准度几 乎为100%。本周一,在该枪的首次公开测试中,70名从未受狙击训练的 记者,除一人外,全部第一枪命中900米外的目标。
首次展览 引6万人震惊
总部位于美国奥斯汀业的公司Tracking Point于2013年成功研发 出此款智能狙击枪。该公司发言人周四在接受福克斯电视采访时证实, 五角大楼已经向该公司采购了6支智能狙击枪。
2013年底的美国射击用品博览会上,Tracking Point公司首次向 外界展示了这款傻瓜型狙击步枪,当时就引发了6万名参会者的震惊。 随后美国五角大楼开始考虑在军队中装备这种最新型的步枪。
US military is testing gun that could turn ANYONE into an ace sniper
Users simply 'tag' their target using a button near the trigger Smart rifle can then work out the range and weather conditions before shooting can even send target details to other nearby rifles - and be controlled by an iPad app By Mark Prigg PUBLISHED: 22:20 GMT, 16 January 2014 The US military is testing a radical 'smart rifle' that can automatically aim itself, it has been revealed.
The army is believed to have acquired six $27,000 'smart rifles' from Texas firm Tracking Point.
It uses a built in computer to aim at a target, and can even 'lock on' top targets and automatically track them.
The U.S. military has begun testing several so-called smart rifles made by TrackingPoint, which include computer controlled scopes and their own app
A laser rangefinder is used by the shooter looking through the scope to identify the target that he or she wants to hit.
The high-tech sight then takes into account humidity, wind and the typical ballistic drop you'd expect from a bullet fired over such a distance.
Once the target has been selected, the scope provides cross-hairs which have to be lined up with the pin that is dropped on the target.
To ensure accuracy, the shooter can not even squeeze the trigger unless the cross-hairs and pin are alined.
Oren Schauble, a marketing official with the Austin, Texas-based company, confirmed the military bought a handful of them in recent months for evaluation.
'The military has purchased several units for testing and evaluation purposes,' he said during an interview with Military.com at the annual SHOT Show, the country’s largest gun show with 60,000 attendees.
The system includes a Linux-powered computer in the scope with sensors that collect imagery and ballistic data such as atmospheric conditions, cant, inclination, even the slight shift of the Earth’s rotation known as the Coriolis effect.
The smart rifle is packed with sensors and it own computer to control the firing process.
A laser rangefinder is used by the shooter looking through the scope to identify the target that he or she wants to hit.
The high-tech sight then takes into account humidity, wind and the typical ballistic drop you'd expect from a bullet fired over such a distance.
Once the target has been selected, the scope provides cross-hairs which have to be lined up with the pin that is dropped on the target.
To ensure accuracy, the shooter can not even squeeze the trigger unless the cross-hairs and pin are alined.
The rifle offers an iOS app that connects to the scope via a mobile Wi-Fi network and streams the scope's display to the app, allowing someone with an iPad or iPhone to act as a spotter and for videos to be uploaded to the Internet
To shoot at something, you first 'mark' it using a button near the trigger. Marking a target illuminates it with the tracking scope's built-in laser, and the target gains a red pip in the scope's display
On their website TrackingPoint say they build 'Precision Guided Firearms, or 'PGFs, 'Which are a series of three heavily customized hunting rifles, ranging from a .300 Winchester Magnum with a 22-inch barrel up to a .338 Lapua Magnum with 27-inch barrel, all fitted with advanced computerized scopes.
To shoot at something, you first 'mark' it using a button near the trigger.
Marking a target illuminates it with the tracking scope's built-in laser, and the target gains a red pip in the scope's display. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2540879/US-Military-
testing-smart-rifle-automatically-aim-turn-ANYONE-sharp-shooter.html French Can Can Dancers in Times Square filmed on Saturday September 26, 2015