美国蒙大拿大学1993届英美文学专业李志华同学研究生毕业论文(中译英)节选 University of Montana Scholar Works at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations & Professional Papers Graduate School 1993 Permission is granted by the author to reproduce this material in its entirety, provided that this material is used for scholarly purposes and is properly cited in published works and reports. Accounts of the Chinese People's Volunteers Prisoners of War : A Translation
Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts University of Montana 1993 志愿军战俘纪事
作者:勒大鹰 1951年生于北京。曾在海军、解放军报社、总政治部工作,现为总参电视艺术中心和 文艺创作室负责人。20世纪70年代开始发表作品。1990年加入中国作家协会。著有长篇报告文学《志愿军战俘记事》
第三章 女俘 战争的本质是残酷、粗扩和悲壮的。女人的天性是温柔、慈受和善良的。女人 被卷进战争,这再确切不过地说明了战争——这个人类社会发展进程中的怪物,是 根本违反人性的。 而女人一旦成为俘虏,她们的处境则更为悲惨。 Chapter Three Female Prisoners of War Translated by Li Zhihua The nature of war is ruthless, rough, and tragic, while the nature of woman is kindhearted, gentle, soft, and affectionate. In the course of the development of human society, war is a monster, and women getting involved in war runs completely against human nature.
When women become prisoners of war, they fall into an even more tragic situation.
在朝鲜战争中究竟有多少志愿军女兵被俘,这至今还是个谜。我敢说,经历过 那场战争的美军指挥官也Wu法统计出确切的数字,因为她们中的大多数并没有被送 进战俘营。在原始社会的争斗中,男人被作为俘虏,女人与牛羊、石器等一起被列 入战利品。在这个被称为进入现代文明的星球上,人类还保留许多它最被形态的 意识和行为。 这里讲述的是几个志愿军女俘的命运。由于读者可以理解的原因,我未用她们 的真实姓名。
It remains a mystery to this day how many CPV female soldiers were actually taken prisoner. Even the commanding officers of the American Army who have gone through that war are not capable of adding up the precise figure, because most of them were not taken to the POW camps.18
In the wars of primitive societies, men were taken as prisoners, while women, together with cattle, sheep, stone artifacts and so on, became war trophies. On this planet, which is supposed to have stepped into modern civilization, man still retains much of his primitive ideology and behavior.
The account given here is about the tragic lot of a few CPV female prisoners of war. As the reader can well understand, I have not used their real names here.
她叫张丽华,被俘前是志愿军某部卫生队的护士。她刚刚17岁。准确地计算, 她被俘前的军龄只有10个月。她实在不像个军人,这不仅仅因为她长得太娇小,娇 小得像个洋娃娃似的可爱;也不仅仅是因为她长Zhe一副甜嗓子,整天唱呀,蹦呀, 唱个没完;蹦个没完;最主要的是她根本没有想到,作为一名军人,特别是一名女 军人,这意味Zhe什厶? 她的父母是某城市的职员。她是父母惟一的一个孩子。初中毕业后,她背 Zhe亲人考人部队卫生学校,从此参了军。那时,她只知道参军光Rong,穿军装 漂亮。而她Que从来没有想到过,她会成为一名俘虏,而作为一个女俘虏又会遇 到些什厶?她那时以为当兵除了打胜仗,就是唱歌和欢笑,还有亲人Xian上的 鲜花。而这一切,在突然之间,以一种异常残酷的方式告诉了这个纯真的少女。
在朝鲜前线,领导把宣传鼓动的任务交给了张丽华和其他三个女兵。四姐妹 中,她最小。大姐姓王,22岁,是她们中间惟一结过婚的,她的爱人在团里当干 事,她俩刚结婚就随部队到了朝鲜前线。有人猜她快要当妈妈了,战斗间隙,空 中还响枪弹的呼啸,她从背包里拿了那件娃娃衣服,一针一线地在上面绣Zhe 一个和平鸽,白白的鸽子,嘴里还衔Zhe一枝绿色的橄揽枝。她绣Zhe绣Zhe,常 常自己忘情地笑起来,把一个母亲的爱都绣了进去。大赵20岁,长得像个小子, 黑黑的,又粗又高,嗓门特大,性格泼辣。人朝前,妈妈给她来封信。说给她 介绍一个男朋友,她看薅H脸都红了,以后还节过两天食,说是让自己的腰身 变细点。小李,18岁,因为她长得太瘦,像根面条,所以她倒是挺羡慕大赵 “吃什厶都长肉”。就是这厶四个女兵,组成了一个鼓动组。她们四个人形影 不离。行军路上、前沿阵地上、卫生所里,到处都听到她们的歌声。
Her name was Zhang Lihua. She had served as a nurse in a medical team of a CPV unit before she was taken prisoner. She was then only seventeen years old and had served in the army for only ten months. Indeed, she did not look like a soldier. This was not only because she was too delicate, so much so that she appeared as charming as a doll. Nor was it because she had a sweet voice and kept singing and bouncing about, but mainly because she did not understand what it meant to be a soldier, especially to be a female soldier.
Her parents were both clerks in a city. She was the only child in the family. After graduating from junior high school, she was admitted into an army medical school without getting her parents’ consent. She joined the army in that way. At that time, she only thought that it would be an honor to serve in the army and that she would look beautiful in an army uniform. It had never occurred to her that she would be a prisoner. Nor had she thought of what would happen to her as a female prisoner of war. At thattime she thought that being a soldier only meant winning battles, singinghappily, laughing merrily, and being presented with flowers by relatives.
However, reality suddenly confronted this pure and innocent young girl in a rather cruel way.
In the Korean battle front, she and three other women soldiers wereassigned the task of conducting propaganda and agitation. Of the four women soldiers, she was the youngest. The oldest was surnamed Wang, who was twenty-two years old and was the only one married. Her husband served as a secretary to the regimental commander. Right after they got married, they moved to the Korean battle front with their troops. She was supposed to be a mother soon. Between the battles, while the bullets were still whistling in the sky, she took some baby clothes out from her army bag and began embroidering stitch by stitch a white dove which held a green olive branch in its mouth. While embroidering, she often couldn’t help smiling, putting a mother’s love in her embroidery.
Big Zhao was twenty years old. She grew up like a boy, dark, strong and tall, with an especially loud voice and a bold and vigorous disposition. Before she left for Korea, she got a letter from her mother. The letter indicated that her mother had found a boyfriend for her. She blushed while reading the letter. Afterward, she even went on a diet for a couple of days, saying that she meant to make her own waist become a little bit slimmer. Little Li was eighteen years old. Thin as a twig, she admired Big Zhao greatly for "filling out no matter what she eats." The agitation group was composed of these four women soldiers. The four of them were always together. People could hear them singing everywhere, on the march, in the forward positions, in the clinic and so on.
后来,四姐妹中只有张丽华一个人被押进了美军战俘收容所。她完全变了,变 得目光呆滞,面色苍白,沉默寡言。一连几天,她滴水不进,一声不吭。见到中国 人,她就捂住自己的脸,泪水顺薅缝流下来,她咬住嘴唇,不让自己哭出声来。 美国兵把她押去审讯,她一进审讯室,趴在桌子上就流泪,一句话也不说。审 讯的美国军官拿来一包巧克力、口香糖,她一把扔在桌子底下,对美国人破口大 骂,站起来就走。美国军官将地下的东西拾起来,硬塞到她的口袋里,在收容 所门前,她又扔进臭水沟。
收容所里有一个黄头发的婴儿。人民军的女战俘给她讲了这个孩子母亲的情 Kuang:有一段时间,美国兵天天晚上都来Qiang奸女战俘。一年后,有个被 Qiang奸的姑娘生下了这个黄头发的婴儿。美国兵听说了,送来了奶粉、巧克 力和面包。她只留下了奶粉,把其它东西都扔了出去。这天晚上,美国兵又来 纠缠,把她按倒在床上,她挣扎Zhe,一下子掐住了美国兵的脖子。美国兵从 身上掏出匕首一刀刺在她的心口上,可她一直没有松手……黄头发的孩子成了 孤儿。
张丽华听完,“哇”的哭出声来。这是几天来她第一次痛哭,那哭声震荡 Zhe空气,揪紧了人心。以后,她讲了她们被俘的经过:
在一次战斗中,部队被打散了。她们四姐妹跑进深山,靠Zhe指南针,到处 找部队。粮食吃光了,她们就吃野菜,吃树Ye。晚上,她们四个人挤在一起, 抵御山里的风寒。 一天傍晚,她们被搜山的美国兵发现了。而她们手里的武器只是一枚手枪、 10发子弹和两把月琴。 她们被俘了。 美国兵把她们带到营地,给她们送来几块面包,她们饿极了,拿起来就吃。 美国兵的眼光不怀好意地在她们身上溜来溜去。他们借口搜查武器,在她们 身上乱摸,被大赵咬了一口。美国兵Que不生气,一边揉茪漶A一边嘿嘿地笑Zhe。
她们被押到一个帐篷前。美国兵说是要进去个别“审讯”。四个人一起坐 在地上,抱成一团,谁也不进去。 两个美国兵一前一后,把小李抬了起来,她两腿乱蹬,连哭带喊:“我不 去!我不去!” “站住!”大姐站了起来:“你们别动她,有话跟我说。” 大姐平静地用手往后拢一下短发。在落日的余辉中,她显得高大极了,不, 是高贵。一个身陷囹岳的女人,以这帚渐堨、这帚渗垮来面对Qiang暴,这 就是人类高贵的尊严。 美国兵没有碰她,押茼o进了帐篷。一会儿,就听到帐篷里传出大姐的呼喊声。 三个人不顾美国兵的阻挡,一齐}进帐篷。只见几个脱得一丝不挂的美国兵, 正把大姐接在行军床上,一个美国兵用长满黑毛的身体压Zhe她。 几个美国兵一拥而上,把她们抱住了。她们挣扎Zhe,她们撕打Zhe,她们叫 骂Zhe。但她们终究是女人。她们的衣服被撕破了。呻吟声、叫骂声、狞笑声、 喘气声 …… 混成一片。 ……一个美国兵带兽欲的满足,从大赵身上站起来。这时,大赵猛地抱过 美国兵放在地上的卡宾枪,嘟嘟……枪口喷红火,一个美国兵倒下了。 美国兵连滚带爬地跑了出去。帐篷被包围了。美国兵架起机枪向里面扫射。
四个赤裸Zhe身体的志愿军女俘,紧紧地抱在一起,她们齐声唱起了歌儿, 她们心爱的歌儿。她们披头散发,脸上不知是泪水还是汗水,流到了一起。歌声, 在机枪的嚎叫声中}向云霄。子弹,射穿了姑娘们高贵的身体,鲜红的液体喷涌 而出,给她们洁白的皮肤盖上了一层神圣的红纱。 四姐妹中,大姐、大赵、小李牺牲了。张丽华因为被压在她们身体下面, 只受了一点伤,昏过去了。 Later, of the four soldiers, only Zhang Lihua was escorted into the POW Collecting Point of the American Army. She changed completely. She became a person of few words, with a dull look in her eyes and a pale face. For several days in a row, she did not eat a thing, nor did she say a single word. On seeing the Chinese, she would cover her face with her hands, and tears would stream down between her fingers. She clenched her jaws and restrained herself from crying out.
The American soldiers took her out for interrogation. On entering the interrogation room, she bent over the desk, shedding tears and saying nothing. When the American officers in charge of the interrogation brought her some chocolates and chewing gum, she threw them under the desk, shouted abuses at the Americans, stood up and made for the door. An American officer picked up the candies on the floor and slipped them into her pocket. She would not take them and threw them into the
stinking ditch in front of the collecting point.
There was a brown-haired infant in the collecting point. A female prisoner of war of the Korean People’s Army told Zhang Lihua about what had happened to the baby’s mother:
There was a period of time when the American soldiers came to rape the female POWs every night. A year later, one of the girls who was raped gave birth to this brown-haired infant. When the American soldier who had raped the girl heard about it, he brought milk powder, chocolate, and bread. She only accepted milk powder but threw out the chocolate and bread. That night, the American soldier came to rape her again. He pushed her down onto the bed. She struggled and seized the American soldier by the throat. He grabbed his knife and stabbed right into her heart. But she never loosened her grip. . . . The brown-haired child became an orphan.
After she heard that, Zhang Lihua burst out crying. It was the first time that she cried so bitterly during those days. Her heartrending cry rang throughout the air. Later, she told her own story of how they were taken as POWs.
During one battle, their troops were scattered. The four of them went to hide in the remote mountains. There they searched for their own troops with the help of a compass. When they ate up the food they had brought with them, they ate wild herbs and tree leaves. At night, the four of them pressed close together to protect themselves against the cold wind of the mountains.
One evening, they were discovered by the American soldiers searching the mountains. The weapons they had in their hands were only one pistol,ten cartridges, and two Yuegin (a four-stringed plucked instrument with a full-moon-shaped sound box).
They were thus taken prisoner. The American soldiers took them to their campsite and brought them a few pieces of bread. They were extremely hungry and did not hesitate to eat.
The American soldiers, on the other hand, looked them up and down with malicious intent. They touched here and there on their bodies with the excuse of searching for weapons. One of them was bitten by Big Zhao. The American soldier did not get angry. Instead, he rubbed his hand and laughed.
The four female POWs were escorted in front of a tent. The American soldiers declared that they wanted to "interrogate" them one by one. The four of them sat on the ground, huddled together. No one moved.
The American soldiers came up and lifted Little Li from the ground. She kicked them, crying and shouting, "I don’t want to go! I don’t want to go!” "Stop!" the elder sister Wang stood up. "Don’t touch her. I’ll go with you." Wang calmly combed her short hair backward a little with her hands. In the afterglow, she appeared so tall and big, but most of all, noble. A woman captured by the enemy could still face violence with such a look in her eyes and such an expression on her face. That was true human dignity. The American soldiers did not touch her, but escorted her into the tent. Very soon her shouts were heard from the tent.
The other three rushed into the tent despite efforts by the American soldiers to stop them. Inside, they saw several stark-naked American soldiers keeping a tight grip on their elder sister on a camp bed, while one American soldier was weighing upon her with his body covered with black hair.
The American soldiers rushed toward them and held them in their arms. They struggled, fought back, shouted and cursed. But they were wom en after all. Their clothes were torn off. Groans, curses, grins, and blows all mixed together.
One of the American soldiers rose from Big Zhao’s body, his sexual desire now spent. All of a sudden, Big Zhao seized a carbine one of the American soldiers had laid on the floor. Flames shot out from the muzzle. One of the American soldiers fell.
The rest of the American soldiers ran out, rolling and crawling. They surrounded the tent, mounted a machine gun, and shot at the tent. The four naked female CPV POWs clung together. They burst forth singing a beloved song of theirs. Their hair was dishevelled, tears and sweat streamed down their faces. Their song resounded with the whistling sounds of the machine gun fire. The bullets shot through their bodies, blood gushing out, covering their white skin with a sacred layer of "red gauze."
Of the four sisters, Wang, Big Zhao, and Little Li died. Zhang Lihua was only slightly wounded, because she happened to be lying underneath her three sisters. 这就是我要讲的几个志愿军女俘的故事。至于张丽华以后的情Kuang,说法 不一,有的说她在1952年与人民军女俘一起庆祝朝鲜“八·一五独立日”,被 美国兵开枪打死了;有的说她至今还流落在他乡;有的说她早已返回祖国…… 我希望她还活Zhe。 但我不希望她能看到我写的这一章。这对于她来说,是过于残酷了。我知道, 她们比男俘更怕提起那可怕的往事。
我想,如果有哪一位画家有志于创作志愿军女兵的形象,那厶请把她们xian 身的那一瞬间色彩和线条记录下来吧,变成人民永远的记忆:在暮色中,在喷 Zhe火蛇的机枪扫射中,四个志愿军女俘抱在一起,唱Zhe歌儿,在她们的头顶 上是四只洁白的鸽子,四只衔Zhe橄榄枝的和平鸽……这就是新中国的女性,这 就是中国女兵。中国人就是有了这帚渐亲、妻子和女儿,才能{在960万平方 公里的土地上生息繁衍,自立于世界民族之林……
当我结束这一章的时候,一位志愿军归俘给我讲了另一个志愿军女俘归国后的 命运:她转业到了某城市。几年后,她结婚了,她是一个相当温柔而多情的妻子。 结婚一年后,丈夫怀疑她在朝鲜被美军糟蹋过,并以此羞辱她。他们分居了,离婚 了。她的第二个丈夫,在“文化大革命”中又提起了这段有口难以说清的事情。她 想到过死,为了两个孩子,她还活荂C现在,组织上为她曾被错误处理平了反,补 发了几百块钱,但是精神上的创伤将终身难以弥合。
我不想去考证她当年是否受到过美军的侮辱(并不是每一个被俘的女兵都受到 过这种侮辱)。我只是想说,忍不住地要说,这难道就是我们中国的男子吗?— —不去谴责把痛苦Qiang加于她们的那些人面野兽,Que以道德的名憪脏水泼向自 己的女人! This is the story I want to tell about just a few female CPV POWs. People have different versions of Zhang Lihua’s later circumstances. Somesay that she was shot dead by the American soldiers in 1952, while celebrating the "August 15th Independence Day" of Korea with the Korean People’s Army female POWs. Some say that she is still drifting about on a distant island, homeless; others say that she has already returned to her motherland. I hope that she is still alive. But I do not hope that she will read this chapter. It would be too cruel. She would be more afraid than any male POWs of being reminded of that terrible period in her past.
If any painter has the wish to create an image of the women soldiers of the CPV, please do it with colors and lines that exhibit the moment they sacrificed, their lives so that the painting can stay permanently in the people’s memory: the four female CPV POWs were there, in the dusk of the tent, hand in hand, singing songs, the flames of fire gushing forth from the machine gun. Over their heads there were four white doves, four peace-loving doves, holding olive branches in their mouths. These are the women of the New China. And these are the women of the Chinese Army.
Only by having such mothers, wives, and daughters can the Chinese live and multiply on this land of 9.6 million square kilometers and be independent of other nations in the world.
When I finished this chapter, a returned POW told me about the tragic lot of another female CPV POW after she returned to China. She was transferred from the army to a city. Several years later, she married.
She was a very gentle wife full of tenderness. A year after they married, her husband began to suspect she had been violated by the American soldiers in Korea. For this reason he put her to shame. Then they lived apart and were later divorced. Her second husband once again mentioned her experience in Korea during the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution."
She simply could not make him believe her. She thought of committing suicide, but for the sake of her two children, she still lives in this world. The authorities have announced her rehabilitation now, for she was wronged once. She has been given several hundred yuan retroactively, but the scars will be difficult to heal.
I do not want to prove whether or not she was raped by the American soldiers at that time. N ot all female POWs were raped. But I cannot help but ask, "Are these two gentlemen above manly enough?-- who do not go ahead and denounce those American soldiers who imposed misery upon the female POWs, but instead throw the slops upon their own women in the name of morality!"
志愿军老兵张泽石:我们不该与美国人为敌 http://www.shz100.com/article-5-4835-1.html 张泽石,1929年7月生于上海,1946年考入清华大学物理系,1950年参军,1951年随军入朝作战,曾任志愿军 第60军180师538团宣教干事因部队陷入重围负伤被俘,被俘后参与领导战俘集中营里的反迫害反背叛斗争,曾任 坚持回国志愿军战俘总代表总翻译。1953年秋停战后遣返归国,回国后受到开除党籍的错误处分,并在“反右”、 “文革”等历次运动中遭受迫害,直到1981年落实政策恢复党藉。现任中国作家协会会员。
我的另一桩“为敌服务”罪行,指的是我当翻译之事。在被押往前方战俘收容站途中,一位 难友捂Zhe肚子往山根树丛里跑,押送我们的美军对他大叫:“Stop, or you will be killed!”(站住,你想找死呐!)然后朝天开枪了。我急忙对那位大个子士兵喊:“Don’t shoot, he is getting dysentery!”(别开枪,他正在拉痢疾!)我就是这Yang被他们 发现会讲英语的。当美军布鲁克斯上尉动员我去他们第八军司令部当翻译官被我婉拒之后, 他请求我协助他们管理中国战俘们的生活。我答应了,最后恭稆F坚持回国战俘营的“对敌 总翻译”。这就犯了“为敌服务”之罪。
朝鲜战争也是一场完全不应该发生的战争。尤其是我不应该上战场去与美国人为敌。我求学 的初中、高中都是美国来华兴办的学校;我读的清华大学也是由美国退还庚子赔款兴办的。 我应该感恩于我的母校,感恩于美国。何G近百年来,在所有西方国家里,美国对我们中国 最好。抗日战争也是美国对我们援助最多。今天中美两国之间似乎矛盾很大,摩擦很多。而 究其根源,并非中美两个伟大的民族之间有什厶不可调和的}突,而主要是由于多年来双方 在政治制度上的对立造成的。 当时在战俘营任翻译的张泽石同志证明,整个战俘营只有小杨一个女志愿军战俘。 当时在战俘营任翻译的张泽石同志证明,整个战俘营只有小杨一个女志愿军战俘。 当年在美军战俘营任翻译的战俘张泽石在他的自述回忆中讲到,“大门口泰勒 的办公室,一进门果然靠桌子站Zhe一位姑娘,顶多有十六七岁,尽管穿Zhe一 身志愿军男装,也没有长发露在军帽外面,珣盖不住少女的窈窕身姿,这又 是一件让人痛心的事,很难想像单独一个女同志如何度过战俘营里艰险而阴晦 的日子。” 杨玉华被俘之后,美国军队当时觉得为她一个人开一个战俘营也不合适,所以把 她送到朝鲜人民军的女战俘营里面,因为朝鲜人民军被俘的女兵是很多的,同 她们一同关押。 早年的一份杂志纪实中,隐晦地渲染了女战俘杨玉华可能被美军 Qiang 奸的情 节,以后所有的网络都纷以转载。
180师归俘战友回忆,这完全是 胡 编 乱 造 !! 当年南朝鲜第6师发现时候,没把杨玉华当成女人,杨被送到联合国军的后方 医院后,是美军的一个女军医发现她的性别,因为她来了例假。杨玉华随后被 送往南朝鲜军集中营,与朝鲜女战俘关在一起, 与美军都没挨 Zhe 边。 朝战记忆:中国志愿军唯一被俘女兵杨玉华的悲欣人生 作者: 朝哥 对于战争,她只是一名士兵;对于国家,她是失节的战俘;对于亲人,她就 是整个世界。因为身背“战俘”标签,杨玉华从“世界最可爱的人”变成了 “世界上最不可爱的人”。更何G她是一名被俘女兵,时年16岁,一个来自 一个传统的东方国度唯一承认的被俘女兵。 文中照片为中国志愿军女兵在朝鲜战争中的照片。
体态臃肿、头发花白,面目慈祥的杨玉华清清爽爽的打扮,Wu论走在Change 盛哪个街市、超市和菜场的人流中,没有人会注意到她,更遑论知道她的过去。
在朝鲜战争双方签定停战协议后,联合国军交出来的战俘名单中,实际 统计情G如下:
中国人民志愿军实际被俘人员 21,374 人 其中 愿意并被遣返中朝两国的战俘统计 1952年7月小批交换伤病员: 中国 1030人;北朝鲜 5640含(446平民,3名女俘) 1953年8月—9月交换全部战俘: 中国 5640人(含1名女俘);北朝鲜 70183(含473名女俘,23名儿童) 总计 中国 6670人;北朝鲜 75823
60军战史《屡创奇迹的60军》记述:“每个师医院、文工团、师直机关各 部门,都有女兵,与原来从华北入伍的女兵加在一起,每个师约有70多人, 军部机关、军文工团、军医院和三个分院的女兵在120人之间,全军赴朝女 兵300-400人,她们在各自的岗位发挥战斗作用。”
即使以现在中国军队一个负甲级机动作战任务的集团军的女兵队伍情G 来比照,当年入朝参战的60军的女兵队伍可谓庞大。军史记载,中共建国 初期,60军进军西南后根中央军委和西南军区的统一部署,招收一批青 年知识分子入伍,充实部队。于是西南军区军政大学、川西军区随军学校开始招生。
60军180师包括杨在内有73名地方女青年走进了军营,杨玉华被分配在180师 卫生处当护士时侯,所有的这一切她瞒Zhe从小因为没有妈妈养育她的外婆。 满怀青春理想的杨玉华参加革命的时候,一定有 限的期待和热切的憧憬。
1951年5月,第五次战役,杨玉华所在的部队在朝鲜明月里被联合国军军三个 师包围,180师绷带所(师卫生队)共有29名女护士。她们绝大部分在敌包围 圈尚未封口时,由师后勤部医政股股长史锦昌带领,随180师司政后机关组成 的第二梯队撤过北铪缣A}出包围圈,其中个别人在途中被敌机的轰炸而牺牲。
女护士当中只有小杨没随二梯队出去,因为小杨在几天前因断粮挖野菜充饥, 结果中毒,上吐下泻, 法行动。5月26日半昏迷状态的小杨随几十个伤员的 悔[队后撤,路遇敌人炮击,十几个伤员和悔[员牺牲,悔[队只好被遗弃在 一个废弃的铁路隧洞,但敌机向隧洞里发射了多枚火箭弹,悔[队员和隧洞口 附近的伤员全部牺牲,只剩下悔[比较靠里面一点的五名不能动的伤病员,小 杨也在其中。
5月27日上午五名不能动的伤病员被发现后,全部送往美军的野战医院。小杨 当时穿的男装,头发很短,满身泥水和污垢,没发现她是女兵。 到达美军医院,小杨得到治疗,很快病愈,遂主动参加对其他志愿军伤病员 的护理工作,直到七月中旬美军才发现她是女同志,立即将她送往釜山女俘 收容所。
当时在战俘营任翻译的张泽石同志证明,整个战俘营只有小杨一个女志愿 军战俘。
当年在美军战俘营任翻译的战俘张泽石在他的自述回忆中讲到,“大门口泰勒 的办公室,一进门果然靠桌子站Zhe一位姑娘,顶多有十六七岁,尽管穿茪@ 身志愿军男装,也没有长发露在军帽外面,珣盖不住少女的窈窕身姿,这又 是一件让人痛心的事,很难想像单独一个女同志如何度过战俘营里艰险而阴晦 的日子。”
杨玉华被俘之后,美国军队当时觉得为她一个人开一个战俘营也不合适,所以 把她送到朝鲜人民军的女战俘营里面,因为朝鲜人民军被俘的女兵是很多的, 同她们一同关押。
后来还是由张泽石陪她到的朝鲜女战俘营。由于朝鲜女战俘营里的战俘干部有 很多都是原四野部队朝鲜师的,整个女战俘营又只有小杨一个志愿军,所以全 体朝鲜女俘都对小杨很关照。
有关志愿军女战俘杨玉华最早情形的记述,在1980年代反映志愿军的书籍中 很多。1954年昌图修整结束返乡后,杨玉华就此在人们的视线中消失。早年 的一份杂志纪实中,隐晦地渲染了女战俘杨玉华可能被美军Qiang奸的情节, 以后所有的网络都纷以转载。
180师归俘战友回忆,这完全是胡编乱造!当年南朝鲜第6师发现时候,没把 杨玉华当成女人,杨被送到联合国军的后方医院后,是美军的一个女军医发 现她的性别,因为她来了例假。
杨玉华随后被送往南朝鲜军集中营,与朝鲜女战俘关在一起, 与美军都没挨 Zhe 边。
对小杨在战俘营的情Kuang,各种回忆录均有不同记载,比如一次朝鲜女俘 集体绝食,一名美军女少尉专门端饭菜给小杨,以为她是中国人不会参加 绝食。被小杨一把把饭菜打翻,虽受到美军的毒打,但Que受到全体朝鲜女 俘的尊重和敬仰。
后来在遣返的时候,她坚身n求遣返,所以在1953年夏天遣返的时候,当时 新华社专门拍了照片, 1953年8月8日下午,被关押了两年多的小杨随473名 朝鲜女俘一起被美军从釜山押上火车,每个车厢塞了很多人,女俘们大声唱 歌,美军往每个车箱里丢了三颗催泪弹,杨玉华奋不顾身的用身体掩护朝鲜 女俘和她们的孩子,三颗催泪弹都在她身上燃烧,把她烧伤了。9日车到板 门店,小杨戴茼灾v做的解放帽,举茼菬謇漱闩P红旗见到了亲人,结束 了战俘的生活。
杨玉华回来后先在四川内江,后来与在战俘营中结识的刘英虎结婚。”年逾 古稀的胡春生在电话里声音爽朗,他说,杨玉华的婚姻失败并不是一些报道指 的因丈夫猜忌杨玉华被美军Qiang奸。“责任在前任丈夫刘英虎。刘英虎长的 十分英俊,能拉二胡能谈琴能唱歌,他回来后分配在当地的一个供销社,有2、 3个女的追他。当时他已经跟杨结婚了,有了2个孩子。”
文革期间,杨玉华也因战俘身份“受到一点小小的}击”。在山区和城区的 几个学校间教书,杨玉华都没有跟同事和学生谈过去的自己的经历,“我觉 得谈的很麻烦,会半天解释不清楚,因为那个时代的历史背景好多人都不了 解,搞不清楚。跟年轻人说更会费力的很。”
媒体联系采访杨玉华前,重庆的钟骏华、河南的胡春生等几个归俘都小心地 告诫,杨玉华不会接受媒体的采访,她一向的很低调,对这个健在的战俘营 女难友,这些老人的心思疶掏`的敏感又细腻,像个大哥哥呵护一个弱小的 妹妹,生怕会惊翵鴞o。
杨玉华1986年从丌盛区实验小学退休,当班主任的她教的是语文。杨的第二 任丈夫是重庆驻军的一个营级干部,老伴去世后,杨玉华与儿子儿媳住在一 起,“平常我在家做点家务事,去菜场买菜走远的不行,近点的还可以。” 杨玉华患上的老教师中常见的职业病骨质增生,医了很多次,都不见效。
杨玉华的儿子在Change盛区一个局当领导,儿子与儿媳在单位上班,中午吃 工作餐。杨玉华有2个孙子,“大的孙娃子在重庆机场工作,小的孙外娃子18 岁,原先住校。高考结束后回家了。”白天时间里,她只需照顾好自己和小 孙子的起居就行,每天她绕薅厅慢慢地走几圈,舒展筋骨。“医生说要运 动,长时间的坐不行。”
丌盛区实验小学的退休教师每月都会组织老教师搞活动。“一般是农家乐耍 一耍,或者去爬山什厶的。”只要是坐车能到达的地方,杨玉华便叫上人力 三轮车,一路看Zhe风景,慢悠悠地赶去。上世纪退休的杨玉华,现在的工 资是2000来块,比现在退休的少了7、8百。杨玉华不玩纸牌,没甚大的生活 嗜好。在山城重庆,这点退休金对老人来说已经足{了。
这个有荅S殊经历的女人,晚年生活在自己一个小天地里,日子过的知足 而平淡,她只跟为数不多的几个归俘保持茬q信,在由钢笔和信筏铺展开 的天地里,追寻属于他们的烽火连天的回忆。
张泽石:我的大多数前往台湾的战俘难友至今依旧Jie然一身,不得不在Rong民 之家里度过他们凄Liang的晚年!同Yang因为他们的战俘身份,他们不少人回大陆探 亲也是有家难归。一位家住辽宁锦州的难友,第一次回乡探亲,他的从未见过面的 Yi Fu子和孙子举Zhe“热烈欢迎某某人”的牌子,在火车站接他。他高兴地给家里 添置了电视机、电冰箱、电热水器。临别那天,他的孙子一大早站在床前求他给 买辆摩托车。他抱歉地说身上的钱确实不Gou买车了,明年回来一定给买。在火车 站,车Qi动后,孙子追Zhe他喊: “ 你当了俘虏、去了台湾,我们为你受了多少罪 ? 你连一辆摩托车都舍不得送我, 你算他妈的哪门子爷爷,你别回来了 !” 这位难友在向我回忆这个经历时,泪流满面。
1954年韩战志愿军战俘去台湾全过程 1954年1月20日,14220名挥舞薅C天白日旗、高喊“回台湾”的志愿军 战俘,离开了朝鲜板门店附近的联合国军战俘营,准备登上去台湾的军舰。
志愿军战俘陆续登船。 排队登船的志愿军战俘。
志愿军战俘下跪,不知是求饶还是诉苦。类似的照片在西方媒体 为刊载,但国内 读者是绝对看不到。对于志愿军战俘,我方是这岫V人民解释的:志愿军指战员弹尽 粮绝或者身负重伤被美军抓去,而不是投降!
中立区的朝鲜人民军战俘在等候个别“解释”,他们的情G与要求去台湾的中国战俘 一Yang,拒绝回北朝鲜。人民军战俘被解释回北朝鲜的极少,绝大部分去了南朝鲜。 迄今仍令朝韩揪心的离散亲属问题,大部分是由战俘回归的反向选择而造成。
离开中立区,前志愿军战俘乘坐火车去海港转船赴台。几乎个个都露出开心的笑容, 怎厶看都不像被绑架劫持。当然,不排斥台湾记者刻意导演,若是这届A这些战俘太有 表演天才了!能掩饰内心悲痛发出自然的笑容。
前志愿军战俘乘火车去海港,南朝鲜人民涌到火车站欢送“弃暗投明的Yi士”,口号声 此起彼伏。“Yi士弃暗投明”是站在南朝鲜方面的角度说的。在中共和朝共眼里,这些 战俘是叛徒,弃明投暗,不可救药。
丌人空巷欢迎起Yi壮士( 实为中共眼里的志愿军败类 )。
台湾美女捧Zhe鲜花准备Y给归正“Yi士”。看欢迎人群乱七八糟的队形,不像是 有组织的,而是出于自发。