按题索骥 点击进入 放眼一撇 记住一句话 就是胜利:
Mein Führer 我的元首沉船灭亡 ( 1945年4月30日星期一下午15:30 自杀 ) 之前 从严 从重 从快 大肆抓捕 1944年7月20日 陆军上校克劳斯·冯·施陶芬柏格刺杀元首未遂 涉案人员 7000 多名 疯狂处决了其中 70% ———— 4,980 人 !
Many of the conspirators appeared before the notorious People’s Courts for show trials, but this practice was ended as it gave conspirators a platform to condemn the regime. In the end more than 7,000 people were arrested, and 4,980 were executed, often on the barest evidence.
Hitler used the July 20 Plot as an excuse to destroy anyone in the Army he feared would oppose him. The traditional salute was replaced with the Nazi Sieg Heil. Eventually 20,000 were killed or sent to concentration camps in the purge.
左一 陆军上校克劳斯·冯·施陶芬柏格 ( 1907年11月15日-1944年7月21日 ) 德意志国家社会主义工人党 People's Court 人民法院 代表祖国 代表人民 代表党 代表至高无上的正义 庄严开庭审判 德奸、叛徒、卖国贼、民族败类 —— 冯·施陶芬柏格 !
Mein Führers Lieblingsmusik
冯·施陶芬柏格上校夫人 妮娜
Nina and Claus von Stauffenberg | Bundesarchiv Bild via Wikipedia 他们是世袭贵族 There was a time when they were simply a beautiful young couple in love. Nina and Claus von Stauffenberg were favored by fortune. They were aristocrats. They were patriots, dedicated to the nation from whom they sprung.
Wow ! 我的元首没有株连九族 ———— Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg after her husbands execution; after her release from prison and after the birth of her last child ... A daughter
When his turn came, Stauffenberg spoke his last words, " Es lebe das heilige Deutschland! " ("Long live our sacred Germany!"), or, possibly, " Es lebe das geheime Deutschland!" ("Long live the secret Germany!"), in reference to Stefan George and the anti-Nazi circle.
Hoffmann 1994, p. 127 : " Claus von Stauffenberg's brother Berthold was hanged, resuscitated, and hanged again, several times, and the hangings were filmed for Hitler's personal viewing. "