( 将近四年之前 )
很高兴,你对这段历史颇为熟悉,难得,难得。美国,无论是左右 两翼对他国文化的无知,近百年来对所在国造成无比的灾难。先是 左翼,开始是斯诺之类对延安的土匪看作是中国的希望,然后把这 种梦幻染及政界,在内战中竭力通过以武器和财政援助作为要挟, 捆住老蒋反共的手脚。由于美国人在曹营心在汉,彻底使得中国沦 为马列主义与中国下层瘪三龌龊文化杂种的产物,中共的天下。意 识到这一点才有麦肯锡,尼克松的反共矫枉过正。但1971年的所谓 打开中国大门之旅使得陷入泥潭的,苟延残息的毛政权获得第二次 生命,导致中共病毒在全世界的蔓延。可惜美国舆论依然把尼克松 的功过本末倒置,以往美国是殃及他国,
如今是引火上身, 西方世界将一点一点地被中共病毒所吞噬。 可见他们非得走到黄河!
尼克松对共产主义的贡献远胜于马克思! 如果他在71年不打破对中共的隔离, 释放其可怕的病毒, 如今的世界不知要太平多少。 和毛泽东一样,尼克松出身下层,染上不少恶习, 但美国人乃把他的中国之旅看作唯一的贡献, 可见美国人对其他民族的知识贫乏之极。 博主的文章挺精彩,我只不过是发一通题外之意吧了。
A strange package has been sent to people in multiple states: random, unidentified seeds from China. Residents in Washington, Utah and Virginia have received small packages of seeds in the mail that appear to be sent from China, officials said. “Today we received reports of people receiving seeds in the mail from China that they did not order,” the Washington State Department of Agriculture said Friday. “The seeds are sent in packages usually stating that the contents are jewelry. Unsolicited seeds could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock.” The seeds often come in sealed packages, and people should not open the packages, officials said. It should be reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for agricultural smuggling. “Invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops,” the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services said in a statement Friday. “Taking steps to prevent their introduction is the most effective method of reducing both the risk of invasive species infestations and the cost to control and mitigate those infestations.” Lori Culley, who lives in Tooele, Utah, told Fox 13 that she found two small packages in her mailbox Tuesday that had Chinese writing on them. “I opened them up and they were seeds,” Culley told the news station. “Obviously they’re not jewelry!” In Utah, at least 40 people had received mysterious seeds, Fox 13 reported. It is unclear how many people in Virginia and Washington were mailed a package of seeds, but officials said “several.”
一个奇怪的包裹已经寄给了多个州的人们:来自中国的随机,身份 不明的种子。 官员说,华盛顿,犹他州和弗吉尼亚州的居民已经收到了看似从中国 寄来的小包种子。 华盛顿州农业部周五说:“今天,我们收到有关人们从中国收到的 种子的报道,他们没有订购。” “种子通常以包装的形式发送, 说明其中的内容是珠宝。不请自来的种子可能是入侵性的,会给 当地植物带来疾病,或者对牲畜有害。” 官员说,这些种子通常装在密封的包装中,人们不应该打开包装。 应该向美国农业部报告农业走私。 弗吉尼亚农业和消费者服务部周五在一份声明中说:“外来入侵物种 给环境造成破坏,取代或破坏本地植物和昆虫,并严重破坏农作 物。” “采取措施防止其入侵是降低入侵物种侵扰风险以及控制和 减轻这些侵扰成本的最有效方法。” 住在犹他州图勒的洛里·库利(Lori Culley)告诉福克斯13 (Fox 13),她周二在邮箱中发现了两个小包装,上面写着中文。 “我把它们打开了,它们是种子。”库利对新闻台说。“显然他们 不是珠宝!” 据福克斯13号报道,在犹他州,至少有40人收到了神秘的种子。目前 尚不清楚弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿州有多少人寄来了一包种子,但官员们 说“有几个”。