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2017年5月29日郭文贵先生在郭文贵5月29日报平安直播视频 关于王歧山19:48时间点提到——


他们正在想办法抓捕和我有关的人。包括也有骗我的人,在广州。曾经有人打着某领导家人名义骗了我的钱,他们把他抓了。包括5月7号抓捕了北京首都机场给我提供了部分海航航班信息的人。包括也抓捕了给我在曾经在总参二部的一个军官,给我提供信息的人。也包括他们在上海和刘特佐(JHO LOW)在商量如何利用第三方把我弄回去的事。





郭文贵先生在三年零两个半月之前就预见到司法部文件的出台,其实也不是预见,而是他的所作所为本来就是2020年8月17日公布的这份司法部文件的一部分,或者说这份司法部文件就是在他的精心呵护下诞生的,我们都知道郭文贵先生是人不是神,可是我们读懂郭文贵先生了吗?中共盗国贼和美国的DEEP STATE读懂郭文贵先生了吗?我想我们和这个世界都在慢慢读懂郭文贵先生,中共盗国贼和美国的DEEP STATE也会读懂郭文贵先生,不同之处在于我们和这个世界上追随郭文贵先生的那些人和组织正在欣喜地看着一个新世界的诞生,中共盗国贼和美国的DEEP STATE正在无可奈何地等待着公平和正义对于他们的终极审判。

Presidential lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has largely fallen out of the public eye since his starring role in President Donald Trump’s impeachment. But Giuliani hasn’t gone silent.

Instead, he’s in his home, doing a call-in radio show and a podcast — “Common Sense” — during which he has repeatedly gone on bigoted rants about China and its government.

“They have no morals,” he said on his April 28 radio show. “They’re amoral in the sense that human life means something in Western civilization, it means a lot. Human life doesn’t mean the same thing to them.”

Giuliani has also speculated that the spread of the coronavirus may be a plot by the Chinese government.

For example, Giuliani has raised the possibility that China purposely released the virus from a biological lab in Wuhan. “We have to say accidentally,” Giuliani said in a recent radio broadcast. “But I don’t think as responsible investigators we can rule out that it wasn’t done deliberately.”

據美國“ProPublica”新聞網站5月4日的報導,在川普總統彈劾案中扮演重要角色之後,總統的私人律師、前紐約市市長魯迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)很大程度上淡出了公眾的視線。但是,他並沒有沉默,而是在家裡播送一個電話廣播節目,並運作一個叫“常識”的播客(podcast)。在此期間,朱利安尼一直在節目里大聲地怒懟中共國政府。

報導披露,朱利安尼在4月28日的廣播節目中指出,中共是沒有道德的,他們不理解人的生命在西方文明里特有的非凡意義。他說,“人類生命對他們(中共)而言,與我們的認知完全不一樣。” 朱利安尼認為,中共冠狀病毒的傳播,可能是中共政府的陰謀。在一次廣播中,他提出了中共國故意從武漢的一個生物實驗室釋放病毒的可能性,“我們不得不說, 作為負責任的調查人員,我不認為我們可以排除這(病毒傳播)是故意的。



一天后,朱利安尼在廣播節目中說:當中共發現這種可怕的病毒從實驗室逃逸,認為這反正不是他們故意所為,便抓住這個機會讓西方國家也遭受到與他們遭受過的同樣甚至更大的損失。 “這不算是一個大膽的假設,因為沒有與此相反的解釋。”

該報導指出,朱利安尼自稱多次與川普總統談論過中共冠狀病毒。在朱利安尼說他確定病毒來自武漢實驗室的兩天后,川普總統也表示他有同樣的證據。朱利安尼的節目有廣泛的聽眾,播出該節目的WABC 77頻道的一位廣告主管表示,聽眾對朱利安尼的節目“反饋非常好”,在線收聽人數“直線上升”。

在4月23日的廣播節目中,朱利安尼采訪了保守派中共國專家章家敦(Gordon Chang),他經常預言中共國政府將會垮台。章家敦在採訪中表示,如果說中共國釋放出這種病毒是無意的,那麼讓病毒變成全球大流行就是故意的。他說,“我認為是習近平決定讓病毒傳播出去的,以便使世界與中國無差別,這樣中國就不是唯一陷入這樣困境的國家。”朱利安尼回應道,如果章家敦的理論正確,冠狀病毒就不會被認為是一種生物武器。中共因此看到了一個偶然出現在面前的機會,然後他們就利用了這一機會。張家敦表示,他不能確切知道中共在想什麼,但他認為,“很有可能中共是蓄意和惡意(釋放病毒)的,這是一種危害全人類的罪行。”

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Experts say there’s no public evidence the virus came from the lab. Amid a reported White House push, U.S. intelligence agencies have said they are investigating the origins of the virus.

Giuliani is also fixated on the idea that the Chinese government sent sick people overseas. In an April 27 episode of his podcast, he said that China allowed “over a million people from Wuhan travel to us, to the United States, to England to France to Italy to Germany.” He added, “I hope the people there have the same reaction we have to the value of human life and the loss of human life.”

“When they found out about this terrible virus that escaped, assuming they didn’t do it on purpose,” Giuliani said a day later on his radio show, “they were going to make sure the West suffered as much if not more than they did and jumped on top of an opportunity, it’s not a big assumption to make. And there isn’t a contrary explanation.”

The New York Times found that thousands, not millions, of people flew internationally out of Wuhan.

Asked about his comments, Giuliani did not respond.

The comments by Giuliani have come as discrimination against Asian Americans has spiked. And they reinforce the White House’s emerging push to blame China for the pandemic.

Giuliani has said he’s spoken to the president a number of times about the coronavirus. Two days after Giuliani said he was sure the virus came from the Wuhan lab, Trump said he has evidence of the same. (The president declined to give the evidence, saying it’s secret.)

The station’s parent company, Red Apple Media, did not respond to a request for comment.

In an April 23 radio show, Giuliani interviewed Gordon Chang, a conservative pundit who frequently predicts the collapse of the Chinese government. Chang said if China released the virus accidentally — for which, again, there’s no evidence — it then decided to create a global pandemic. “I think what Xi Jinping did was he decided he was going to spread the virus so that he would level the playing field so that China would not be in such a hole,” Chang said, referring to China’s president.

“Wow,” Giuliani responded. “So he saw an opportunity, if that theory is correct, and it wasn’t a bioweapon to start with, he saw an opportunity that was sort of accidentally presented to him, and then he took advantage of it. It was opportunistic.”

Chang acknowledged, “We can’t know what was in Xi Jinping’s mind for sure.” But then he went on, “It looks more like they were deliberate and malicious and that means Mr. Mayor ... this is a crime against all of humanity.”

Giuliani ended the interview by inviting Chang to be a guest on his other show, the podcast.

Giuliani has also said he’d use his access to help guests on his show move ahead with exploratory treatments. Talking with one pharmaceutical executive on his show in late March, Giuliani told his guest, “I’ll use whatever my yelling and screaming can do to do it faster, to help you.”

As the Times reported, the executive’s company received initial trial approval from the Food and Drug Administration soon after. (The FDA has said the application was subject to “internal scientific review.” And Giuliani has said he has no business connection to the company.)

“I don’t obby the government,” Giuliani emailed in response to a request for comment. “I do hope, however, that they and others are successful.”

Giuliani appears to have strong feelings about the government’s process for approving drugs.

In an April 23 broadcast, Mark, a pharmacist from New Jersey, called in to report on his “informal study” of the patients who have used a drug cocktail that includes hydroxychloroquine — the anti-malaria drug that Trump long has touted.

Giuliani was excited when Mark reported that none of his patients had been hospitalized: “Why doesn’t this count with all these geniuses in Washington? The double blind study and the triple blind study and this study and that study, we don’t have time for that, we’ve got to go to people like Mark in New Jersey!”

In fact, the FDA has warned against widespread use of the drug, noting that it can cause heart problems.

The discussions with his listeners, though, often come back to China.

One caller to Giuliani’s radio show, identifying himself as “George from Bay Ridge,” went on a rant against Chinese people, likening them to serial killers with “no conscience” who are attempting to take over businesses all over the world.

Giuliani responded, “George, I’ve been getting complaints about this for a long time.” He added: “It almost reminds me of the Mafia. You know, they say, if you do business with America it’s one thing. If you do business with China you don’t realize, all of a sudden you start owing them too much and they believe they own you.”



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