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· 就信政府特爱科学正能量最听党的
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· 中国历史上就没有制度化的真正私
· 再看万维少座训导下大外宣篡改基
· 六看癌症就是寄生虫.勇敢的心主
· 万维听党话挺俄灭乌全体指战员今
· 疫情当前.请死记1句话.所有病毒
· 就信政府特爱科学正能量最听党的
· 你个初中生何德何能缅北1月给你5
· 中国历史上就没有制度化的真正私
· 再看万维少座训导下大外宣篡改基
· 六看癌症就是寄生虫.勇敢的心主
· 万维听党话挺俄灭乌全体指战员今
· 疫情当前.请死记1句话.所有病毒
· 这位女士想不通.为什么我们顶级
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       Who’s murdering all the COVID 





(Natural News) Doctors, scientists and other medical experts involved with research into the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are mysteriously turning up dead all around the world in what appears to be a mass culling of people who know too much truth about the plandemic.

据Naturalnews网站的作者伊桑.胡夫(Ethan Huff)12月27日报道,参与中共冠状病毒(中共病毒)研究的医生、科学家和其他医学专家正在世界各地离奇死亡,这似乎是一场大规模的扑杀,因为他们对这种流行病了解太多真相。


最近的死亡案例之一是俄罗斯科学家亚历山大·萨沙·卡根斯基(Alexander Sasha Kagansky)的死亡。他一直在研究中共病毒疫苗,突然被残忍刺伤,并从圣彼得堡14层公寓的窗户扔了出去。报道称卡根斯基死因奇怪,考虑到他死亡的性质和时间,这算是轻描淡写了。卡根斯基最近获得了俄罗斯政府的一笔拨款,用于研究诊断和治疗脑瘤的新方法。他还大力提倡草药和蘑菇等自然疗法,这些疗法有助于杀死癌细胞。


今年另一位在类似情况下去世的是知名的加拿大科学家弗兰克·普卢默(Frank Plummer)。当他被黑暗势力带走的时候,他也在研究中共病毒疫苗。 早在1月份,就有媒体报道过普卢默与中共间谍的联系,该间谍网疑似从一个加拿大实验室窃取了冠状病毒菌株,并将它们带到武汉。




然后是吉塔·拉姆吉(Gita Ramjee),一位艾滋病毒科学家,据说是在访问伦敦时死于中共病毒,当时她正在做一个关于艾滋病毒治疗和预防的讲座。回到德班后,据报告她感到不适,去了医院,不久就去世了。


今年5月,世界卫生组织(WHO)司机Pyae Sone Win Maung也在为联合国运送中共病毒样本时死亡。事发时,他正在驾驶一辆有明显标志的联合国车辆,有人开枪打死了他,还打伤了另一名乘客。


疫苗揭发者、默克公司(Merck &Co)前销售主管布兰迪.沃恩(Brandy Vaughan)也是LearnTheRisk.org网站的创始人。本月早些时候,她也被发现死在家中,身旁是她九岁的儿子。沃恩一直在努力教育公众疫苗安全风险,并曾发出声明绝不会自杀。


生态健康联盟(EcoHealth Alliance)是接受美国纳税人数百万美元资助,在武汉病毒学研究所对冠状病毒进行基因操作的 “非营利 “组织。


其主席彼得·达扎克(Peter Daszak)负责策划中共病毒是一种自然现象的神话。“美国知情权”获得的电子邮件显示,生态健康联盟让27名杰出的健康科学家谴责中共病毒并非自然起源的阴谋论。


荷兰病毒学家罗恩·富希耶(Ron Fouchier)发明了世界上最致命的病毒株。他的生物武器实验受到广泛谴责,可能是导致中共病毒爆发的原因。他还负责隔离从沙特阿拉伯走私到弗兰克·普卢默(Frank Plummer)那里的SARS冠状病毒。就像之前提到的,就在大游戏印度(Great Game India)发表了一份关于该丑闻的报告一周后,他被发现死了。

One of the latest deaths was that of Alexander “Sasha” Kagansky, a Russian scientist who had been working on developing a COVID-19 vaccine when he was brutally stabbed and thrown from the window of his 14th floor apartment in St. Petersburg.

Reports indicate that Kagansky died “under strange circumstances,” an understatement considering the nature and timing of his demise.

Kagansky had recently been awarded a grant by the Russian government to investigate new ways of diagnosing and treating brain tumors. He was also a vocal advocate for natural remedies like herbs and mushrooms that are known to help kill cancer cells.

Another who died this year under similar circumstances was Frank Plummer, a world-renowned Canadian scientist who had also been working on a COVID-19 vaccine when he was apparently taken out by dark entities.

Back in January, we reported on Plummer’s connections to a communist Chinese spy ring that appears to have been responsible for stealing coronavirus strains from a Canadian lab and taking them to Wuhan.

Professor Bing Liu from the University of Pittsburgh is another relevant scientist who was murdered this year, in this case right before he could go public with a new breakthrough concerning the nature of COVID-19.

Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications,” reads a statement from his colleagues within the Department of Computational and Systems Biology.

Then we have Gita Ramjee, an HIV scientist who supposedly died from COVID-19 while visiting London to deliver a lecture about HIV treatment and prevention. Upon returning to Durban, she reportedly felt unwell and went to the hospital, where she died not long thereafter.

A World Health Organization (WHO) driver named Pyae Sone Win Maung also died back in May while transporting coronavirus samples for the United Nations. He had been driving a well-marked U.N. vehicle at the time when shots were fired, killing him and injuring another passenger.

Vaccine whistleblower Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive from Merck & Co. and founder of LearnTheRisk.org, was also found dead in her home earlier this month beside her nine-year-old son. Vaughan had been working hard to educate the public about vaccine safety risks.

Peter Daszak and Ron Fouchier need to be fully investigated

On the flip side, the following people are researchers of interest who are suspected of propagating plandemic fearmongering and fraud, and who could be linked to the aforementioned deaths in some way:

• Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, is responsible for orchestrating the myth that COVID-19 was a natural phenomenon. Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know reveal that employees of EcoHealth ring-led an operation to have 27 prominent health scientists condemn “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”

EcoHealth, by the way, is the same “non-profit” organization that received millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

• Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier is responsible for creating the world’s deadliest virus strain. His bioweapons experiments are widely condemned and could be responsible for the unleashing of COVID-19.

Fouchier is also responsible for isolating the SARS coronavirus that was smuggled out of Saudi Arabia and sent to Frank Plummer, who as previously mentioned turned up dead just a week after Great Game India published a report on the scandal.

More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) as it breaks can be found at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:









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