Bill Gates is now best known as a philanthropist, not the guy who started Microsoft or was the avatar for everyone’s annoyance with Windows 95.
He’s also known for wanting to save us from ourselves. Now, apparently, he wants to save us from the sun.
现在,比尔·盖茨最著名的是慈善家,而不是创立Microsoft 的人,也不是每个人都对Windows 95烦恼的化身。 他还以要拯救我们自己而闻名。 现在,显然,他想让我们免受阳光的伤害。 对于不了解这些事情的人,盖茨在疫苗接种和大流行预防 方面都非常重视。很公平。那当然意味着他的时刻已经到 了。 但是,他是一个尽可能多的锁定人员-如果您是一个有能力藏 起来的亿万富翁,就好了,这就像是坡(Poe)的“红色死亡 面具”,但真实世界一样对于我们其他人而言,后果可能是 成问题的。 但是,尽管您可能一直在关注他在疫苗接种和锁定方面所做 的努力,但您可能没有注意到盖茨最有争议的原因之一已经 得到批准:该项目将帮助遮挡阳光。 这听起来有点像《汉兰达2:加速》的情节,但这与科幻小 说没什么两样。 据路透社报道,哈佛大学的一个项目计划测试一个有争议的 理论,即可以通过向大气中喷射能反射太阳光线的颗粒来 阻止全球变暖。 该项目代表了所谓的“地球工程”中最具争议的方面之一, 即解决气候变化等问题时,我们的生态系统的各个方面都 可以发挥或改变的想法。在这种情况下,将涉及反射一些 太阳光线以阻止它们到达地球。
路透社报道:“为抵消全球变暖,向平流层喷洒微小的, 反射太阳光的微粒以抵消全球变暖的露天研究已经搁置了 多年,其中包括可能阻止减少温室气体排放量的争议,” 路透社报道。 “一小步,瑞典太空公司本周同意帮助哈佛大学的研究人员 明年6月在北极小镇基律纳附近发射气球。它将搭载一架吊 船,吊舱内有600公斤高的科学设备,高度为20公里(12 英里)。 根据英国《每日邮报》 8月份的一份报告,哈佛团队的项目 被称为SCoPEx,大部分由盖茨资助。(这给该主题起了个 笼统的标题:“调光太阳能拯救地球吗?比尔·盖茨想向平流 层喷洒数百万吨灰尘以阻止全球变暖……但批评家们担心这 会引发灾难”) 《自然》杂志的判断力较低。 “这个想法很简单:向平流层喷洒一堆粒子,它们会通过 将一些太阳光线反射回太空来冷却星球。科学家们已经目睹 了这一原理的实际应用,”《自然》(Nature)于2018年 发表过报道。 “ 1991年皮纳图博火山在菲律宾爆发时,它向平流层注入 了大约2000万吨的二氧化硫。平流层是一个大气层,延伸 至地球表面约10至50公里。火山喷发造成了硫酸盐颗粒的 雾霾,将行星冷却了约0.5°C。在大约18个月的时间内, 地球的平均温度恢复到蒸汽机抵达之前的水平。” 该计划存在多个问题,其中最重要的一点是我们不知道可能 会产生意想不到的后果。但是对于环保主义者来说,问题 在于它无法解决他们想做的全球变暖问题 。 “除了启用下一步,该测试没有其他优点。瑞典环保主义者 智囊团WhatNext的负责人尼古拉斯·哈斯特罗姆 (NiclasHällström)说: 虽然Hällström担心其他人也会遇到同样的事情-改变降雨 模式或农作物产量的潜力-但他也担心人们对他想要的解决 方案的关注不足,这是向零排放的过渡碳社会。 他说:“瑞典社会日益呼吁对气候变化采取真正,即时的 解决方案。” 对。 他也不是唯一的一个。 反对这一想法的加拿大环保组织ETC Group的联合执行董事 吉姆•托马斯(Jim Thomas)说:“这既是改变社会规范, 跨越界限的实验,也是科学实验。” 但是话又说回来,盖茨生活在这个梦想的世界中,他对流行 病和全球变暖的建议与他开发Windows的时间一样重要。
Gates, for those of you who don’t follow these things, has been big on both vaccination and pandemic prevention. Fair enough. That certainly means his moment has arrived. However, he’s about as much of a lockdown guy as you can get — which is just fine if you’re a billionaire who can afford to hide away as if this were Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death,” but the real-world consequences for the rest of us can be, ahem, problematic. However, while you may have been paying attention to his efforts on vaccination and lockdowns, you may not have noticed that one of Gates’ most controversial causes just got a go-ahead: A project that would help block out the sun. This sounds a bit like the plot to “Highlander 2: The Quickening,” but it’s nothing near that science fiction-y. According to Reuters, a Harvard University project plans to test out a controversial theory that global warming can be stopped by spraying particles into the atmosphere that would reflect the sun’s rays. The project represents one of the most controversial aspects of what’s known as “geoengineering” — the idea that, to tackle issues like climate change, massive aspects of our ecosystem can be played with or changed. In this case, it would involve reflecting some of the sun’s rays to stop them from reaching Earth. “Open-air research into spraying tiny, sun-reflecting particles into the stratosphere, to offset global warming, has been stalled for years by controversies – including that it could discourage needed cuts in greenhouse gas emissions,” Reuters reported. “In a small step, the Swedish Space Corporation agreed this week to help Harvard researchers launch a balloon near the Arctic town of Kiruna next June. It would carry a gondola with 600 kg of scientific equipment 20 km (12 miles) high.” The Harvard team, whose project is known as SCoPEx, is funded in large part by Gates, according to an August report in the U.K. Daily Mail. (Which gave the subject the wordy title: “Could dimming the sun save the Earth? Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of dust into the stratosphere to stop global warming… but critics fear it could trigger calamity”) The journal Nature was less judgmental. “The idea is simple: spray a bunch of particles into the stratosphere, and they will cool the planet by reflecting some of the Sun’s rays back into space. Scientists have already witnessed the principle in action,” Nature already reported in 2018. (Headline: “First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth”) “When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it injected an estimated 20 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere — the atmospheric layer that stretches from about 10 to 50 kilometres above Earth’s surface. The eruption created a haze of sulfate particles that cooled the planet by around 0.5 °C. For about 18 months, Earth’s average temperature returned to what it was before the arrival of the steam engine.” There are several problems with this plan, not the least of which is that we don’t know what the unintended consequences might be. But to environmentalists, the problem is that it doesn’t solve global warming the way they want to do it. “There is no merit in this test except to enable the next step. You can’t test the trigger of a bomb and say ‘This can’t possibly do any harm,'” said Niclas Hällström, director of the Sweden-based environmentalist think-tank WhatNext? And while Hällström is worried about some of the same things that other people are — the potential to change rain patterns or crop yields — he’s also concerned that people aren’t concerned enough about the solution he wants, which is a transition to a zero-carbon society. “Swedish society is increasingly calling for real, immediate solutions to climate change,” he said. Right. He’s not the only one, either. “This is as much an experiment in changing social norms and crossing a line as it is a science experiment,” said Jim Thomas, co-executive director of Canadian-based environmentalist organization ETC Group, which opposes the idea. But then again, Gates lives in this dream world where his advice on pandemics and global warming is given equal weight as his time developing Windows. gates-savior-complex-spirals-control- funds-sun-dimming-plan-save-human- race/