— ✨lfh.7哥的行为就是我的信仰.来自日本.银河系🌟🌟🌟 (@lfh46123376) December 25, 2022
“The so-called health expert now admits
that natural immunity is optimal and that
those who are vaccinated but had not
previously caught COVID-19 are more
susceptible to infection.”
那些接种过疫苗但之前没有感染过 COVID-19 的人
A CNN medical analyst who promoted lockdowns and vaccination requirements and at one stage claimed "we can't trust the unvaccinated" has taken to the pages of the Washington Post to confirm claims that were up until recently derided as misinformation.
The so-called health expert now admits that natural immunity is optimal and that those who are vaccinated but had not previously caught COVID-19 are more susceptible to infection.
While some may be happy to see these long-censored claims printed in the Washington Post, others have suggested that what is missing from these public confirmations is an apology.
— 喜马拉雅纽约香草山农场翻译部 HIMALAYA MOS Translators (@No3Mos) December 26, 2022
#XiJinping declared a major victory over COVID-19 within Communist China on Sept. 8, 2020.
Now 27 months later, the epidemic is making a comeback, which is even worse, and the entire country is sick, not to mention the countless deaths already. #ChinaCovidNightmarepic.twitter.com/bL8DtsCmDk