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苏联红三代现在什厶Yang? 2018-10-17 21:40:57


Image result for stalin's granddaughter sexy Chrese Evans photos

Stalin’s granddaughter 

is an all-American badass

She’s got her dedushka’s eyes — but this gun-toting, punk-rocking gal 

is as American as apple pie, although she does love to cook borscht.

Tattooed Chrese Evans, 44, of Portland, Oregon — a Buddhist who runs 

an antique shop — is far removed from her notorious grandfather, 

Joseph Stalin, the former Soviet Union’s ruthless “man of steel.”

Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s only daughter, defected from the Soviet 

Union in 1966 and married Evans’ future father, architect William 

Wesley Peters.

“Stalin for me was one of the three people who won the Second World 

War — Churchill, Roosevelt and him,” she told the Express of the UK.

 “Then my mother asked me to listen to her. This is when I found out 

about his crimes.”

Millions were killed during Stalin’s brutal regime from 1929 to 1953, 

when he ruled with an iron first as he transformed the USSR into a 

military superpower.

The bleach blonde is the youngest of Alliluyeva’s three children — the only 

child from her third marriage to Peters — and was born Olga, but chose to 

change her name.

Her mother, who was married to Peters for three years, died of cancer five 

years ago at age 85.

“My mother’s whole life has been about living this [her association with 

Stalin] down and trying to lead a new life of her own,” Evans once 

reportedly said.

“Of course, she abhors what Stalin did,” she told the Daily Mail. “But 

there was a period when so many people held her responsible for his 

actions that she actually started to think maybe it was true. It’s so unjust.”

“Borscht from scratch. Love making it, feels like Mom was right next 

to me,” she wrote.

She said “nyet” to a career working for the IRS and decided to start 

her own business.

“One had the prospect of excitement, the other one was cool,” she 

told the Daily Mirror.

Evans expressed her love for her mom.

“She was always proud of me, when I hadn’t even really 

accomplished anything, the unconditional love, which I haven’t felt 

from anybody else, ever, because she was my mother, and that warmth 

of a friendship, which I probably will look for, for the rest of my life 

in other people,” Evans said.


       斯大林的外孙女 —— 一个美式的玩闹

                         作者:Yaron Steinbuch 2016年3月17日| 17:28

她有她的dedushka的眼睛 - 但这个持枪,朋克摇滚的gal像苹果派一


44岁的Tattooed Chrese Evans来自俄勒 州波特兰市 - 一位经营古董

店的佛教徒 - 远离她臭名昭茠渗炊约瑟夫斯大林,他是前苏联 情的


Svetlana Alliluyeva,斯大林唯一的女儿,于1966年从苏联叛逃,并与


“斯大林对我来说是赢得第二次世界大战的三个人之一 - 丘吉堙A罗斯福

和他,”她告诉英国快报。 “然后我母亲让我听她说。这是我发现他的




漂白金发女郎是Alliluyeva三个孩子中最年轻的 - 这是她与Peters的

第三次婚姻中唯一的孩子 - 并且出生于Olga,但她选择改名。




“当然,她憎恶斯大林的所作所为,”她告诉“每日邮报”。 “但是




子弹带 - 还有更多的传统图像,如自制的俄罗斯汤。






我从未感受到的 条件的爱,因为她是我的母亲,还有友谊的温暖,我


            Badass 是什厶意思?褒还是贬憛H

                                      八月 3, 2015 - Will


Badass来形容不同的人、或者物,比如:I heard this guy’s a real 

badass, so you better stay away from him。又比如:Maggie Q 

plays a badass character in the hit TV show Nikita. 还有,That’s 

a badass sports car you got over there. 由于腹成Badass的词Bad和




Slang: Vulgar.

adjective, Also, badassed

1.(of a person) difficult to deal with; mean-tempered; touchy.

2.distinctively tough or powerful; so exceptional as to be 



3. a mean-tempered troublemaker.





在 Wiktionary.com,对于 badass 的名词含愦两种截然不同的解释:

首先看负面的,A mean or belligerent person; a person with 

unpleasantly extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance.(刻薄、


A person considered impressive due to extreme attitudes, 

behavior or appearance. (由于其极端态度、行为或外表而使人


介绍到这里,答案已经比较明了。Badass 既可表达贬憛A亦可用于褒憛A


厉害的、拉风的、狂拽酷炫的、或 狠角色。


badass 所具备的褒扬、赞美含摮n更多一点。


badass 所具备的褒扬、赞美含摮n更多一点。

它不仅可用来形容人,也可用于令人惊艳的事物( 如前面例子里的:

badass sports car)。在亚马逊,你随便就可以搜出一打含有badass

关键字的畅销书,比如:《You Are a Badass》、《The Badass Life》、

《The Badass Body Diet》等等。我想,下面这篇来自Wikihow,

名为 How to Become a Badass 文章的精彩开头,颇能概括如今人们


“ You know the guy — he parks his motorcycle and walks 

fearlessly into the bar, clad in black leather. He opens his 

jacket, revealing tattooed sleeves. He puts a bill on the table, 

which the barkeep accepts, putting a shot in front of him. 

You catch a glimpse of the man’s a devil-may-care look in 

his eye before you quickly look away. You’ve just seen a 

badass, and you like the idea of becoming one yourself. ”id.

Relationship: Chrese and her mother were incredibly close, and she has spoken
publicly about the bond the two of them had. This picture was captioned 'Tattoo
by Pedro Dorsey, shoes by Sketchers, me by Mom'

Running: Svetlana died three years ago, having moved around the world - often
with her daughter - and changed her name to Lana Peters in a bid to distance
herself from her past

Blame: Chrese has said at one point 'so many' people held her responsible for her father's action, that Svetlana began to believe it herself. Pictured: Svetlana and Stalin 

Blame: Chrese has said at one point 'so many' people held her responsible for
her father's action, that Svetlana began to believe it herself. Pictured:
Svetlana and Stalin 

Evans was also quoted as saying that despite an itinerant childhood in Britain 

and the States - not to mention a failed attempt to return to the USSR in 1984 

after Svetlana denounced the West - she grew up as a 'kind of normal kid'. 

The stay in Russia only lasted three years after the moody Svetlana fell out with 

her relatives - although it seems to have left its mark.

'My favourite Russian New Year wish to all of you: May you never forget what is 

worth remembering, nor remember what is best forgotten. *gulp Vodka here*'

She also posted a picture of homemade Russian soup.

'Borscht from scratch. Love making it, feels like Mom was right next to me,' she 


But Evans, who was educated at the Friends' School, Saffron Walden, Essex, 

a Quaker independent school,  moved back to America as an adult. where she 

worked at a Portland fashion boutique as a student which had seen her study 

tax law and accounting.

She had the option to work for the US government's Internal Revenue Service, 

or to start her own business.

'One had the prospect of excitement, the other one was cool,' said Chrese in 

a previous interview.

Last year she told PBS in America that her mother had shielded her from being

 constantly confronted with her grandfather's bloody reign of terror.

'It wasn't a part of my past at all, until I was a young teenager, because she kept 

me very, very sheltered from it,' said Evans.

'She always called me American as apple pie.

'She wanted me - she always wanted to protect me from the hardships that she 

had had to go through.

'We had a very special relationship, once I had become probably a young 


'Sometimes, I was doing the parenting. Sometimes, she was.

'We were a little bit more of an equal partnership, sort of a super duo.' 

'Super-duo': Chrese, aged 15, with Svetlana. The two settled in England for a number of years, with Chrese attending the independent Friends' School in Essex, which was run by Quakers

'Super-duo': Chrese, aged 15, with Svetlana. The two settled in England for a
number of years, with Chrese attending the independent Friends' School in Essex,
which was run by Quakers

Escape: Svetlana first left Russia in the 1960s, more than a decade after her father - pictured here with her and her brother Vlasik - had died. She left behind her two older children

Escape: Svetlana first left Russia in the 1960s, more than a decade after her
father - pictured here with her and her brother Vlasik - had died. She left
behind her two older children

Indecision: Later, she would return with Chrese, before falling out with her relatives and leaving once more. Pictured: Svetlana being interviewed in 2010, shortly before she died at her home in the States

Indecision: Later, she would return with Chrese, before falling out with her
relatives and leaving once more. Pictured: Svetlana being interviewed in 2010,
shortly before she died at her home in the States

Asked what part of her mother is most in her, she said: 'She had incredible faith.

'And I didn't really develop that sense of faith until actually after she passed away

 and that sense of her being with me.

'I have a sense of accomplishment that I didn't have before that I know that she 

left with me.

'She was always proud of me, when I hadn't even really accomplished anything,

the unconditional love, which I haven't felt from anybody else, ever, because she

 was my mother, and that warmth of a friendship, which I probably will look for, 

for the rest of my life in other people.

'But I know that it's possible.' 

Partnership: Chrese revealed last year that, as she grew up, sometimes
she would do the parenting and sometimes her mother would

 Hidden: Svetlana tried her hardest to shield her daughter from her grandfather's crimes as she grew up

Hidden: Svetlana tried her hardest to shield her daughter from her
grandfather's crimes as she grew up

 Pressure: Svetlana later said her father, who died in 1953, loved her - and always wanted her to be by his side

Pressure: Svetlana later said her father, who died in 1953, loved her -
and always wanted her to be by his side

Hatred: Svetlana also revealed she could never forgive her father. Her relationship with Chrese was entirely different - her daughter even has a tattoo which reads 'Mamma's girl' on her arm (pictured) 

Hatred: Svetlana also revealed she could never forgive her father. Her relationship with 

Chrese was entirely different - her daughter even has a tattoo which reads 'Mamma's girl' 

on her arm (pictured) 

  斯大林美籍外孙女“搞怪” 托奡诛孙女:像她姥爷

          2016-03-18 09:47:49    来源:观察者网综合


(Chrese Evans,1971-,原名奥堨[。观察者网注)日前上传了一组颇有












威廉·彼得斯的女儿,现居住在俄勒 州的波兰特市,经营茪@家小古玩店。











(埃文斯) 的行为与她的外祖父有点相似,这只会让自己的祖先感到羞愧。”


    斯大林外孙女战胜乳腺癌后 发现自己有灵通能力


  俄罗斯旅游中文网3月23日讯 俄罗斯卫星通讯社2月22日援引







能力。 埃文斯突然开始预测大大小小的事件和自然嵼`。她说,她通常都在早晨

能开眼。她走到地图跟前, 手会自己指出可能会发生难的地方。克里斯不久前



1945年4月底至5月初 苏军德军 柏林街头激战现场纪录影片

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