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中国骗局?213中企遭调查 2018-12-21 20:08:48




The current list includes 224 unique issuers, and they 

represent a significant portion of the capital markets, with a 

combined market capitalization exceeding $1.8 trillion.[22] 

Out of these 224 issuers, 213 have auditors based in mainland

China or Hong Kong, while the remaining 11 issuers have 

auditors based in Belgium.












受到中国的监管,美国 法得治这些企业的数Ju,因此美国方面

也 法知道这些企业是否存在漏洞,这对美国的投资人不公平,

















新浪(SINA)搜狐(SOHU)网易(NTES)百度(BIDU)第九城市(NCTY)金融界(JRJC)茧{网(CTRP)前程 忧(JOBS)UT斯达康(UTSI)泰克飞石(CNTF)中芯国际(SMI)新东方(EDU)华视传媒(VISN)航美传媒(AMCN)中国铝业(ACH)中海油(CEO)玉柴国际(CYD) 深铁路(GSH)中移动(CHL)中国人u(LFC)瑞立集团(SORL)中国电信(CHA)中石化(SNP)上石化(SHI)东方航空(CEA)华能电力(HNP)南方航空(ZNH)阿特斯(CSIQ)比克电池(CBAK)中汽系统(CAAS)中国天然(CHNR)新龙亚洲(NDAC)富维薄膜(FFHL)南太电子(NTE)正保教育(DL)永新视博(STV)鑫苑置业(XIN)橡果国际(ATV)昱辉阳光(SOL)英利(YGE)泛华保险(CISG)奇景光电(HIMX)晶澳太阳(JASO)凹凸科技(OIIM)慧U科技(SIMO)中石油(PTR)中国联通(CHU)日月光半(ASX)友达光电(AUO)台积电(TSM)联电(UMC)矽品(SPIL)和信超媒(GIGM)畅游(CYOU)华住酒店(HTHT)中华电信(CHT)圣元国际(SYUT)联游网络(CCGM)搜房网(SFUN)多元印刷(DYNP)蓝汛(CCIH)诺亚财富(NOAH)易车网(BITA)希尼亚(XNY)康迪车业(KNDI)中网在线(CNET)ATA公司(ATAI)利华国际(LIWA)山东昱合(YUII)太宇机电(HEAT)同心国际(TXIC)晶科能源(JKS)绿诺科技(RINO)大全新能(DQ)瑞达电源(CRTP)中国生物(CHBT)鞄柁魕(HGSH)奥瑞金种(SEED)赛诺国际(BEST)丌得汽车(WATG)中国高速(CCME)福麒国际(FUQI)海湾资源(GURE)双威教育(CAST)新奥混凝(CADC)JF中国基(JFC)武銙q用(WUHN)艾格菲国(FEED)中国脐带(CO)研控科技(RCON)中L能源(ABAT)和利时自(HOLI)联合信息(KONE)中国基础(CIIC)中国医药(CPHI)高科能源(APWR)盈丰科技(CREG)中环球船(SINO)江波制药(JGBO)西蓝公司(CHNG)中国清洁(SCEI)智远天下(CHIO)鑫达集团(CXDC)岳鹏成电(CELM)九洲大药(CJJD)泰和诚医(CCM)数百亿(SBAY)绿润集团(ALN)奥星制药(BSPM)华达产业(CDII)中国汽车(CALI)科兴生物(SVA)中国绿色(CGA)圣恺工业(VALV)新东方能(NOEC)博润(BORN)东方纸业(ONP)奥盛创新(OSN)世纪互联(VNET)人人公司(RENN)凤凰新媒(FENG)正兴集团(ZX)中国信息(CNIT)唯品会(VIPS)欢聚时代(YY)德卫(DSWL)AAA能源(AAAE)亚太电线(APWC)南茂科技(IMOS)瑞声(AACAY)中国农行(ACGBY)狴芘团(AGVO)安徽海螺(AHCHY)中国国航(AICAF)爱大制药(AIDA)泛蓝国际(AIVI)亚洲软木(AKRK)中铝公司(ALMMF)澳科控股(AMVGF)鞍钢(ANGGY)华狻祥(CMFO)爱美柯(AMCG)美国金属(AMGY)豪鹏国际(HPJ)旭明光电(LEDS)艺术精品(ARTB)中国银行(BACHY)华晨中国(BCAUY)北京世纪(BCHM)交通银行(BCMXY)中国企发(BDEV)恒异电子(BNSO)华瑞服装(EVK)新能源系(NEWN)中国新城(CNR)清源啤酒(BEER)北辰实业(BEIJF)百丽(BELLY)亚洲生物(BFAR)中银香港(BHKLY)首都国际(BJCHF)北京控股(BJINY)东亚银行(BKEAY)上为(SGOC)欧陆科仪(CLWT)銢环境(BOTRF)邦泰(BOTX)波司登(BSDGY)百隆东方(BSHG)比亚迪(BYDDF)中国 Cab(CABLF)绿色材料(CAGM)公路控股(HIHO)金凰珠(KGJI)能发伟业(NFEC)中国海外(CAOVY)华润水泥(CARCY)中国中材(CASDY)中国综合(CBEH)中国溢佰(CBGH)中海石油(CBLUY)中国建材(CBUMY)CBR酿造(CBRAF)西斯班(SSW)中交股份(CCCGY)怡和控股(JMHLY)泰邦生物(CBPO)新华财经(XHFNF)泰科铁塔(HGHN)青岛人印(JPAK)电能实业(HGKGY)科元石化(KEYP)惠恒医疗(HHGM)信星鞋业(KMSWF)百丰电子(HIGR)三八妇乐(XNFHF)恒鼎实业(HIIDY)新奥能源(XNGSY)新华悦动(XSELY)信戭谜(XYIGF)港机工程(HKAEY)盈德气体(YINGY)矰鞲④u(YIPCF)佘太翠玉(JADA)亚亿国际(YYINE)嘉里建设(KRYPY)招金矿业(ZHAOF)中国人财(PPCCY)德昌电机(JELCY)港交所(HKXCF)美商百胜(PSGP)红冠鞋业(QING)昆仑生物(KURU)乳多(RDBO)U福水产(RNFU)人和商业(RNHEF)江苏宁沪(JEXYF)成渝高速(SEXHF)嘉华国际(KWHAY)江苏宁沪(JEXYY)上海实业(SGHIY)江铜集团(JIXAY)香格里拉(SHALY)乐君传媒(LEGE)墨龙石油(SHANF)神冠控股(SHGXY)重汽(香(SHKLY)龙工控股(LKHLY)国药(SHTDF)信得(SHTGY)信利国际(TRUHY)青岛啤酒(TSGTF)中国航信(TSYHY)创科实业(TTNDY)玄武集团(XNWU)理文造纸(LMPMY)莲花制药(LTUS)马鞍山钢(MAANF)文化东方(MAORF)冶金科工(MLLUY)新逻辑动(NANI) 线电视(TVBCY)光大控股(CEVIY)天鑫矿业(TXNM)纳伟仕视(NIVS)优按网络(UOLI)康采恩(CHME)来珔团(NOBGF)中国陶瓷(CCCL)永亨银行(WGHGY)维他奶(VTSYF)新世界百(NWRLY)罗欣药业(SLUXY)银燕木业(SLVA)中建悍O(SNAS)中化化肥(SNFRY)信和置业(SNLAY)东方石油(OPEI)联合经纪(UIBGF)三金国际(WGLD)港交所(HKXCY)恒基兆业(HLDCY)恒基兆业(HLDVF)恒隆地产(HLPPY)美兰股份(HMCTF)恒隆集团(HNLGF)恒隆集团(HNLGY)煤气公司(HOKCY)嘉周化工(CHCC)合和实业(HOWWY)中国3C集(CHCG)盛棵再生(SRRY)中国数字(CHDA)环球教育(HQGE)数码通(STTFY)海(HRELF)新鸿基(SUHJY)M&H石油(CHDP)长实(CHEUY)太古(SWRAY)海(HRELY)玉同药业(SYUP)恒生银行(HSNGY)家庭系统(HSYT)搜三百(SOUG)日立建机(HTCMY)华国际(HUABF)华国际(HUIHY)惠影科技(HUIY)希慎兴业(HYSNY)工商银行(IDCBF)工商银行(IDCBY)华北艺(IDCX)情报系统(IICN)意马(IINHY)天祥集团(IKTSY)信戭谜(XYIGY)青岛啤酒(TSGTY)中国多肽(CHPN)中国太保(CHPXY)中国 线(CHWTF)健康产业(CHHE)康哲药业(CHSY)中国建设(CICHY)中汇道明(ZHDM)沪杭甬高(ZHEXF)中海集装(CITAY)兆恒水电(ZHYLF)中国远洋(CICOY)中粮(CIDHY)中国传动(CHSTY)协同教学(CIVN)中渔集团(CIFHY)常达国际(CIHD)招商银行(CIHKY)紫金矿业(ZIJMF)中国有机(CHOR)中联重科(ZLIOY)中兴通讯(ZTCOF)中国卫生(CHLBF)中国工业(CIWT)紫阳陶瓷(ZYCI)古今通(TAAI)腾讯(TCEHY)创业环保(TCEPY)康师傅(TCYMF)康太仙人(CKGT)圣火药业(CKUN)山东威高(SHWGY)深圳高速(SHZNY)晨讯科技(SIMTF)东方海外(OROVY)腾讯(TCTZF)康师傅(TCYMY)上海电气(SIELY)远洋地产(SIOLY)信利国际(TRUHF)太古(SWRBY)奥盛技术(ORSX)太平洋(PBEP)中基建(CHNC)平安保险(PIAIF)百盛商业(PKSGY)坤伦文化(KSTV)奥思集团(WOSSF)韦斯特加(WSYS)信德燃喷(WTFS)北京物美(WUMSF)旺旺中国(WWNTF)永利澳门(WYNMF)沪杭甬高(ZHEXY)紫金矿业(ZIJMY)中兴通讯(ZTCOY)北京物美(WUMSY)旺旺中国(WWNTY)永利澳门(WYNMY)文化东方(MNOIY)来珔团(NOBGY)龙源电力(CLPXY)民生银行(CMAKY)中国M161(CMNW)平安保险(PNGAY)中国新能(CNER)国泰航空(CPCAY)中房发展(CPDV)卜蜂国际(CPKPF)华润(CRHKY)呈辉置业(CRHO)润基水泥(CRJI)瑞泰国际(CRUI)中海油服(CHOLY)中海油服(CHOLF)中国中铁(CRWOY)中海发展(CSDXY)源畅光电(CSEHY)大连新阳(CSGH)双吉水泥(CSGJ)兴天下(CSKD)福建中德(CCGY)曹普工艺(CSNH)德利国际(CSOL)中国南车(CSRGY)中国神华(CSUAY)森宇国际(CSWG)神威药业(CSWYY)新兴佳(CTEK)中拖(CTHL)中信泰富(CTPCY)中国旅游(CTVZ)卜蜂国际(CPKPY)华野燃气(HUAZ)中煤能源(CCOZY)中煤能源(CCOZF)中国生物(CDBH)甘肃大圣(CDBT)中国动向(CDGXF)东升伟业(CDSG)中国国航(AIRYY)中国银行(BACHF)华晨中国(BCAUF)东亚银行(BKEAF)中国建设(CICHF)比亚迪(BYDDY)达芙妮集(DPNEY)徳爱埵(DRCR)太阳禽业(DUKS)东信生物(DXIN)东方安防(EAST)亿丰环境(EESC)e-KONG集(EKONY)大连础明(ENHD)思捷环球(ESPGY)飞鹰塑胶(FEPU)第一拖拉(FIRRY)FLM矿业(FLMS)第一太平(FPAFF)富士康控(FXCNY)粤海投资(GGDVY)金马国际(GHII)云顶新加(GIGNF)云顶新加(GIGNY)金卫医疗(GMDTF)金象玻璃(GOEG)环球医药(GPHG)中威盛世(GTVI)长城汽车(GWLLY)银河娱乐(GXYEF)银河娱乐(GXYEY) 州药业(GZPHY) 州富力(GZUHY)恒基兆业(HDVTY)恒安国际(HEGIF)恒安国际(HEGIY)第一太平(FPAFY)维特奥健(CVPH)中国风电(CWPWF)中国铁建(CWYCY)超英生物(CYDI)海逸风传(CYHM)永春堂(CYIG)东莞饰纸(DCRD)三俊电池(DFEL)牛奶国际(DFIHY)大东南(DGDH)多元环球(DGWIY)百花洲实(DION)大唐发电(DIPGY)东科药业(DKSP)东风汽车(DNFGF)东盛医药(DNGH)达芙妮集(DPNEF)东风汽车(DNFGY)兰亭集势(LITB)平潭海洋(PME)鲈乡小贷(CCCR)58同城(WUBA)500彩票(WBAI)汽车之家(ATHM)AMC院线(AMC)诺华家具(NVFY)微博(WB)达内科技(TEDU)乐居(LEJU)爱康国宾(KANG)京东(JD)途牛(TOUR)猎豹移动(CMCM)祥天控股(GOAS)聚美优品(JMEI)迅雷(XNET)阿里巴巴(BABA)天华阳光(SKYS)一嗨租车(EHIC)陌陌(MOMO)海亮教育(HLG)钜派(JP)宜人贷(YRD)百济神州(BGNE)银科控股(YIN) 忧英语(COE)众美联(JMU)国双科技(GSUM)中国贷款(CLDC)中通(ZTO)信而富(XRF)博实乐(BEDU)圣盈信(CIFS)百世(BSTI)寺库(SECO)红黄蓝(RYB)瑞思(REDU)搜狗(SOGO)拍拍贷(PPDF)趣店(QD)和信贷(HX)简普科技(JT)乐信(LX)华米(HMI)凌动智行(LKM)尚德机腹(STG)爱奇艺(IQ)哔哩哔哩(BILI)格林酒店(GHG)虎牙(HUYA)优信(UXIN)拼多多(PDD)极光(JG)品钛(PT)1药网(YI)蔚来(NIO)趣头条(QTT)云米(VIOT)小赢科技(XYF)流利说(LAIX)触(CTK)小牛电动(NIU)泛华金融(CNF)微贷网(WEI)360金融(QFIN)蘑菇街(MOGU)腾讯音乐(TME)







25家在美知名ETF:3X多能源(ERX)标普ETF(SPY)道指ETF(DIA)能源ETF(XLE)金融ETF(XLF)健保ETF(XLV)工业ETF(XLI)材料ETF(XLB)电信ETF(IYZ)油价ETF(USO)气价ETF(UNG)金价ETF(GLD)3X空金融(FAZ)3X多金融(FAS)2X空标普(SDS)2X多标普(SSO)纳百ETF(QQQ)富时中股(FXI)英镑ETF(FXB)欧元ETF(FXE)三倍做多(YINN)Velocity(TVIX)3X多金矿(NUGT)中创100 (CNXT)中国高级(CBON)


浏览(4114) (6) 评论(3)
作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-12-21 23:12:21

Issuer Audit ClientsFilterFILTER|SORT BY: None Issuer Auditor Auditor Location|GROUP BY: None Auditor Auditor LocationISSUERAUDITORAUDITOR LOCATION21Vianet Group, Inc.Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLPChina500.com LtdErnst & Young Hua Ming LLPChina51job, Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChina58.com Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaAblynx NVDeloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren / Réviseurs d'EntreprisesBelgiumABV CONSULTING, INC.HKCMCPA Company LimitedHong KongACM Research, Inc.BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaAcorn International, Inc.Grant ThorntonChinaAcorn International, Inc.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP (2017 Form 2)ChinaActions Semiconductor Co. Ltd.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (2017 Form 2)Hong KongADGS Advisory, Inc.UHY Vocation HK CPA Limited (2017 Form 2)Hong KongAdvanced BioMedical Technologies Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongAIRMEDIA GROUP INC.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaAlibaba Group Holding LimitedPricewaterhouseCoopersHong KongAluminum Corporation of China LtdErnst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaAmerican BriVision (Holding) CorporationCENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongAnheuser-Busch InBev SA/NVDeloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren / Réviseurs d'EntreprisesBelgiumAOXING PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY, INC.BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP (2017 Form 2)ChinaAsia Travel CorporationCENTURION ZD CPA LIMITED (2017 Form 2)Hong KongATA Inc.KPMG Huazhen LLPChinaAutohome Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaBaidu, Inc.Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaBaozun Inc.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaBeiGene, Ltd.Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaBeyondSpring Inc.Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaBilibili Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaBiostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Mazars CPA LimitedHong KongBirdbill, Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongBitauto Holdings LimitedPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaBONSO ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL INC.MOORE STEPHENS CPA LIMITEDHong KongBright Scholar Education Holdings LtdDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP (2017 Form 2)ChinaBright Scholar Education Holdings LtdDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaCanadian Solar Inc.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaCBAK Energy Technology, Inc. fka China BAK Battery, Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITED (2017 Form 2)Hong KongCellular Biomedicine Group, Inc.BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaCelyadPricewaterhouseCoopers Reviseurs d'EntreprisesBelgiumChangyou.com LimitedPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaCheetah Mobile Inc.Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaChina Automotive Systems, Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaChina Biologic Products Holdings, Inc.KPMG Huazhen LLPChinaChina Ceramics Co., Ltd.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongChina Cord Blood CorporationKPMG Huazhen LLPChinaChina Digital TV Holding Co., Ltd.KPMG Huazhen LLPChinaChina Digital TV Holding Co., Ltd.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaChina Distance Education Holdings LTDDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaChina Eastern Airlines Corporation LimitedErnst & YoungHong KongChina Enterprises LimitedCENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongChina Finance Online Co. LTDBDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaChina Health Industries Holdings, Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongChina Internet Café Holdings Group, Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITED (2017 Form 2)Hong KongCHINA JO-JO DRUGSTORES, INC.BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP (2017 Form 2)ChinaCHINA JO-JO DRUGSTORES, INC.BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaChina Life Insurance Co LtdErnst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaChina Life Insurance Co LtdErnst & Young (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChina Lodging Group, LtdDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaChina Metro-Rural Holdings LimitedPricewaterhouseCoopers (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChina Ming Yang Wind Power Group LimitedKPMG (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChina Mobile LimitedPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaChina Natural Resources IncErnst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaChina Nepstar Chain Drugstore LtdKPMG (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChina Networks International Holdings LtdUHY Vocation HK CPA LimitedHong KongChina New Borun CorporationBDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaChina Online Education GroupPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaChina Petroleum & Chemical CorporationPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaChina Rapid Finance LimitedPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP (2017 Form 2)ChinaChina ShouGuan Mining CorporationHKCMCPA Company Limited (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChina Southern Airlines Company LimitedKPMG Huazhen LLPChinaChina Sunergy Co., Ltd.Grant Thornton (2017 Form 2)ChinaChina Sunergy Co., Ltd.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP (2017 Form 2)ChinaChina Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology LTDDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaCHINA TELECOM CORP LTDDeloitte Touche TohmatsuHong KongChina Teletech Holding, Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITED (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChina Unicom (Hong Kong) LimitedKPMG Huazhen LLPChinaChina XD Plastics Company LimitedKPMG Huazhen LLPChinaChina Zenix Auto International LimitedCENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongChina Zenix Auto International LtdDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu (2017 Form 2)Hong KongChinaCache International Holdings LtdErnst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaCHINAWE.COM INC.MOORE STEPHENS CPA LIMITEDHong KongChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (Bermuda) LTD.MOORE STEPHENS CPA LIMITED (2017 Form 2)Hong KongCNOOC LTDDeloitte Touche TohmatsuHong KongConcord Medical Services Holdings LtdErnst & Young Hua Ming LLPChinaConsumer Capital Group, Inc.CENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongCOSMOS GROUP HOLDINGS INCHKCMCPA Company LimitedHong KongCtrip.com International, Ltd.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPChinaDAQO NEW ENERGY CORP.Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaDelta Technology Holdings LimitedCENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongDeswell Industries, Inc.BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLPChinaDragon Jade International LimitedCENTURION ZD CPA LIMITEDHong KongEagle Mountain Corporation fka USmart Mobile Device 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Chinese ambassador to Canada talks Trump, trade and nuclear power

Canada demands China immediately release citizens detained in ˉretaliationˇ arrests

US, UK and EU express support, after two Canadians held in seeming retaliation for arrest of Huawei executive

Shares21Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada, and two Canadians in turn were arrested in China. Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada, and two Canadians in turn were arrested in China. Photograph: Canadian Press/REX/Shutterstock

Canada has made its first formal demand for China to immediately release two citizens who have been detained in apparent retaliation for the arrest of a top Chinese tech executive.

The US, the UK and the EU also issued statements in support of Canada, which has abandoned previous diplomatic caution to demand the men are freed.

¨We are deeply concerned by the arbitrary detention by Chinese authorities of two Canadians earlier this month and call for their immediate release,〃 Canadian foreign minister Chrystia Freeland said.

A senior government official said Chinaˇs ambassador to Canada was called on Friday and told of Canadaˇs demand. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of lack of authorisation to discuss the call publicly.

China accused of 'tit-for-tat' over detention of Canadian woman Read more

Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, was arrested in Canada on 1 December at the request of the United States, which wants her extradited to face charges that she and her company misled banks about the companyˇs business dealings in Iran.

Nine days later, the Chinese detained Canadian ex-diplomat Michael Kovrig and Canadian entrepreneur Michael Spavor on allegations of ¨engaging in activities that endanger the national security〃 of China.

Freelandˇs declaration marked a harder tone from Canadian officials. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had been criticised by the opposition for what they called unacceptable reticence over his suggestion on Wednesday that raising demands for their release would be akin to ¨to stomping on the table〃 without achieving their release.

Freeland said Canada is honouring its extradition treaty with the US and said it is conducting a fair and transparent legal proceeding with respect to Meng.

US State Department spokesman Robert Palladino also reiterated that Canada is honouring its extradition treaty commitments.

¨We also express our deep concern for the Chinese governmentˇs detention of two Canadians earlier this month and call for their immediate release,〃 Palladino said. US secretary of state Mike Pompeo also called for their release last week.

UK foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt said in a statement the UK is confident Canada is respecting its extradition treaty with the US and that he is ¨deeply concerned〃 China may have detained the two Canadians for political reasons.

The EU, meanwhile, issued a statement saying, ¨The declared motive for the arrest and detention of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, both Canadian nationals, raises concerns about legitimate research and business practices in China.〃

China-US feud threatens Canada as Huawei executive due in court Read more

Freeland thanked allies for speaking out and said Canada will not compromise or nor politicise the rule of law. ¨It is the bedrock of democracy,〃 she said.

The show of support from allies is significant for Canada, which has felt relatively isolated in recent months, particularly following US President Donald Trumpˇs criticism of Trudeau and his lack of public support.

In August, Saudi Arabia expelled Canadaˇs ambassador to the kingdom and withdrew its own ambassador after Canadaˇs foreign ministry tweeted support for an arrested Saudi activist. The Saudis also sold Canadian investments and ordered their citizens studying in Canada to leave.

No country, including the US, spoke out publicly in support of Canada, and the Trump administration has been steadfast in its support for Saudi Arabia.

The US Justice Department said on Friday a Chinese national had been arrested for stealing trade secrets from a US-based petroleum company, his employer, related to a product worth more than $1 billion.

The department alleged Hongjin Tan downloaded hundreds of files related to the manufacture of a ¨research and development downstream energy market product,〃 which he planned to use to benefit a company in China that had offered him a job. He was arrested on Thursday in Oklahoma and will next appear in court on Wednesday, the department said.

Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this story

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-12-21 21:04:47


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-12-21 20:25:56

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