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近平出卖拜登勾兑CCP交换22人被蓬佩断拒 2020-06-17 02:29:49




























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作者:Pascal 回复 旁观者未必清 留言时间:2020-06-17 17:30:10


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作者:旁观者未必清 回复 天雅 留言时间:2020-06-17 17:00:57


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-06-17 04:12:21

作者: Kris Osborn June 10, 2020/ 2020年6月10日

消息来源:The National Interest 《国家利益》





本文讲述了200万中共国军队最近在中国西北地区进行的大规模攻击演习,这引起了人们对各国目前陆战准备程度的疑问。据《全球火力》和《陆军识别》报道,中共国军队有200万现役人员和51万预备役人员,拥有VT5轻型坦克,升级版T99、T99A主战坦克;然而,美国的艾布拉姆斯坦克的改进已经完全改变了平台的作战能力,亦无迹象表明中共的最新型坦克可以超越美国的艾布拉姆斯主坦克。同时,武器研发上,研发人员继续评估下一代传感器、主动防护系统和轻质装甲复合材料的作战效能,以探索一种比升级版 “艾布拉姆斯 “重量更轻,但生存能力和杀伤力更强的新型装甲车。事实上,美国的军事能力不仅仅包含陆地方面,其联合攻击能力包括隐形空袭、航母力量投射、先进战斗机、海军武器和快速现代化的登陆部队,可以说,在任何类型的机械化战争中,美国都会处于有利地位。




中共国军队能与美军比肩吗?目前,答案是 “不能”



据《中国人民网络报》6月9日报道,模拟战斗行动包括日间和夜间 “快速突击、实弹打击试验、战术训练和武器测试”。




《陆军识别》(Army Recognition)杂志上的详细评估中描述道,中共国轻型坦克采用105毫米线膛炮发射多种弹药,并配有 “热套筒和烟雾引射器”,射程为3000米。文章解释说,这些子弹包括穿甲弹、高爆反坦克弹和高爆弹,有点类似于美国坦克和陆军计划中的MPF。另外,和MPF一样,该车的设计也是一种机动性更强、远征性更强、能够穿越崎岖地形的轻型坦克。这将使它能够跟上快速移动的步兵部队,并协同高科技混成装甲反应部队作战。最后,就像美军的通用遥控武器系统(Common Remotely Operated Weapons System)使用装甲下瞄准和传感器技术来保障部队在攻击演习中的安全一样,中共国的VT5使用了 “遥控武器站”。

除了VT5,北京人民解放军的升级版T99主战坦克也被认为具有威胁性,因为根据2011年的一篇《陆军识别》文章,升级版T99A变型车包括热成像瞄准镜、弹道计算机和天气测量传感器”。有趣的是,其技术成熟度可能与美军的艾布拉姆斯坦克(Abrams Tank)有些类似。与20世纪80年代作为五大战车之一首次出现时相比,艾布拉姆斯坦克在大多数方面完全不同。T99最早出现在20世纪90年代末,然而20世纪80年代对艾布拉姆斯的改进已经完全改变了其平台的作战能力;最新的M1A2 v4变型车在设计上采用了新一代远程高保真前视红外传感器、自动装炮器和新型多用途炮弹,以增加攻击的灵活性等。多年来,艾布拉姆斯的装甲也经历了重大改进和应用,同时通过辅助动力单元(Auxiliary Power Unit)使更多的机载动力成为可能。艾布拉姆斯升级的成功,以及它的作战性能,启发了陆军对未来的展望,认为很可能会长期需要像艾布拉姆斯坦克这样的 “重装甲战车”。总之,虽然T99的升级可能会引起一些人的关注,但似乎并没有迹象表明该坦克可以超越艾布拉姆斯。


由于传统平台只能在一定程度上进行升级,这个概念将最终引入一个新的平台。因此,陆军希望同时设计出升级版的 “艾布拉姆斯”,与下一代战车并肩作战。同时,武器研发人员继续评估下一代传感器、主动防护系统和轻质装甲复合材料的作战效能,以探索一种比升级版 “艾布拉姆斯 “重量更轻,但生存能力和杀伤力更强的新型装甲车的前景。商议、原型设计和技术实验正在进行中,但许多人认为,除非在复合装甲和其他技术领域有实质性的新技术突破,否则重型装甲车很可能会继续存在。



克里斯-奥斯本(Kris Osborn)是《国家利益》(National Interest)的新任国防编辑。奥斯本曾在五角大楼担任陆军助理部长办公室–采购、后勤与技术部的高级别专家。奥斯本还曾在国家电视网络担任主播和空中军事专家。他曾作为客座军事专家出现在福克斯新闻、MSNBC、军事频道和历史频道。他还拥有哥伦比亚大学比较文学硕士学位。


A 2020 assessment from GlobalFirepower estimates that the very large Chinese Army is comprised of as many as 2 million active-duty personnel and 510,000 in reserves, more than two-or-three times larger than the U.S. Army’s standing active force. The assessment also says the Chinese have 33,000 armored vehicles and 3,500 tanks. In addition, China is known to now operate several emerging, high-tech weapons platforms such as its VT5 Type 15 light tank. The VT5, first revealed publicly by China during a military parade last year, has been in development for many years. The roughly 35-ton armored vehicle is, at a cursory glance, comparable in some respects to the U.S. Army’s now-in-development Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) vehicle.

The Chinese light tank, as described in a detailed assessment in Army Recognition magazine, fires a wide range of ammunition from a 105mm rifle gun with a “thermal sleeve and fume extractor” with a range of 3,000 meters. The rounds, the article explains, include Armor Piercing, High-Explosive Anti-Tank and High Explosive rounds, somewhat analogous to U.S. tanks and Army plans for the MPF. Also, much like the MPF, the vehicle is engineered as a much more mobile, expeditionary, light-weight tank able to traverse rugged terrain. This will allow it to keep up with fast-moving infantry units, and incorporate high-tech reactive and composite armor. Finally, much like the U.S. Army’s Common Remotely Operated Weapons System, which used under-armor targeting and sensor technology to safeguard troops during attack maneuvers, the Chinese VT5 uses a “remotely operated weapon station.”

Alongside the VT5, Beijing’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) upgraded T99 Main Battle Tank is considered threatening as well, given that the upgraded T99A variant includes a thermal imaging scope, ballistic computer and weather measurement sensors” according to an Army Recognition essay from 2011. Interestingly, its technological maturation may be somewhat analogous to the U.S. Army’s Abrams Tank. The Abrams is, in most respects, an entirely different vehicle than when it first emerged as part of the Big 5 in the 1980s. The T99 first appeared more recently in the late 1990s, however improvements to the 1980s’ era Abrams have completely changed the combat capabilities of the platform; the newest M1A2 v4 variant is engineered with a new generation of long-range, high-fidelity Forward Looking Infrared Sensors, automated gun loader and new multi-purpose rounds for additional attack flexibility, among other things. There have also been major armor improvements and applications over the years, along with more on-board power made possible by an Auxiliary Power Unit. The success of Abrams upgrades, and its combat performance has inspired Army futures to believe that there will likely be a long-term requirement for “heavy armor” such as the Abrams tank. In short, while upgrades to the T99 may be a cause for some concern, there do not seem to be indications that the tank can outmatch the Abrams.

The concept would be to ultimately introduce a new platform, recognizing that legacy platforms can only be upgraded to a certain extent. Therefore, the Army wants to simultaneously engineer an upgraded Abrams to fight alongside a Next-Generation Combat Vehicle. At the same time, weapons developers continue to assess the combat efficacy of next-generation sensors, active protection systems and light-weight armor composites to explore the prospect of a new armored vehicle that is lighter weight, yet more survivable and lethal than an upgraded Abrams. Deliberations, prototyping and technological experimentation are ongoing, but many maintain that some kind of heavy armored vehicle will likely remain, unless there are substantial new technological breakthroughs in the realm of composite armor and other technologies.

While much is likely not known about the particular technical configuration of a Chinese VT5 or upgraded M99A, the Chinese are known to be fast-developing advanced AI computer systems as well as a new generation of both armor and weapons. In short, many observers advise that an actual land war on Chinese soil might not present the best scenario for U.S. forces, given Chinese terrain, advanced weapons and sheer size of their land force. However, Joint U.S attack capabilities include stealth air attack, aircraft carrier power projection, advanced fighters, Naval weapons and a fast-modernizing Army may be quickly changing this equation—favoring the U.S. in any type of major mechanized warfare scenario.

Kris Osborn is the new Defense Editor for the National Interest. Osborn previously served at the Pentagon as a Highly Qualified Expert with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army—Acquisition, Logistics & Technology. Osborn has also worked as an anchor and on-air military specialist at national TV networks. He has appeared as a guest military expert on Fox News, MSNBC, The Military Channel, and The History Channel. He also has a Masters Degree in Comparative Literature from Columbia University.

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作者:天雅 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2020-06-17 03:23:38
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作者:天雅 留言时间:2020-06-17 03:21:58
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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2020-06-17 02:38:38




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