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班农一句话没看明白 2018-11-11 21:33:04

                    班农一句话  法准确翻译  

          翻译:WhiteWalker 夜王阁下、Hayek 哈耶克

1.  这句话的上文为:

Image result for 超限战

Image result for unrestricted warfare by qiao liang and wang xiangsui

班农: 对。这是一本大家都应该阅读的书, 因为它阐述了中国的战略。他们说有三种类

型的战争。有信息战, 有经济战争, 还有真刀真枪亮家伙的战争。而我们要做的就是避

免抄家伙的战争, 因为在这方面, 美国可以把你干趴下, 对吧?  因此, 我们要避免这种

情 Kuang。明白了吧。

(  插一句:学习一下班农同学有意思的用词以及译者生动贴切的译文:

    而我们要做的就是避免 抄家伙的战争, 原话是怎厶说的呢 ?

And what we want to do is avoid kinetic because the one thing America can do is kick your ass, right? So we want to avoid that. OK?

kinetic  中文是什厶意思   adj.




kinetic friction 动摩擦。 

the kinetic molecular theory 分子运动论。 

kinetic theory of heat [gases] 热[气态]运动论。

a man of kinetic energy [force] 精力充沛的人。)

  好了, 我们关注信息战和经济战吧。而这方面他们已经玩了很多手了。就是这本

书。如果回去后你读读, 你会发现他们已经完全按照他们一直在说的套路去做了。我

认为, 我相信, 考虑到川普现在正在将政府权力的所有力量集中到经济战中, 他们正在

夺回主动权, 而中共政权则面临巨大的压力。因为我相信邓小平派别。还有另外一些

派别, 即使是那些相信并认同集体领导的上层, 也说过: 嘿, 我们这里有的只是个人

崇拜 "

  巴斯:  你是说那些还没有被监禁或杀掉的人?

Inline image

班农: 那些还没有被关起来或没有被杀掉的人都已经 ..... 了 

         ( 此处 法准确翻译 )。

         ( 此处 法准确翻译 )。

SB: Yeah. It's a book that should be read by everybody because it laid out China's strategy. They said there's three types of warfare. There's information warfare. There's economic warfare. And there's kinetic or guns up warfare. And what we want to do is avoid kinetic because the one thing America can do is kick your ass, right? So we want to avoid that. OK?

And so let's focus on information and economic warfare. And they've run the tables. It's textbook. If you go back and read that, they've done exactly what they said they were going to do. I think, and I believe that given the fact that Trump is now converging all forces of government power onto the economic warfare, and they are taking back, and the regime is under huge pressure, because I believe the Deng Xiaoping faction. And others, even at the highest level who believe in collective leadership, have said, hey, what we have here is a cult of personality .

KB: You mean the ones that haven't been jailed or killed yet ?

Steve Bannon: The ones that haven't been jailed or killed yet have sat there and go ( gone ? ) , 

 ( 试译:班农:  那些还没有被关起来或没有被杀掉的人数,

                      也 Gou 满一圈 / 一桌开局了 ( 6 - 10 人 )) 

Steve Bannon: The ones that haven't been jailed or killed yet have sat there and go, 

Deng believed in working with the West. Deng believed in reform. Deng believe in opening up. But Deng believed in being a good partner and particularly keep your lights down. Don't get up in somebody's grill. What they see with Xi is a return to the cult of personality of Mao. And he's under tremendous pressure internally.


伙伴的同时, 一定要低调。不要高调的去动抢别人的肉。他们对习近平的看法是


Texas Hold’em Sit and Go (Sit 'n' Go) Poker Rules - PokerStrategy.com

A sit and go tournament is a poker game between usually 

6 to 10 players which takes between 20 and 60 minutes. 

They pay a fixed buy-in and get the same amount of poker 

chips. Whoever loses his chips is out of the tournament. 

The last 3 or 2 players at the table win the prize money 

which is made of the buy-ins of all players.

Almost every poker variant can be played as tournament. 

In the next paragraphs we introduce you to the most 

popular game: Texas Hold’em poker.

Definition of Sit-and-Go

Tournament or SNG Tournament

What does the term "Sit-and-Go" mean in poker? What is the definition of the term "SNG"?

SNG is an acronym for Sit-and-Go, a single-table online poker tournament.

Sit-and-Go tournaments do not have a scheduled start time. A sit and go 

begins as soon as there are enough people registered at a table. If the 

number of people required for the Sit-and-Go tournament to start is ten, 

then the tournament stars as soon as the tenth player joins.

Definition of a Sit-and-Go (SNG) Tournament in pokerA single-table sit and go tournament typically has 

either six, nine or ten players. Sit and go 

tournaments have fixed payouts which are given to 

the top few finishers. Sit-and-Go tournaments are 

single-elimination or knockout tournaments where 

the loser of each match is immediately eliminated.

SNGs are convenient for players who are not able to play for many hours 

in a row. SNGs are also great for the novice players who are learning the 

fundamentals of the game.

Multi-table Sit-and Go tournaments are becoming increasingly popular. 

The rules are the same - when enough players join a table, the play begins.

 As participants are eliminated, the play is condensed to one table.

2.  班农: 谢谢。谢谢邀请我。太棒了

  巴斯: 今天聊的太棒了

  班农: 在这个秘密的地方

  巴斯: 还有郭文贵, 我们一起在这个秘密的地方。

  班农: 这个地方是哪里,  我们不得不加以保密。除非这家伙不停

                 地直播, 所以  。。。

  巴斯: 我不知道到底谁更具有争议性, 你 还是郭文贵, 不过我们会


  班农:  郭文贵是一个完全不一帚荧糷矷C

             相比他而言,  我就是小学生。

KB: I don't know who's more controversial, you or Miles. But we'll see soon.

Steve Bannon: Miles is a whole different league. 

                          I'm junior varsity compared to that.

" 我就是小学生。" 译得有点儿太小了,

   junior varsity 没有 pupil 那厶年幼:

Junior varsity (often called "JV") players are the members of a team who 

are not the main players in a competition (such as any football, basketball,

 or baseball game), usually at the high school and college levels in the 

United States.

The main players comprise the varsity team. Although the intensity of the 

JV team may vary from place to place, most junior varsity teams consist of 

players who are in their freshman and sophomore years in school, though 

occasionally upperclassmen may play on JV teams. For this reason, junior 

varsity teams are also often called freshman/sophomore teams. Especially 

skilled or physically mature freshmen and sophomores may compete at 

the varsity level. Some private school associations may permit very skilled 

seventh- or eighth-graders to compete on varsity teams. At larger schools, 

there may be two junior varsity teams for some sports, with a lower-level 

team typically consisting only of freshmen.

3. 班农: 你先别说。这整件事,人们都在说, 哎呀, 好吧, 他们没那麽坏。他们在

                推动文化。他们还在Bang助学生学习普通话。呵呵, 他们可是由解放军


 巴斯:   他们的孔子学院还有服务器机房。卧槽   赞!这就叫贴切、

            生动。, 这是搞的什麽鬼 ?

Steve Bannon: Hang on. This whole thing about people saying, oh, well,                                      they're not that bad. They're pushing culture. And they're                                  helping students learn Mandarin. Hey, they're financed by 

                          the PLA.

Kyle Bass:       They have server rooms in the Confucius Institutes. 

                         What the F's going on ?

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-14 16:38:48



赞同。美军绝对打趴土共,但战争毕竟不是好事,能免则免。川普的贸易战是上策,但军事上也绝不再像小奥那样软弱,which 反倒助长土共的狂妄,更易导至战争。




再次赞同。班农所说的人一定是身据高位,还没出局(Texas Hold'em 的出局就是输了,不存在自己“拔腿走人”)。没被抓,杀,但已出局的是李源朝那样的人,还在博弈的是汪洋那样的人。

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-14 16:11:57

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作者:转个帖 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-14 15:06:50


And there's kinetic or guns up warfare. 还有真枪实弹或者说刀兵相见的战争。

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作者:转个帖 回复 转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-14 14:48:05



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作者:转个帖 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-14 14:42:20

结合前文中“...and the regime is under huge pressure, because I believe the Deng Xiaoping faction. And others, even at the highest level who believe in collective leadership, have said, hey, what we have here is a cult of personality .”,可以认为半农的观点是有人是在抵抗/有行动的。所以,“The ones that haven't been jailed or killed yet have sat there and go.” 中,“sat there and go”意思更像是“坐下来博弈(抵抗某人)”。


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作者:转个帖 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-14 14:25:05

个人理解,以下几个可能的原因或心理导致半农说:“And what we want to do is avoid kinetic because the one thing America can do is kick your ass, right? So we want to avoid that. OK?”

1. “kinetic war”经济/政治成本太高,要花太多钱,要有太多伤亡,所以要避免,即使美国的军事实力能够在这样的战争中kick对手的ass.

2. 美国有“kinetic war”的之外的手段kick对手的ass,这是“...avoid kinetic because the one thing...”语气/语义转折中的细微之处。也就是说,不动刀枪来击败对手。

“真枪实弹”来描述kinetic war非常贴切也现代,比“舞刀弄枪”要好。

“拳脚交加/拳来脚往”有一点外延,意在你打别人别人也能还手打到你,互有伤亡。kinetic war里必然如此,即使对手必然战略失败输掉战争,但在战斗中也能给对手造成伤害,提高其胜利的成本。“拳脚”有点口语化,但不是低技术手段或低烈度冲突的意思,

非kinetic war里,半农认为美国能kick对手的ass,也就是对手反抗无力无效,光挨打。当前川普的贸易战就是沿着半农的思路来的吧。

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-14 12:26:14

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-14 12:20:23


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作者:道还 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-14 08:18:37


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作者:道还 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-14 07:55:46

这些angle很有意思。翻译和理解确实与文化关系很大。这里的讨论与语言严谨关系不大,就是个文化上junior varsity的问题,没有彻底get it,或者get了,如何准确说出来。语言严谨与否,是个五十步和百步的问题,感觉的问题。

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-14 00:28:33


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-13 22:33:38

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作者:转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-13 20:46:43


如果sit and go意思等于“坐在牌桌上等着输光走人”的话,那么倒有一个现成的成语可以一试“坐以待毙”,已经知道如果不掀翻牌桌继续按庄家的规矩玩下去必输无疑,还不采取行动或拔腿走人,用“坐以待毙”描述,似乎颇为贴切。

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 阿妞不牛 留言时间:2018-11-13 15:17:02

阿妞不是女汉子,但器量超过大多男人 :-)



1. Kinetic 是武器爱好者的常用术语,应翻成“真枪实弹”一类,而非“拳脚交加”,否则班农不可能那么自信美国必然打败土共的。这个自信是基于他深知美军的强大,完全不同于土共拳民的“自信”:拳民们以为现代战争就是打群架,人多必然赢。

2. Junior varsity 是代表 sports 的入门一级,也就是最低水平或层次。班农自认跟郭文贵不是一个层次的:郭是职业队的,他自己只是业余队的。中文这方面的词汇远没有美国的多,很难更准确地翻了。

3. The ones that haven't been jailed or killed yet have sat there and go ( gone ? )

本人倒未听过 sit and go,但以前看了很多 Texas Hold'em, 知道班农的意思,也佩服他的严谨。帕博想把"go" 改成“gone”,是从语法对称考虑,其实误解了班农。班农的意思是那些人: 1. 还没被抓起来或杀掉的;2. 他们已是牌局上的人(have sat),也就是地位高到直接参与权力斗争的人(政治局常委一级?);3. 他们还在玩(go 而非gone)。



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作者:道还 回复 道还 留言时间:2018-11-13 15:03:17

kinetic 大概不是我动什么,而是讲场面有action。难翻。

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作者:道还 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-13 14:49:26

hehe, 说的对,哪有【等着输】的呢,应该是够一桌继续赌局。我又想了一下,kinetic应该相当于动粗。

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作者:阿妞不牛 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-13 13:23:10


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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-13 08:41:54

阿妞的翻译可做“不信不达不雅”的范本 :-)


Miles is a whole different league.

I'm junior varsity compared to that.


卧槽 确实“信达雅”!


盖因阿妞不看 sports(所以也绝无可能是”女汉子“)。

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-13 07:14:36

班农脑海中的战争绝非”拳脚交加“打群架,而是真正代表美军力量的“shock and awe"。


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作者:转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-12 21:51:08




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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-12 20:09:13

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-11-12 12:07:19

Kinetic 主要是指靠”动能“杀人的武器:枪,炮等。相对的是非 kinetic 武器: 毒气,激光,等离子,,,

现代战争主要是用 kinetic 武器,毒气早被禁止,激光近了,等离子还是科幻武器。

如果是动用 kinetic 的武器了,就是真正开战了,而非口炮,骇客,制裁之类的戏了。美国可轻易把土共打垮。

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作者:阿妞不牛 留言时间:2018-11-12 10:59:58
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作者:道还 留言时间:2018-11-12 07:55:18

kinetic翻成动拳脚,动手动脚似乎可行,与下面的kick ass应景,像在bar里打架的意思。sit and go,坐在牌桌上等着输光走人。junior varsity,现查了一下,badass and rock, 但junior一点儿,或者可翻成愣头青。


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作者:转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-12 06:19:38




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作者:转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-12 05:48:46

kinetic or guns up warfare: 拳脚交加或舞刀弄枪的战争

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作者:转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-12 04:35:49


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-12 00:21:46

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-11 23:56:08

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作者:转个帖 留言时间:2018-11-11 22:55:58


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