上证指数连续几周大波动跌幅超过 30%,烂不烂?不烂,因为它比一年前还是增长了 >50%, 土豪早已铸成超级土豪! 道琼指数本周激烈瘦身了1000点,惨不惨?不惨,因为它比一年内的最低还高出600多点,富人们汗毛无损!
看过如下这组数据后,你才真正体会到什么叫触目惊心! ************************************************ 这个拥有十二万人口的美国南方县郡的 *平均家庭收入差不多只有全国平均水平的一半; *近40%的孩童生活在贫困的家庭里, 其中48%是由单身母亲育养; *所有公立学校的学生有 78% 享受政府的减免早午餐; *每两个孩子就有一个是未婚妇女生育的; *还有两点原始数据统计里因为怕 politically incorrect 没敢提及: 1.每个公立学校的黑人孩子比例至少 80%。 2.这是一个典型的蓝色县郡(即民主党堡垒),课税极高,福利极好。 ——————————————————————
Total population: 121,265 Children under 5: 7,058 Percent of those children who live in poverty: 38.3 Percent who are Hispanic or Latino: 21.8 Percent of households with children living in poverty that are headed by a single mother: 48 Median household income: $33,060 (33 percent below state average) Number of people that receive food stamps each month: 23,079 Percent who are children 0-6: 33 Number of students in the Clarke County School District: 13,066 Percent of students in the Clarke County School District eligible for free or reduced price lunch: 78.1 Number of Clarke County School District students who were homeless in April 2015: 502 Percent of students in Clarke County School District who are Hispanic/Latino: 23 percent High school graduation rates in 2014 for African American students: 59.2 percent For Hispanic students: 62.3 percent For white students: 75.2 percent Percent of adults 25 or older without a high school diploma: 15 Number of substantiated cases of child abuse or neglect (primarily neglect): 146 Number of children placed in foster care: 198 Number of foster homes in Clarke County: 20 Percent of births that are to teen parents: 9.3 Percent of births to unwed mothers: 48.8 **************************************
这个号称全球最强、最富裕的、而且最宗教的超级大国到底得了什么病? 父亲们都干嘛吃的?!