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Random thoughts by 偶灯斯陋  
美国大学男生兄弟会的“问题” 2011-12-17 00:05:15


佛芒特大学兄弟会“西格马斐厄普西龙”给会员的一份问卷中居然有如此问题! 真叫人无语气绝! 这份秘密问卷被一个新会员不小心泄露出去,引起强烈反弹,立马有3000多人签名,要求校方严肃处理该所兄弟会。日前校方已经临时关闭此会。


Frat suspended after surveying its members on who they would like to rape

Really, Sigma Phi Epsilon? There’s no way the University of Vermont frat really thought it was ok to send a survey to its members asking, “If you could rape anyone, who would it be?” Is there? (Wait, don’t answer that.)

But now that the survey has been leaked to the interwebs–apparently because a new member accidentally emailed it to his teaching assistant (ouch!)–they’re finding out it’s not ok–and fast. Feminists activists at UVM and FED UP Vermont have swiftly mobilized to call for the frat to be shut down.

On their petition, which has gotten over 3,000 signatures now, they write:

This egregious expression of rape culture is only the most recent example of systemic sexism at UVM. The past year alone has witnessed rape, multiple sexual assaults, and anti-abortion chalking in public spaces. While the university administration has laid off long-time Women’s and Gender Studies faculty and supported sexist institutions like Sigma Phi Epsilon, it has refused to take concerted action to combat sexism and rape culture. We demand that instead of diverting resources into vast salaries for its administrators, UVM should launch an aggressive campaign against sexism and rape culture, and it should expand institutions such as Women’s and Gender Studies and the Women’s Center at UVM. Furthermore, UVM must immediately disband Sigma Phi Epsilon. An institution that discusses who it wants to rape has no place at UVM or in the Burlington community.

Yesterday, the university temporarily suspended the frat, pending an investigation. This afternoon, feminists on campus, who are still demanding the frat be shut down for good, held a press conference that drew about 200 people to the steps of the university library. Hopefully they’ll be able to take the convo beyond this one awful example and raise some real awareness about rape culture in their community.

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作者:偶灯斯陋 留言时间:2011-12-21 01:09:10
识字而已: Thanks for your comments. I think it's very to the point.

People would like to think antisocial tendency or aggressiveness in boys is genetic based, but more and more research indicates otherwise.

There is the classic review on gender and aggression by Frodi and colleagues (1977) that reports only 39% of all the studies that were reviewed were about males being more aggressive than females for all the research conditions.
Besides, there are two types of aggressive behavior: (1) physical aggression, which indeed was done more often by boys, and (2) relational agression, which more often is related with females. That being said, the gender differences are actually not very big but are magnified through socialization process including media. One particular noteworth issue is the male entitlement that was formed as the result of such process, and it eventually leads to gender inequity. So, violence against women is part of the gender inequity that we need to put an end to.
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作者:识字而已 留言时间:2011-12-17 07:59:24
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注册日期: 2011-01-15
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