吉米岂莫连连道歉,因为其主持的ABC节目出现涉及暴力和种族歧视的言论 (“kill everyone in China”);而俄国裔的流行时尚杂志“汽车库 (Garage)”在马丁路德金的生日暨人权节的当天在杂志封面刊登的一张美女模特的照片涉嫌种族歧视,在网络上激起反弹,被批为“老式种族主义”(vintage racism)。在这张封面照片中,俄国裔美女名模达莎 朱科娃 坐在一张特别设计制作的椅子上,而这张椅子的形状是一个倒在地上穿着极少的黑人女子。整幅画面诠释白人对于黑人的压迫和歧视以及对于这种状态的认可。
在一片言辞激烈的批评声中,米洛斯拉娃 杜马,这位莫斯科街市时装潮流明星出身的杂志主编,赶忙发表道歉声明:
Dear all, Buro24/7.ru team and I personally would like to express our sincerest apology to anyone who we have offended and hurt. It was ABSOLUTELY not our intention. We are against racism or gender inequality or anything that infringes upon anyone's rights. We love, respect and look up to people regardless of their race, gender or social status. the chair in the photo should only be seen as a piece of art which was created by British Pop-Artist Allen Jones, and not as any form of racial discrimination. In our eyes everyone is equal. and we love everybody.