戴安 凯莉是研究脊椎动物解剖学的生物学家,任职麻州大学安姆赫思特分校。最近受邀到TED.com作了十一分钟的讲演,从解剖学观点讲解脊椎动物的阴茎以及阴茎的结构和功能之间的关系。我们对于阴茎的知识和了解有多少?不怎么知道?不怎么了解?那么不妨点击以下蓝色链接,看看这个11分钟的油管版演讲。 戴安.凯莉讲解阴茎构造(11分钟)/Diane Kelly: What we didn’t know about penis anatomy Why you should listen to her  Diane A. Kelly is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her research interests include the evolution of copulatory systems and sexual differentiation in the nervous system. She is best known for her original work on the anatomy and function of vertebrate penises, but has also written children’s books, created exhibits for science museums, helped exhume a mastodon, and designed and published a pair of quirky science card games. Kelly holds a Ph.D. in Zoology from Duke University and an A.B. in Biological Sciences from the University of Chicago. She blogs at Science Made Cool -- where she wrote about what it was like to give this talk |