This... is White Privilege White privilege is Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen smashing the world record for the 400m medley (and beating a whole lot of white boys in the process)…and immediately being suspected for doping by American and Australian media. Even if other more well-known (white) winning athletes have never been been subjected to such suspicion but have tested positive for drugs in the past. 青少年热门网站“这---- 就是白人特权”的第816号微博提到了伦敦奥运中国游泳选手叶诗文打破400米混合泳的世界纪录(同时打败许多白人男选手)之后,立即受到西方媒体怀疑用药;尽管许多白人选手在赢得奖牌之后即使从前药物检查呈阳性却从未遭到如此质疑。(顺便一提: “白人特权” 就是种族歧视的别名。)  相关链接:英国卫报网站民意调查John Leonard是否欠叶一个道歉(98%:YES!) 相关链接: 国际奥委会支持叶诗文 相关链接: 叶诗文就是错了!(米笑) 相关链接: 【七绝】赞美一下来自杭州的奥运游泳冠军叶诗文 (曹雪葵) 相关链接: 俺骄傲俺幸福 – 叶诗文真牛!(五彩) 相关链接: 何谓白人特权(维基网上词典) 相关链接:放下白人特权 (佩姬. 麦金塔西) |