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明夏世界风行:背个包 飞上天 2015-06-20 16:12:26

      真的实现了! ——  南方网 中国新闻

                                2015-03-07 10:15:17来源: 南方网作者







马丁飞行喷射包有载人和无人驾驶两大类型,其中,无人版2016年开售,载人的又分为专业版(First Responder Jetpack,2016上市,可能会提前到2015年上市)和个人版(Personal Martin Jetpack,2017年上市,可能会提前至2016年上市)。








THE MARTIN JETPACK – Fly the dream

Ready to fly?

Named as one of Time magazine's Top 50 inventions for 2010, the Martin Jetpack, the world’s first practical jetpack, with potential usage spanning search and rescue, military, recreational and commercial applications, both manned and unmanned. The Martin Jetpack was initially conceived and developed by Glenn Martin in Dunedin in 1981. This led to the founding of Martin Aircraft Company in 1998 and the development of a Jetpack that based on current testing will have over 30 minutes flight capability at a speed of up to 74 km/h and an altitude up to 1,000 m (3000ft).
The Martin Jetpack is a disruptive technology, much like the helicopter was when first developed, with substantial capabilities and is able to be flown by a pilot or via remote control. The Jetpack can take off and land vertically (VTOL) and because of its small dimensions, it can operate in confined spaces such as close to or between buildings, near trees or in confined areas that other VTOL aircraft such as helicopters cannot access.
Martin Jetpack has been designed with safety in mind and for easy adoption, with pilot qualifications easy to obtain. The Jetpack is “fly by wire” so unlike other aircraft including helicopters it is relatively easy to operate and with its ballistic parachute system that can safely recover the aircraft from a few meters above the ground it will be one of the most safe light aircraft on the market.
Martin Jetpack’s capability gives it a competitive advantage in key markets: first responder, military, commercial andrecreation. As a heavy lift Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL)unmanned air vehicle (UAV), the Martin Jetpack has a significant operational advantage being able to carry commercial payloads of up to 120kgs unlike Quadcopters which are limited to only a few kilograms.
Following the successful introduction of the Jetpack into the first responder community, the company will work on developing a jetpack for leisure and personal use.
Commercial Jetpacks are no longer the domain of science fiction-come fly the dream!

       关于飞行喷射包,真的可以飞吗 ?

                         人类的终点 2015-03-28 15:14


然后我就看到了这个:可在千米高度飞行30分钟:Martin 马丁 P12个人飞行背包 预计2016年上市,马丁飞行包。







[HD] Lyonya Shilovsky - 3 Years Old Russian Drummer Leads Orchestra of Adult Musicians

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2015-06-20 21:18:16

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作者:马黑 留言时间:2015-06-20 20:15:56
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