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让石油国家破产的神奇材料-石墨烯? 2015-11-04 15:16:31


                         2015-10-29 20:30:02 来源:和讯网 


 石墨烯的价格太贵,是等重黄金的15倍 !

    “what is graphene”的图片搜索结果




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In order to create the graphene bubbles the researchers mixed graphene — a form of carbon — with a binding agent. They then released the solution into water and mixed it to create tiny bubbles, and the graphene and the binding agent formed hard shells around the water bubbles. When the bubbles were popped, graphene shells about 10 times smaller than the width of a human hair were left behind. The resulting structures can store 15,000 milliamp hours per gram of graphene – a much higher energy density than is possible with other materials.









从迪拜到利雅得,从阿布扎比、莫斯科到卡尔加里(身处大家拿的乡亲们 —— 有一点点 ......悬了),那些源自石油的权力、财富、荣光和傲慢,将逐步变得斑驳陆离,最终成为梦幻泡影。






曼彻斯特大学副校长Colin Bailey教授称:“石墨烯有可能彻底改变数量庞大的各种应用,从智能手机和超高速宽带到药物输送和计算机芯片。”














            上海硅酸盐研究所    发布时间:2015-09-01 






Buy Graphene




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Study Shows Graphene Outperforms 

Steel And Kevlar: New Uses For Super Material






9 Incredible Uses for Graphene

Graphene could pave the way for bionic devices in living tissues that could be connected directly to your neurons. So 

people with spinal injuries, for example, could re-learn how to use their limbs.

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Professor Andre Geim, left, and Dr Konstantin Novoselov

Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material grapheme won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Along with this Nobel Prize in physics, they have won several awards for their research on graphene.

  把石墨烯卷成圆筒形,就是一维的碳纳米管。把石墨烯堆起来,就成为三维的石墨。与金刚石一样,它们都是碳的大家庭成员。石墨烯一直被认为是假设性的结构,无法单独稳定存在,直至2004年,英国曼彻斯特大学的二位物理学家成功地在实验中从石墨中分离出石墨烯,从而证实它可以单独存在。这以后,制备石墨烯新方法层出不穷,经过5年的发展,人们发现,把石墨烯及其广泛应用带入工业化生产领域已为时不远了。 因此,两人共同获得2010年诺贝尔物理学奖。 








  在石墨烯中,电子能够以极为高速地迁移,常温下其电子迁移率超过15000 cm2/V·s,迁移速率可达光速的三百分之一,远远高出其在碳纳米管以及硅、铜等传统半导体和导体中的速率。 



  ----它导热系数高达5300 W/m·K,高于碳纳米管和金刚石,而电阻率只约10-6 Ω·cm,比铜或银更低,为目前世上电阻率最小的材料。因为它的电阻率极低,电子跑的速度极快,因此被期待可用来发展出更薄、导电速度更快的新一代电子元件或晶体管。由于石墨烯实质上是一种透明、良好的导体,也适合用来制造透明触控屏幕、光板、甚至是太阳能电池。它的这些神奇的特性使它有望在现代电子科技领域引发一轮革命。随着批量化生产以及大尺寸等难题的逐步突破,石墨烯的产业化应用步伐正在加快,基于已有的研究成果,最先实现商业化应用的领域可能会是移动设备、航空航天、新能源电池等领域。 







Graphene: 'Miracle material' will be in your home sooner than you think

By Stefanie Blendis, CNN

updated 11:41 AM EDT, Sun October 6, 2013

(CNN) -- Just under ten years ago, the Dutch-British physicist Andre Geim stumbled across a substance that would revolutionize the way we understand matter and win him and his colleague Kostya Novoselow the 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics. It was graphene -- a one atom thin substance. The Professor of Physics at Manchester University talks to CNN about discovering the first ever 2-dimensional material.

CNN: Graphene has been described as a 'miracle material', but what exactly is it?

Andre Geim: It's the thinnest material you can get -- it's only one atom thick. A tiny amount can cover a huge area, so one gram could cover a whole football pitch. It's the strongest material we are aware of because you can't slice it any further. Of course, we know that atoms can be divided into elementary particles, but you can't get any material that is thinner than one atom, or it wouldn't count as a material anymore.

Read: Have a taste of the world's first stem cell burger

Graphene is stronger than diamond; it shows extraordinary heat conductance; it conducts electricity a thousand times better than copper -- the list goes on. We're talking about probably 20 superlatives which apply to graphene. Another surprise is that you can just about see it with the naked eye, even though it's only one atom thick!

Watch this video

CNN: Your scotch-tape method for discovering the material has gone down in science history. Tell us about that.

AG: We were trying to make graphite as thin as possible using lab equipment and for many months we struggled to make it thinner than 10,000 layers. Then we had a kind of Eureka moment. We were using scotch tape on a regular basis in the lab to clean the surface of the graphite. We would look at what was happening on the surface of the graphite and throw the scotch tape in the bin. Then we decided to take the tape out of the bin and look at it under the microscope and we saw really transparent pieces of graphite -- graphene.

Read: British inventors claim world's first flying bicycle

CNN: Your discovery was certainly a surprise to the science world, but was it a surprise to you?

AG: Yes. We live in a 3-dimensional world. My physics intuition, developed over the last thirty years, told me that this material shouldn't exist. And if you had asked 99.9% of scientists around the world they would have said the idea of a 2D material was rubbish and that graphene shouldn't exist. And in most cases they would have been right, but in the case of graphite or graphene, and a dozen other materials like it, our intuition was completely wrong. You can reach this limit of one-atom-thin layers.

CNN: But what exactly is graphene useful for?

AG: Because of its range of extraordinary properties, people are considering using graphene in a myriad of different applications. For example, because graphene is so strong, people want to use it to reinforce plastics, making them conductive at the same time. Because it's transparent and conducts electricity, people want to use it in applications like mobile phone screens, touch screens, TV screens and so on. People are also considering using it to go beyond silicon technology and make our integrated circuits even denser and speedier. Those are just few examples.

Read: Future of transport is self-driving cars, says GPS inventor

CNN: What is the future for graphene?

AG: I don't dare try to predict the future, but if the speed of development of the last ten years is of any guidance we can expect to see graphene everywhere soon. Typically it takes 40 years for a new material to move from an academic lab into a consumer product, but within less than ten years graphene has jumped from our lab into an industrial lab and now there are pilot products all over the world. Governments around the world and probably more than 100 companies are spending billions on researching these materials. So, it probably deserves the superlative of the fastest developing material as well.

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  这幅照片形象地向世人展示什么叫传说中的“ 约炮 ”

     Ultra Thin Graphene Condoms

                          December 16, 2013

Ultra Thin Graphene Condoms Development In one of 

the incredible applications of graphene in the health 

industry, Scientists in the University of Manchester are 

developing ultra thin graphene condoms.  Though current 

condoms are almost excellent barriers of unwanted 

contaminants, they are heavy and thick — which is the 

reason they …

Contact lens image from Shutterstock

News: miracle material graphene has been used to develop infrared sensors, 

which could be inserted into contact lenses and allow the wearer to see in the dark.


 Wow,  石墨烯材质制作的隐形眼镜,

    可令你有一双黑暗中红外探测的夜视眼 !
















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Graphene is a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb (hexagons or chicken-wire) crystal lattice. Researchers started to study Graphene in 2004, and since then they have found dozens of potential applications and exciting properties of this wonder material. Graphene is set to revolutionize a lot of industries, including sensors, batteries, conductors, displays, electronics, energy generation, medicine and more.

Graphene is the strongest material ever developed - 200 times stronger than steel and tougher than a diamond. It's also the world's thinnest material, and it is flexible and transparent. Graphene is also the best heat and electricity conductor. As can be expected, the research community is very excited about this material, and the business world follows suit. The commercialization of graphene is just in its infancy, but already dozens of new companies have been established to develop graphene based material, graphene production processes and other related activities.

Investing in a pure-play graphene company is not easy, as almost all of these companies are currently privately held. As we said graphene is still an early stage play and so all those graphene companies you can in find our index are usually small and young startups.

Pure-play graphene companies

Haydale logoThere are several pure-play graphene public companies, most of them based in the UK.Haydale (AIM:HAYD) develops and markets carbon materials under the HDPlas brand. The company currently focuses on graphene, CNTs and zinc nanomaterials, and also developed metal-free graphene-based inks. In October 2013 we posted an article explaining Haydale's business and technology.

Applied Graphene Materials logoApplied Graphene Materials (previously Durham Graphene Science) was established in 2010 as a spin-off from Durham University to develop a new graphene synthesis method and produce graphene materials. AGM's technology is a unique patented scalable 'bottom-up' CVD approach to produce graphene. In 2013 the company announced plans to go public and list on the UK's AIM stock exchange.

Carbon Sciences logoCarbon Sciences is developing a graphene production process technology that was originally invented at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The process transforms natural gas into commercial size sheets of graphene that can be fine-tuned with application-specific electrical and materials properties. Carbon Sciences is a public company trading on the NASDAQ (OTC:CABN).

Cientifica logoCientifica (AIM:CTFA) started trading in October 2013 when they raised only £241,000 ($389,000) to invest and acquire graphene application businesses. They have an option toacquire 49.9% in RainMaker and are also collaborating with London Graphene. In 2014 the company wanted to raise more funds but failed, and it seems that trade in the company stock has halted.

Graphene 3D Labs logoGraphene 3D Labs (TSX:GGG) is focusing on development of high-performance graphene-enhanced materials for 3D printing. The company was spun-off Graphene Labs with support from Lomiko Metals (who holds 15% of the company). In August 2014 graphene 3D Labs went public after a reverse merger with Matnic Resources.

Large companies

Several large and public companies (such as SamsungIntelNokiaIBM and Sony) are involved in graphene research. While their research may be advanced (Samsung holds the largest graphene patents in the world), graphene represents a small portion of their business. Even if graphene fulfills its promise, it's hardly likely to change the company's business and revenues in any major way.

Graphene production equipment

Producing graphene is very challenging, and no one is mass producing the material yet. Some companies, however, offer some tools used in the manufacturing process, and these companies may enjoy a sales boom if/when graphene takes off. But remember that graphene producing equipment represents just one segment of these company's business.

Aixtron logoAixtron AG is a provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry who offers the BM Pro systems (previously called Black Magic systems). BM Pro systems can be used to deposit graphene using both chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Aixtron trades in the NASDAQ (ticker:AIXG).

CVD logoCVD Equipment Corporation (a NY,US based company) offers a variety of process and support equipment, for both R&D and production facilities. CVD is offering graphene materials and other services for graphene production and processing. The company is alsoco-developing graphene-based lithium battery electrodes with Norway's Graphene Batteries. CVD Equipment trades in the NASDAQ (ticker: CVV).

Graphite mining companies

Our next suggestion is to invest in companies involved with Graphite - which is actually a stake of graphene sheets. Graphite is used today in many applications and is already a big market. Some of these companies are also eyeing graphene - planning to start graphene production or investing in graphene related companies. Here are some graphite related companies that has some direct ties to graphene as well:

Bora Bora Resources logoBora Bora Resources (based in Australia) is a graphite exploration company with a suite of high grade graphite projects in Sri Lanka. In June 2014 Bora Bora Resources signed into a binding heads of agreement with Sri Lanka's RS Mines (a graphite miner that also produces graphite oxide (GO). BBR is also collaborating with Monash University on a graphene project. BBR is a public company, trading in the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: BBR).

Focus Graphite logo

Focus Graphite (based in Canada) is a mid-tier junior graphite mine developer and technology developer company. Focus Graphite owns the highest-grade (roughly 16%) technology graphite resource in the world (at Lac Knife in Quebec). The company owns 40% of Graphene startup Grafoid (these two companies are also collaborating on R&D). Focus Graphite trades in the Canadian market and in the OTC market (ticker: FCSMF).

Mason Graphite logoMason Graphite (based in Canada) is a Canadian mining company focused on the exploration and development of its 100% owned Lac Gueret graphite project in northeastern Quebec. In January 2014, Mason Graphite acquired 40% of graphene R&D company NanoXplore. Mason Graphite trades in the Toronto stock exchange (ticker: LLG).

Northern Graphite logoNorthern Graphite Corporation is a Canadian mine development company, and its main asset is the Bissett Creek graphite project located 100km east of North Bay, Ontario. The company is alsoinvolved with Graphene research. NGC trades in the Canadian stock exchange (ticker: NGC) and in the OTC (ticker: NGPHF).

National Graphite Corporation logo

National Graphene Corporation: a US company that is focused on bringing the Chedic Graphite Mine back into commercial production. In June 2013 they signed an agreement with American Graphene to jointly explore graphene opportunities and employ a new sonication process to reduce graphite to graphene. The company is public and trades in the OTC (OTCQB: NGRC).

Lomiko Metals logoLomiko Metals: an exploration-stage Canadian company that aims to acquire and develop mineral resources in Canada. It primarily explores graphite, zinc and gold. Lomiko owns several resource properties containing high-grade graphite, and the company has signed a strategic alliance with Graphene Labs to co-develop a vertically integrated graphene supply chain, holds 15% in Graphene 3D Labs, and it also plans to establish a graphene R&D department. Lomiko Metals is a public company, trading in the TSX (ticker: LMR.V).

GrafTech logoGrafTech International is a global company with more than 120 years of experience in the carbon and graphite industry. GrafTech makes an expanded natural graphite foil that keeps most of graphene's properties (thermal, electrical, and possibly acoustic). The company says that their graphite-foil is used in many devices, including the iPhone and Samsung's new TVs. The company is public and trades in the NYSE (ticker: GTI).

American Graphite Technologies logoAmerican Graphite Technologies (AGT) is a mineral exploration and technology development company. AGT has 100% ownership of 100 mineral claims in Quebec, Canada (close by to Focus Graphite's proven graphite resource). AGT is also involved with graphene related technologies and is partnering with CTI Nanotechnologies LLC. AGT is trading in the NASDAQ (OTCBB: AGIN).

Australia-based Talga Resources holds a high-grade graphite mine in Sweden (in addition to gold and iron mines in Australia). The company is also producing graphene on a very small scale, but may become a full-scale graphene producer (in a Sweden-based plant).

China Carbon Graphite Group logoOur final graphite company is Carbon Graphite Group, based in Chengguan Town (Xinghe). CCG manufactures and sells graphite-based products in China. CCG's products include graphite electrodes, fine grain graphite blocks and high purity graphite. CCG is also active with graphene technology research. CCG is trading in the NASDAQ's OTC market (ticker: CHGI).

Graphene is an emerging technology, but the industry and market is already very much alive. Our comprehensive graphene company listing includes over a hundred companies in several categories. Click on any of the categories below to browse our extensive catalog, or use the map below to find graphene companies nearby.

Graphene producers

Graphene producersCompanies that focus on producing graphene and related materials

Graphene suppliers

Graphene suppliersCompanies that supply graphene and related materials.

Application developers

Graphene application developersCompanies that develop graphene based products

Manufacturing equipment

Manufacturing equipment makersGraphene R&D and production equipment makers

Graphite mining

Graphite mining companiesThese companies mine graphite and are also involved with graphene

Related companies

Related companiesCompanies that provide services or products to the graphene industry


石墨烯 Graphene 揭密. 习近平参观石墨烯研究院

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2015-11-05 09:43:03



Gregory ( Beijing ):


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