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2016-人类进入虚魔幻世界突破性发展的一年 2016-02-07 11:44:20


2045 —— 人类从此永生不朽的元年;

2035 —— 人类自行驾驶车辆上路将被立法禁止;

2025 —— 过时、落伍、老朽的手机将被淘汰;

2016 —— 人类进入虚魔幻世界技术商用突破性发展的一年

10年后没人再用手机 大战已拉开帷幕 


2016年2月,全球经济正在美元加息的寒风中瑟瑟发抖。这时候,一则重磅新闻传来∶位于美国佛罗里达州南部的科技公司Magic Leap,获得了科技史上最大规模的一笔C轮风投∶8亿美元,领投的公司是来自中国的阿里巴巴。至此,已经在这家公司押下重磅赌注的企业有∶谷歌、高通、摩根大通、摩根士丹利、华纳兄弟、阿里巴巴。而Magic Leap至今还没有推出过任何产品,它只拥有一个故事∶VR。



Magic Leap的首席执行官曾表示,最终的产品会带来“一半《黑客帝国》,一半《哈利波特》”的效果。也就是说,这家公司不仅仅专注在硬件开发,还将重腹计算和娱乐世界,并打造全新的娱乐游戏平台。


所谓VR,是Virtual Reality的简写,翻译过来就是“虚现实”,说白了就是通过电脑、网络技术,给人提供一个虚的世界。只不过随这种技术的进步,你可以在虚现实中有了接近于真实的触觉、嗅觉。







就在前两天,有媒体报道称苹果公司已经聘请了美国虚现实领域顶级专家Doug Bowman,并从微软等科技公司的VR部门挖走不少人才。目前苹果的VR研究团队已经达到数百人, 上了汽车团队的规模。《金融时报》报道称,苹果正在打造一款能和 Oculus Rift或微软 Hololens抗衡的神秘头戴式产品。

一场关于下一代互联网应用技术的大战,已经拉开了帷幕。2016年毫 疑问是VR年、AR年,新的世界级巨头将在这轮竞争中逐步脱颖而出,原来的巨头们如果错失机遇,将会被残酷地淘汰。




The internet does not like the new Time magazine cover about virtual reality

The cover story is supposed to herald a watershed moment for virtual reality, as companies like Facebook (which owns Oculus), HTC, Google, and Sony try to transform the technology from a geeky pastime for gamers into a mainstream phenomenon.

But, hoo boy, just look at this cover:

palmer luckey time magazine coverTime Magazine

If this is supposed to make virtual reality look cool, it's failed miserably. It's true that virtual reality is primarily going to be a hobby for hardcore PC enthusiasts at first, but this cover makes it look like the least fun, least cool thing anybody in their right mind would possibly do — not the wave of the future.

Virtual reality is just around the corner

Virtual Reality has been getting slow but steady traction over the years. When Oculus Rift first introduced a new dimension of media, some enthusiasts were entertained. However, it still seemed far away.

Virtual reality goggles from Samsung called GearVR

Virtual Reality Experience

In 2013, you could buy yourself Oculus developer kit. John Carmack, co-creator of Doom, joined the Oculus VR project. Things started to look more interesting. Especially when Facebook bought Oculus for about

The price of entry was still steep. Even after the introduction of Samsung VR Gear, you had shell out around $150. For someone who is just being curious about VR, that’s way too much.

Google added a new dimension to virtual reality

Luckily Google stepped in. Google Cardboard came into market in 2014, offering masses an easy entry into the world of Virtual Reality. It was a simple idea. You already carry the most expensive part of the device with you at all time ˉ your smartphone. Google just provided you with cheap vehicle for you to combine it into a VR kit. All of a sudden, everyone could experience VR under $20. And a lot of people did.

In the last few months, you can notice VR is getting more popular. In November 2015, New York Times gave their subscribers around 1.2 million free Google Cardboards. They were launching new app NYT VR. In December Verizon also launched a campaign and offered free Star Wars-themed Cardboard through Google Store and Verizon as a part of promotional tie-in for the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie.

Why 2016 will be virtual reality’s breakthrough year

With virtual reality set to become a $1bn industry in 2016 marketers are switching on to the technology as the next big content marketing medium.

By Mindi Chahal on 

Training of ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti at NASA JSC fac

Virtual reality, travel, VR


无论是男性还是女性都会对彼此的身体感兴趣,然後通过肉眼的观看,永远感受不到那份迫切地真实感。不过最近科技实验室BeAnotherLab 就打开了这个神秘的窗户,让彼此可以真实感受对方的身体,以达到“The Machine To Be Another” 性别互换的效果。 BeAnotherLab 通过一个虚拟的耳机戴到参与者的头上,随後通过影像互换功能,使眼睛看到的是对方的身体。这个时候可以通过抚摸自己的身体来达到性别转换地奇妙乐趣。这样的新科技估计很多人迫不及待的想要尝试一下了,哈哈。





. 通过模肢体动作,将创建一个表演者所看到事物的大脑幻觉,事实上这是通过使用者眼睛观看到的。使用者可以在一间房屋内走动,彼此交互物体,期间通过耳机洞悉执行者的思维。





The move will allow users to see 360 degree videos using the Oculus Rift headset (pictured)

How will virtual reality affect the way we live?

Can you answer this open question?

It will be a more extreme version of the way the internet affected our lives. We will have even more information and enterntainment beneath our fingers.

The internet changed a lot about our world. 
Companies can hire people on other continents to finish work while the original group sleeps.
People spend more a lot of their time watching about other people's lives on the internet.
More information is freely available to anyone who requires it
You can meet people from all around the world and share parts of your life with them
It's a way to advertise a product you'd never get sold if you had to gro via a company.
Likeminded people can group up on fora, they can meet people who share their ideas and viewpoints. But they would never have known without the internet.
While a lot of information on the internet is false, it does help to break down lies, propaganda and censure.

And while not everybody might like it, Internet is here to stay. Our society has to (and has, for a large part) adapt to this new feature of life. Like all things, the internet comes with its own slew of problems. People addicted to facebook, to porn, to online gambling etc. But in the end that's the fault of people, not of the internet.

Virtual reality will be more extreme than that. It will greatly improve things, and a lot of people will abuse it. But once it's here, the only real thing you can do is adapt.

Written May 3, 2015 • View Upvotes

Digvijay Singh Shekhawat

Digvijay Singh ShekhawatSolitude is the Air that I breath.


Just Think......

Think of a world with no tall buildings, a world where nature gets its fair trade of land

Think of the world with no pollution from vehicles

Think of the world where you can actually meet your friend staying a 1000 miles away

Think of a world where games are more real than the reality itself

Think of the world with one more idiot box in your house(later you will surely prefer the new one)

Think of the world where you can enjoy live 3d-360 concerts of Linkin Park even in India(I am with ya Buddy!!)

Think of the world where every school and training facility will have VR and the next generation will use it like a hell!!...(@-@)

Think of a world where you are sitting in your arm chair hooked up with a headset - whilstoperating a robot on Mars!

Think of A World without facebook!!(WHAT)??.....but something even better.....(hehehe)

Think of the world where you will be able to share your dreams with others

Think of a world where you can Fly

Think of the world where you can be anyone and can do anything

Think of a world where you can create your own world(Confusing??_)

Think of a world with entirely different concept of PORN @_@

Well you may sometime get motion sickness from the  virtual environment and the av. weight of the world may grow a little by 20-30%(oops!!) 

Believe me its the next big thing after internet
Its the future of communication

And a time may come when u will be ready to leave reality to permanently move into virtual reality.(Well I am Right now!!)

And after a 1000 years we may find our-self in the movie "THE MATRIX" 


Ending with some Pics!!!!

(Well honestly I don't what is dis man doing!!)

(Dude use a wireless keyboard!!)

(And thats my FUTURE !!)

(And how can we end it without the kool baby of 23rd century)

Do you think I missed something??
Please comment!!

Updated Feb 19, 2015 • View Upv

前面有一句话“ VR技术最终可能会让婚姻变得多余”,

怎厶会呢?  你说。

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