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我们的大总统川普先生还不如七岁孩童呢 2017-05-18 14:30:20

The president is not a child.  He’s something worse.

May 17, 2017

Alexandra Petri writes the ComPost blog, offering a lighter take on the 

news and opinions of the day. She is the author of "A Field Guide to 

Awkward Silences."     Follow @petridishes



President Trump speaks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak during their meeting in the White House in Washington on May 10. (Russian Foreign Ministry handout via European Pressphoto Agency)

We were wrong, it turns out. Anyone cannot be president. Anyone can be elected president (any man, that is), but not anyone can be president.

After the careless, boastful revelations of his great intelligence to Russia, the firing of the FBI director, the new allegations that he asked James B. Comey to just “let this [Michael Flynn investigation] go” and the months of conducting himself without any curiosity, reverence for history, or ability to avoid mistakes, many columnists lately have been calling President Trump a child, or a bull in a china shop. This is, I think, unfair to children, and to bulls. Bulls have done a good job running Wall Street. Sometimes children are not cruel on purpose. Children can sit still and are often unable to stick their feet into their mouths, and sometimes will let you get more ice cream than they get.

He is something more terrifying than a child. Children can learn.

The Trump presidency is the discovery that what you thought was a man in a bear suit is just a bear. Suddenly the fact that he wouldn’t play by the rules makes total sense. It wasn’t that he refused to, that he was playing a long game. It was that he was a wild animal who eats fish and climbs trees, and English words were totally unintelligible to him. In retrospect, you should have suspected that after he just straight-up ate a guy. But at the time everyone cheered. It was good TV. Also, he was your bear.

Okay. So you have spent 200 years building a fragile snow globe, and now you have given it to a bear. The animal doesn’t care. You cannot even explain to him what the thing is. To him, all your words are just sounds. He looks at you when you are making them and he looks away when you are finished. You can only hope the bear becomes bored and sets the snow globe down and wanders off looking for food.

(Again, this is an insult to bears, who have fewer places to live than Trump and do not do so at the taxpayer’s expense.)

Who can help? The people in there with him are the people who did not realize that what they had on their hands was an animal. Now they are trying to whisper him, like a horse. Do horses understand whispering? Horses probably think that people are just conspiring against them all the time. Horses are probably quite paranoid and delusional. But at least a horse would not fire the FBI director.

Merely watching this, you are now 600 years old. (Have you written this before? Hundreds of years have passed since Tuesday. You have no memory of the Time Before.) It is as though all of your involuntary muscle functions now require conscious effort. Everything you assumed would take care of itself so that you could go about your life now requires you to watch it and hold your breath. You are holding your breath all the time.

It is bringing your drunk relative to a party where you need to impress people for work, but 24 hours a day, and your co-workers are the entire world, and some of them have nukes.

It is like expecting a cardboard cutout of a pro wrestler to perform open-heart surgery.

It is like watching a golden retriever try to disable a bomb. The dog can’t determine which is the red button and which is the green button. It can’t see color. It’s a dog, for Pete’s sake. What did you expect?

It is like leaving a horse unsupervised in a room with cake, only the cake is also your child.

It is the vague worry I feel in the back of my mind all the time about the Yellowstone Caldera, but it is running the country.

The president is not a child. Children can improve. Children speak with inside voices. Children ask for help when there are things they cannot reach.

He’s a human Failure to Read the User’s Manual.

He’s a cartoon character. He only looks real on TV. When real things are put into his hands he drops them, and people get hurt.

Confidence is good, up to a point. Now here is someone who thinks juggling hand-painted Fabergé eggs will impress you. Not because he is so supremely confident in his ability to juggle, but because he literally doesn’t know what they are. That they’re breakable. Only your house is in the egg. You are in the egg. Everything you care about is in the egg.

《华盛顿邮报》: 别骂川普像孩子  那对小孩不公平


   纽约时报、华盛顿邮报专栏作家以“文笔接力”的方式,连续两天对川普总统展开口诛笔伐。继纽时知名专栏作家布鲁克斯(David Brooks)形容川普“就像个七岁男孩般幼稚”之后,另一位专栏作家派特瑞(Alexandra Petri)17日在华邮加码指出,川普并不是个孩子,“他比孩子更糟糕。”




















    “自信是好事,但要注意分寸。”派特瑞在结语中说,如今的状况,好比有人以为耍弄手绘法贝热彩蛋(Faberge Eggs)可以让众人赞佩不已,但却不是因为他对于自己的杂耍技巧具有高度信心,而是他完全不知道手里拿着的到底是什么东西,不知道这些彩蛋是会破掉的,“试想彩蛋里有着你的屋子,或者你就置身彩蛋当中,你所念兹在兹的一切事物,通通就在这颗彩蛋里”。

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