为什么敢说百发百中呢? 因为这一种类型高科技的狙击步枪射出的子弹,不 是人们通常以为击中目标、钻出一个弹孔完事的常规子弹,而是可以提前预设距 离、在目标近处轰然爆炸的微型高爆炸药包。
How about over there? There is a wide open area, plenty of room to operate ..., ... traffic minimum citizens, focusing on one vertex. I think so. Yes, it was the perfect location. We benefitted from both sides when we were hiding. We look at him and see who is the most clever. We face a very sophisticated equipment. DARPA reviewing its inventory ... ... and found that there are about 100 bullets were missing. Someone reached into the biscuit tin. I have a friend at the Defense Development ..., ... so I guess we could match his bullets. Lab. Research Marines sent from Chesapeake Beach. What is greatness? Bullets will explode at a predetermined distance. Explosive shot with a shotgun? Yes, but the term cool is, reconnaissance ordered bullet ..., ... bullet reach the target, the target to meet his Lord.
请将光标直接移至 1:18:55 开始: http://www.14tv.com/play/81832/270037
The British-made L115A3 Long Range Rifle
The SWAT Sniper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86BH8rd91eg&t=17s