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西班牙中国人初次相遇在民都洛 2018-04-03 16:47:57

“ 给大家讲一个小细节很有意思啊,就是这西班牙人是怎厶碰见中国人的 ......

西班牙人一路向西,先是占领了这个地方(美洲)...... 从这开始到



这个地方,这离 Li中国很近很近了,到了菲律宾以后,就开始到处

打听,有没有中国人,有没有中国人 ...... ”

“ 西班牙人怀Zhe极为幸福的心情,开始向北去找中国人,而且



中国人的那东西,就觉得中国人 肯 定 特 牛 逼  !”

“ 结果,果然碰见中国人了,碰见两条船,结果中国人不问三七二

十一,一上来就开炮 ......”

这历史性的一天是  公元1570年5月8日星期五,距今 448 年。

“ 结果,西班牙人的记载,让我看Zhe好丢人 ...... 被俘的中国人


极为不要脸;说怎厶 说这 这民族怎厶回事儿 ?? ”

“ 要厶你跪Zhe,要厶我跪Zhe,反正不会跟人平等相处 ......”

所以 马上两个民族交手的时候,最开始的这个印象,非常重要 

...... 西班牙统治菲律宾这两百年中间,平均每隔二十年,

大屠杀一次中国人 ......”

On the eighth of May of 1570, one thousand five hundred and 

seventy, the master-of-camp, Martin de Goite, left the river of 

Panay with ninety arquebusiers and twenty sailors on board 

the following vessels: the junk "San Miguel," of about fifty tons' 

burden with three large pieces of artillery; the frigate "La 

Tortuga," and fifteen praus manned by natives of Çubu and of 

the island of Panay. The officers who accompanied the master-

of-camp were Captain Juan de Salzedo 21 (grandson of the 

governor), Sergeant-major Juan de Moron, Ensign-major 

Amador de Rriaran, the high constable Graviel de Rribera, and 

the notary-in-chief Hernando Rriquel.




班乃岛执行的十五个普拉斯。陪同营地主任的是军官Juan de Salzedo 21

(州长的孙子),中士少校Juan de Moron,少尉少校Amador de Rriaran,

高级警员Graviel de Rribera以及公证人,首席Hernando Rriquel。


News reached the master-of-camp that, in a river five leagues from the 

place where the ships had anchored, were two vessels from China, the 

inhabitants of which these natives call Sangleyes.22 Seeing that the 

weather did not permit him to send the large ship, because the wind 

was blowing south by west, he despatched Captain Juan de Salzedo, 

with the praus 23 and rowboats to reconnoiter the said ships, and to 

request peace and friendship with them. This step had scarcely been 

taken when the southwest wind began to blow so violently, that our 

people were compelled to put into a harbor, and to find shelter for 

that night behind a promontory. Four praus and the frigate, unable 

to do this, found shelter farther away; and, keeping always in sight of 

the shore, these vessels looked for the ships all that night. The next 

morning they were overtaken by five of the other vessels and the 

frigate, which were searching for them. The master-of-camp and 

captain Juan de Salzedo were still behind, with the large junk and 

the other praus. At break of day, the praus which had preceded the 

others reached the river where the Chinese ships were anchored. The 

Chinese, either because news of the Spaniards had reached them, or 

because they had heard arquebuse-shots, were coming out side by 

side with foresails up, beating on drums, playing on fifes, firing 

rockets and culverins, and making a great warlike display. Many of 

them were seen on deck, armed with arquebuses and unsheathed 

cutlasses. The Spaniards, who are not at all slothful, did not refuse 

the challenge offered them by the Chinese; on the contrary they 

boldly and fearlessly attacked the Chinese ships, .and, with their usual 

courage, grappled them. This was certainly a rash move on their part, 

for the Chinese ships, were large and high, while the praus were so 

small and low that they hardly reached to the first pillar of the 

enemy's ships. But the goodly aim of the arquebusiers was so effective 

that the Chinese did not leave their shelter, and the Spaniards were 

thus enabled to board their ships and take possession of them. There 

were about eighty Chinese on board the two ships; about twenty-

were killed in the affray. The soldiers searched the cabins in which 

the Chinese kept their most valuable goods, and there they found 

silk, both woven and in skeins; gold thread, musk, gilded porcelain 

bowls, pieces of cotton cloth, gilded waterjugs, and other curious 

articles although not in a large quantity, considering the size of the 

ships. The decks of both vessels were full of earthen jars and 

crockery; large porcelain vases, plates, and bowls; and some fine 

porcelain jars, which they call sinoratas. They also found iron, copper, 

steel, and a small quantity of wax which the Chinese had bought. 

Captain Juan de Salzedo arrived with the rear-guard of the praus, 

after the soldiers had already placed in safety the goods taken 

from the Chinese ships. He was not at all pleased with the havoc 

made among the Chinese. The master-of-camp, Martin de Goite, 

who had remained behind with the large ship, showed much more 

displeasure, when he heard of the occurrence. As soon as he was 

able to cast anchor with the junk in the river of Bato (the name of 

the place where the Chinese vessels were found), he made all haste 

to make them understand that he was sorry for their misfortune, 

and that they had done wrong in sallying forth against the Spaniards. 

Nevertheless, he said he would give them, besides their freedom, a 

ship, in which they might return to their own country without any 

hindrance—besides whatever was necessary for their voyage. 

This was highly appreciated by the Chinese, who, being 

very humble people, knelt down with loud utterances of joy.

This was highly appreciated by the Chinese, who, being 

very humble people, knelt down with loud utterances of joy.







卫舰 法做到这一点,发现更远的避难所;并且始终看到岸边,这


在追捕他们。大本营和队长Juan de Salzedo仍然落后,大垃圾和





是在甲板上看到的,他们装备荇g击枪和 护套短剑。西班牙人一


胆而 畏地袭击了中国的船只,并以他们平常的勇气抓住了他们。






保存最有价值商品的小木屋,在那里他们发现了丝绸, 论是编织






Juan de Salzedo上尉与普拉努的后卫抵达。他对中国人遭受的破


Martin de Goite表现出更多的不满。只要他能{在Bato河的垃圾




可以毫 阻碍地返回自己的国家 - 除了他们航行所需要的东西外。


After this proposal had been made clear to the Chinese, and 

gladly accepted by them, the master-of-camp entrusted the 

chief notary, Hernando Rriquel, with the repairing of one 

of the ships—ordering him to have the hatchway taken out, 

and to send all that the ship contained to the port of 

Panay. Seeing that the sails, masts, and rigging of the 

vessels were so different from ours that none of his men 

had any knowledge of them, the master-of-camp thought best 

to ask the Chinese to send three or four of their sailors 

with the junk to Panay, in company with some friendly 

Moros of Luçon, who were with the Spaniards. The Chinese 

very willingly agreed to that, and provided the required 

men. Thus the ship was despatched with twelve Luçon Moros, 

four Chinese, and four Spanish soldiers of the guard.


营地主任委托首席公证员Hernando Rriquel修理其中一艘船 - 命令







Image result for Martín de Goiti spaniard

Martín de Goiti (c. 1534 - 1575) was one of the soldiers 

who accompanied the Spanish colonization of the East 

Indies and the Pacific, in 1565. From his main base in 

Mexico City, he was the leader of the expedition to 

Manila, ordered by Miguel López de Legazpi in 1569. 

Image result for Martín de Goiti spaniard

1574年,Martín de Goiti 战死在勤劳勇敢的林阿凤同志亲率3000名中国海盗包围


Image result for Martín de Goiti spaniard

Juan de Salcedo (1549 – March 11, 1576) was a Spanish 

conquistador. He was born in Mexico in 1549 and he was 

the grandson of Miguel López de Legazpi and brother 

of Felipe de Salcedo. Salcedo was one of the soldiers 

who accompanied the Spanish colonization of the 

Philippines in 1565. He joined the Spanish military 

in 1564 for their exploration of the East Indies and 

the Pacific, at the age of 15. In 1567, Salcedo led an 

army of about 300 Spanish soldiers and 600 Visayan 

allies along with Martín de Goiti for their conquest 

of Islamic Manila.

Juan de Salcedo Statue of Spanish conquistador Juan de Salcedo Statue of S Flickr

Juan de Salcedo Statue of Spanish conquistador Juan de Salcedo Statue of S Flickr

Salcedo traveled back to Vigan, where he died of malarial 

fever in his home at the age of 27. His body is interred 

at the San Agustin Church in Intramuros.

Image result for Martín de Goiti spaniard

This time, the Spaniards encountered little resistance. Led by Salcedo 

and with Saavedra carrying the Spanish banner, they succeeded in ...

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Large Late Ming Kraak Porcelain Dish, Wanli (1573-1619) (item #983062)

Kraak dish

31. Blue and White Dish Wanli period, Ming dynasty in Swedish Collections

Md 20 cm, H 4 cm, Fd 11.5 cm (Coll.: AW)

“ 因为老觉得中国,你想想,一看到中国人的

               那东西,就觉得中国人 肯 定 特 牛 逼  !”

With flared rim, it is decorated with under glaze cobalt blue. There is a duck 

beside a lotus-pond, in a star shaped medallion surrounded by diaper patterns, 

stylized fruit-sprays and auspicious objects with ribbons, in pointed panels, 

around the sides. The exterior is decorated with emblems in panels and there is 

kiln grit inside the foot-rim.

This kind of blue and white porcelain is traditionally called 'kraak' after a 

captured Portuguese ship, which was taken to Amsterdam in 1602 where 

the cargo, partly porcelain was sold and later, copied in the Delft faience 


32.Blue and White Charger With Landscape Pattern
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1750
Md 54 cm, H 8.4 cm, Fd 32.3 cm 
(Coll.: AW)
It was painted with under glaze cobalt blue. The rim is decorated with spirals 

and two frames with lotus and parasols, two with plum and fans. In the center

 is a scene with wall, pagoda, houses, flowers and trees surrounding a lake.

33.Blue and White Dish With Flower Pattern
Kangxi period, Qing dynasty c. 1710
Md 24.2 cm, H 2.8 cm, Fd 13.6 cm
(Coll.: AW)
These dishes are decorated with under glaze cobalt blue on the rim with lotus, 

plum and leaf. In the center is a flower and cliff scene; the reverse has two 

leafy sprigs; inside the foot rings are illegible cobalt blue 'shop marks'. 

From the Dresden Collection of August, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony; 

there is incised mark N: 254 on one small dish from the same service.

34. Blue and White Dish With Flower Pattern
Kangxi period, Qing dynasty c.1710
Md 33 cm, H 3.7cm, Fd 18 cm
(Coll.: AW)

It is decorated with under glaze cobalt blue with lotus flowers (xi fan lian) 

and peonies, and a similar border on the rim dressed with iron brown.

Incised inventory mark is N: 399. 
From the Dresden Collection of August, The Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony.

35. Blue and White Armorial Porcelain Plate
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c. 1750 
Diam. 14 and 24, height 3 cm
Collection of the City Museum of Gothenburg

Decoration: under-glaze blue; coat of arms of the Swedish burgher family 

Grill (never ennobled) in an asymmetric shield. The shield is placed on a 

rococo-cartouche and is surrounded by foliage, flowers and clouds. Rim with 

brown edge and four rococo-ornaments, which interrupt the border of the 

well and are combined with laurel sprays; a diaper-border at the edge. 

The Grill family played a crucial role in the SOIC: four members were directors 

in the Company; during the first and second charters 1731-66, among them 

Abraham Grill and his half-brother Claes Grill. The latter also was a great part 

owner in the shipyards in Stockholm, where most of the Swedish East 

Indiamen were built.

36. Blue and White Plate With Pavilion Pattern
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1780
Md 22.5 cm, H 2.7 cm, Fd 13 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Painted in under glaze cobalt blue on a soft past (huashi) surface, depicting 

a pagoda in a river scene with birds and a boat. On the rim are six 

bunches of chrysanthemum, finger citron and peonies.

37. Blue and White Octagonal Wash basin Qianlong period, Qing 

dynasty c.1750
Md 38 x37cm, H 8.5 cm, Fd 23.5 cm
(Coll.: AW)

A deep octagonal shape, decorated in under glaze cobalt blue. In the center, 

a lake scene with willows and two peacocks surrounded by a carnation border. 

The rim has a dense brocaded flower diaper, fish roe and spirals border.

38. Blue and White Plate With Pavilion and Landscape Pattern 

Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1760-80
Md 24 cm, H 2.5 cm, Fd 14 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Painted in under glaze cobalt blue, it depicts a seascape surrounded by a 

diaper border in the well and on the rim a continuous fringe of flowers and 

diapers and butterflies. The shape is a typical European shape.

39. Blue and White Rectangular Dish
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty 1760
Md 32 x 22 cm, H 3 cm, Fd 24 x15cm
(Coll.: AW)
A rectangular four lobed shape painted in under glaze cobalt blue, 

depicting a waterscape with man in boat, a person crossing a bridge, 

houses and a pagoda.

40. Blue and White Dish With Flower and Figure Pattern Qianlong 

period, Qing dynasty c.1750
Md 28 x 19.7cm, H 3 cm, Fd 21.7 x 13 cm
(Coll.: AW)
Shaped like a European Rocco silver dish, it is decorated in under glaze 

cobalt blue with a lady and dog on a boat in a waterscape surrounded 

by a diamond diaper on the rim and a continuous scroll of fish roe and flower.

41. Blue and White Shaving basin
Qianlong/Jiaqing period, Qing dynasty, the end of 18th century
Length 31.5, width 26 cm, height 7 cm. Foot-ring 14.9 x 10.1 cm
Collection of the City Museum of Gothenburg

Oval basin of heavy porcelain, with semi-circular cut-out rim. Painted decoration in under-

glaze blue: river scape with house and boat. Three floral motifs decorate the rim. A couple of 

peony sprays on the underside.

42. Blue and White Tureen with Landscape Pattern
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1770
L 26 cm, Md 25 cm, H 23.5 cm, Fd 17.5cm
(Coll.: AW)
Rounded sides with shaped upright loop handles, stands on a splayed 

foot; lid surmounted by a peach finial with three applied leaves. Sides 

painted in under glaze cobalt blue with chrysanthemum, peonies and fruits; 

foot has fungi, pearl, fan and book symbols; lid is painted with plants and 

flowers. The applied leaves and handles are in cobalt blue.

43. Blue and White Butter-box
Late Qianlong period, Qing dynasty 
Measures (lid and dish inclusive): length 15.7, width 12.5, height 9 cm; foot-

ring of the dish 9.5 x 6.5 cm
Collection of the City Museum of Gothenburg

Oval, miniature tureen shape with lidded dish, lid has knob, no handles. 

Blue under glaze decoration: river-landscape with two-storied Chinese house, 

rocks, and flying birds in the sky. Flowered border in sections with different 

background-patterns--scrolls, honeycomb, etc. Probably brought to Sweden 

by Abraham Samuel Blix (1747-1804), marine lieutenant, who served as 

mate in SOIC during the third and fourth charters 1766-1806.

44. Blue and White Armorial Porcelain Tureen
Jiaqing period, Qing dynasty c.1810
Mouth 31 x 22.5 cm, H 22.5cm, foot 19 x 15 cm
(Coll.: AW)
Bombe-shaped with two entwined handles and lid with a fruit finial; painted 

in under glaze cobalt blue with two medallions encircled by spearhead borders 

on bowl and dense diaper and spearhead borders on foot, rim and lid. 

This design is a late version of the 'Fitzhugh pattern' introduced in the 1770's 

by Thomas Fitzhugh, a captain in English East India Company, stationed in 

China 1779-81.

45. Blue and White Goblet
Kangxi period, Qing dynasty c.1700
Md 8 cm, H 11.2 cm, Fd 5 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Tapering octagonal shape on a domed foot decorated in under glaze 

cobalt blue with/alternating landscape and plants with birds on the eight 

facets; speckled diaper around rim, two spiral borders on the stem and leaf

border on the foot. The shape is derived from the European glass model.

46. Blue and White Wine Cup with Flower Pattern
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1770
Md 7, H 10, Fd 4.2 cm
(Coll.: AW)

High stem, painted in two shades of cobalt blue under glaze, on a soft paste 

(hua shi) surface. Decorated/flowers on cup, banana leaves around the stem, 

ruyi on the interior and stylized leaves around the base. Shape derived from 

European model. It is possible that the cup was used for white liquor especially 

genever (type of gin.)

47. Blue and White Ewer with Peacock Pattern
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty
Mouth 16.9x 10.3 cm, H 23.5 cm, Fd 9.4 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Meissen style and with sweeping molded curves; painted under glaze with 

cobalt blue, decorated on each side with flower sprig and stylized animals 

with dragonhead and peacock feathers in mid section, tassels around the 

mouth and molded lotus leaves around the foot. Such ewers usually had 

rustic stalk handles with pruned knots and frequently a metal hinge linking 

the upper forward part of the handle pierced for a metal hinge. Howard & 

Ayers, Chin

a for the West.

48.Blue and White Chocolate Jug/Coffee Pot
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1760-70
Md 6.2 cm, H. 21 cm, Fd 7 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Copying the Silverware shape, with domed cover, decorated with under glaze 

cobalt blue on white soft paste, hua shi, porcelain; a tree on one side, pagoda 

landscape on the other. Lid and handle pierced for a metal hinge. Ear shaped 

handle has typical thumb support. Made after a European baroque metal 

prototype; motif may be linked to Anson's travels.

49. Blue and White Octagonal Ewer
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty 1740s 
Length inclusive of spout 25.3, width 15.5 cm
Bottom 23.1, height 23 cm. GM 4631
Collection of the City Museum of Gothenburg

Imitation of an octagonal wooden vessel. At the closed top is an imitation 

crossbar or bolt between uprights; the bolt has a handle in form of pair of seals 

with/ball between their mouths; a hole with lid at one side of the closed top 

and a spout of pewter high up on the opposite front side - the lid has 


shaped finial. Painted oriental decoration in under-glaze blue on top and 

sides: floral or twig and bird-motifs on sides.

50. Blue and White Teapot with Landscape Pattern
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty 1790
Md 9.2 cm, H 12.5 cm, Fd 11.1 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Straight spout and flat lid with lizhi finial and entwined strap-handle, 

decorated with under glaze cobalt with European houses and willow 

landscape. Decorated after a European print. English 'New Hall' porcelain; 

sometimes called 'Trench Mortar' in Europe. spout shaped to fit a metal 


51. Blue and White Coffeepot
Qianlong/ Jiaqing period, Qing dynasty c. 1800
Md 7.5 cm, H 24 cm, Fd 13 cm, width 21cm
(Coll.: AW)

Conical shape, lid with lizhi shaped finial; straight spout and twisted twin 

handle with under glaze cobalt blue seascape with sea and pavilions.

52.Blue and White Candlesticks
Qianlong, Qing dynasty c.1780
Md 5cm, H 12 cm, dish d. 10 cm 

(Coll.: AW)

Under glaze cobalt blue motif of riverscape and pavilion and with blue 

bifurcated dragons (zhilong) supporting stems.

53.A Blue and White Saltcellar with Three Legs
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1750
Md 6.3 cm, distance between feet 4 cm, H 4.7cm
(Coll.: AW)

Decorated with under glaze cobalt on interior with willows and lotus pond; 

exterior with alternating brocade panels of lotus and bamboo. Copy of an 

English silver saltcellar.

54. Blue and White Globular Pot (cuspidor)
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1750
Md 12.5 cm, H 8.5 cm, Fd 8.3 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Rounded rim and loop handle; painted under glaze with cobalt blue tree 

peonies and bamboo on the exterior, three peony branches on rim and 

formal flower spray on the handle. From Dutch East Indiaman Geldermalsen

 (Nanking Cargo), which sank in 1752. Used by tobacco chewers.

55. A Blue and White Spittoon
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c. 1750-60
Md 13, H 10 cm, Fd 5 cm
(Coll.: AW)
Spherical with flared rim decorated under glaze with cobalt blue. Decorated 

with peonies and chrysanthemum in garden on body and fish roe, diapers 

and stylized flowers on rim. 

57. Blue and White Armorial Plate for the Grill Family
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty c.1750-60
Md 24.8 cm, H 2.3 cm, Fd 14 cm
(Coll.: AW)

Scalloped rim painted under glaze cobalt blue with crane with grasshopper 

in its beak and standing on stones placed on a plinth. Rim and well are 

decorated with massive floral and Rocco ornaments. Shape similar to 

European silver; thickness is typical of faience from the period.

Grasshopper is 'grillo' in Italian, "crane and grasshopper" design was the 

pseudo arms of the Grill family, who though not ennobled, were one of 

the most important families for the Swedish East India Company. Four 

members were directors at different times; they ordered at least eight 

different services between late 1740 and 1780.

A Ming porcelain jar with a scene of cavalrymen fighting, from the reign 

of the Jiajing Emperor (1522–1566), Musée Guimet, Paris.

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