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1971年毛泽东与齐奥塞斯库谈了些什么? 2018-05-01 22:17:17





谁还有心思瞥一眼47年前两位没有资产的阶级革命家 — 毛齐唠嗑内容 ?



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Cde. ( Comrade ) Mao Zedong: Welcome comrades.

Cde. Nicolae Ceausescu: Thank you very much. We thank you for the very warm welcome we received.

We would like to express our satisfaction with the possibility we have to visit the People’s Republic of China, to meet with you and the other leaders of the Chinese party and state.

Mao: When was the last time you were here?

Ceausescu: Seven years [ago].

Mao: In these seven years some things have changed; did you notice this?

Ceausescu: We saw the people, hundreds of thousands of people; we visited Tsinghua University. We were impressed by the positive attitude and the joy of living displayed by the people in the capital; also, especially, [we were impressed] by the preoccupation with perfect education, to tie it to production, to life, to the construction of socialism.

Mao: That is the way we think about it as well; now we are experimenting.

At the same time, we have to continue to use older teachers and professors, bourgeois; we still don’t have other people. They, however, have to listen to us, to listen to workers and peasants. In their words, they listen; however, in their mind, they blame. There is need for more time, slowly, slowly; 21 years passed since [the success of the revolution.] It’s true, even in the past there were some successes in education; we can’t negate everything. But in what you mentioned just now, the revolutionizing of education, this only happened in the past years.

With you[r country] the activity went forth with a lot of progress.


CDE ( Comrade )毛泽东:欢迎同志们。

CDE. Nicolae Ceausescu:非常感谢。我们感谢您的热烈欢迎。







同时,我们还要继续用资产阶级老教师和教授;我们还没有其他人。但是,他们必须倾听我们的意见,倾听工人和农民的声音。用他们的话说,他们听Zhe; 然而,在他们的心中,他们责备。需要更多时间,慢慢地,慢慢地;自革命成功以来已过去21年。的确,即使在过去教育方面也取得了一些成功,我们不能否定一切。但在你刚才提到的教育革命化中,这只发生在过去几年。






毛:不能隐瞒缺陷,因为迟早 - 在一天,一年或未来几个世纪 - 这些缺陷将被揭示。如果我们告诉人们什么是最好的;人们不会被欺骗。 [欺骗]只能持续很短时间。几十年来人们不会被欺骗。










毛:有些缔约方像你的那样不这样说。最近,我读了你的演讲。以一种非常开放的方式,人们认识到过去有过失误;其他方面不能接受这样的事情。某些方面侮辱了我们十多年,我们甚至没有回应。他们被迫侮辱我们。我们可以展示对这种事件的理解。同时,我们很高兴我们有被侮辱的质量。这是非常好的。 1960年在布加勒斯特举行的会议,是不是强加于你?[2]当时,Cde。 Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej有很多困难。我们可以刁难你吗?!





齐奥塞斯库:很难; 即使现在可用,它也是太多了。







毛:最近,韩国工人党没有邀请外宾参加大会。 CDE。金日成去年访问了我们的国家;他问我们:“你是否邀请任何人?”我们告诉他:不,我们不邀请任何人;很难邀请其他人。他们越是侮辱和评判他人,他们就会面临更糟糕的事情。


齐奥塞斯库:当然,如果我们终止了侮辱和标签,那就太好了。我必须告诉你,许多党派都呼吁,即使在1969年的[兄弟党] [莫斯科]大会和苏共大会上,许多政党 - 甚至是大党 - 都拒绝同盟谴责中共,并正在设法与中共建立关系。














毛:连一年都不能脱身。他们可以坐在我们的头上,但我们必须回答。对于小国家我们不这样做。我们不能对他们说一句话,但对于大国来说,我们没有考虑任何事情。我们不会被任何信使感动[purtatori de cuvant],他们给予建议;他们给我们的建议越多,事情就会越糟糕,因为我们这里,我们所有人都是官僚和军国主义者,我们背叛了马克思列宁主义,我们没有必要的素质成为伟大家庭的一部分。你这样做,我们不。



CDE。 Ion Gheroghe Maurer:减少[标签],但有一些Cde。毛泽东。

毛:你已经被贴上标签,因为你正在抵抗压力。对我们来说,标签不是太多,也不算太少 - 8000年。每个人都应该听。现在军国主义占据了中心位置 - 我们肯定不会再减少[任何年份];他(指林彪)是军阀的首脑。但我也是军国主义者和官僚的一部分。他们非常聪明。赫鲁晓夫以一种非常有创意的方式发展了马克思列宁主义。我问柯西金这个和赫鲁晓夫一样好的人,他发展了马克思列宁主义,为什么你把他边缘化呢?他很难给我任何动机。然后我告诉他:如果你不再需要他,把他给我们;我们邀请赫鲁晓夫来北京大学举办马克思列宁主义。科西金当时无法回答。我必须得出结论,这样的国家不是一个好国家。我会告诉你一件事:我们在媒体上发表他们的文章,但他们不会在媒体上发表我们的回复。这里一定有一个原因。不得不否认有军政官员专制国家的教条主义者发表的文章。整个苏联人民都应该了解他们,所以他们可以否认他们。但他们没有发表。在这种情况下,他们甚至支持一些帝国主义国家。美国报纸敢于发表我们关于他们的文章。特别是,我提到纽约时报。





毛:我读过布达佩斯的一篇文章;即使在那里他们也表现出与这个球的一致。在乒乓球比赛中有什么伟大的?美国副总统 - [斯皮罗]阿格纽说,他不是为了它。在这里的乒乓球代表团团长说,我们不玩乒乓球,而是乒乓球。他正在尝试玩文字游戏。






















毛:在Cde之际。 [Emil] Bodnaras在这里拜访,他告诉我们什么是Cde。周恩来说这些事件是有用的;我们没有注意到,我们没有感觉到;他告诉我们这很有用。
















也许我们应该停下来。 CDE。周恩来说,你今天下午会发言。不要与他斗争!











[4]该段有些困惑,因此不清楚毛是在谈论哪个人或代表团。 美国队对中国的历史性访问于1971年4月12日举行。

Ceausescu: It’s true, in the past years we had good results. We are also concerned with changing education, to tie it better to production. We are preoccupied with attracting the working class to the management of the institutions, and tying the party to the popular masses.

We can say that, generally, things go forth in good order. Of course, we have lots of deficiencies, but we are trying hard, together with the working class, with the people, to ensure the construction of socialism.

Mao: If we talk about deficiencies, then we too can say we have plenty.

Ceausescu: There is not one country that does not have deficiencies. The difference is that some work to resolve them, while others try to hide them.

Mao: Deficiencies cannot be hidden, because sooner or later—in a day, a year, or future centuries—these deficiencies will be revealed. It is better if we tell people what’s what; people cannot be deceived. [Deceiving] can only go on for a short time. People cannot be deceived for decades.

Ceausescu: This is very true, especially today, with today’s communication and information methods, reality cannot be hidden for very long.

Mao: It is very true. Even they know this.[1]

Ceausescu: After all, conflicts appear where they try to hide reality from people.

Mao: In some places, conflicts did not appear yet.

Ceausescu: But it is inevitable that conflicts would appear.

Mao: That is so.

Ceausescu: Of course, if they will take no action to straighten up things, and remove [deficits].

Mao: There are certain [communist] parties that insult other parties; they think that truth is on their side, that the other parties always make mistakes. We are called dogmatic, warmongers, that we have a dictatorship. That is what they say, that here we have a military bureaucratic dictatorship.

Ceausescu: Unfortunately, it is true, that there still exists this practice of name-calling, of insulting other parties.

Mao: There are certain parties, like yours, that do not say that. Recently, I read a speech of yours. In a very open way, there was the recognition that there have been mistakes in the past; other parties cannot come to terms with such things. Certain parties insulted us for over ten years, and we did not respond with even a word. They are forced to insult us. We can show understanding toward such occurrences. At the same time, we are happy that we have the quality of being insulted. This is very good. The meeting that took place in Bucharest in 1960, was that not imposed on you?[2] At that time, Cde. Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej had lots of difficulties. Can we impugn you for this?!

Ceausescu: It is true that the meeting took place there, and in a way, we too are at fault, since we could have refused to hold that meeting. Today such a meeting could not, and does not, take place in Romania.

Mao: At that time it was hard to refuse to host the conference. On the occasion of the Chinese Communist Party’s 8th Congress, which took place in 1956, I had an interesting conversation with Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. He told me some things straight from the heart. It was, of course, difficult to put up with such things. The Cominform was disbanded then, and that gave rise to debates. Criticism was necessary for this to happen.

Ceausescu: It is true that there were some hard times; even today there are some hard times. There are new designs to create different leadership formats that would take away the independence of other states and parties.

Mao: It would be good if the whole planet would be the domain of one single country!

Ceausescu: It’s hard; even what is available now it’s too much.

Mao: Is it really too much?!

Ceausescu: We feel that the best way is to have relations based on equality among all nations in the world.

Mao: Irrespective of their size, even [countries] as small as San Marino, which has a population of 16,000 people; we were sincerely glad to be able to establish diplomatic contacts with such a country.

Ceausescu: Of course, on this globe there are countries that are very large, large, medium countries, small and very small [countries], but all nations desire to build their lives freely; of course, in close cooperation with other states, with other nations, but without subordinating one to the other.

Mao: There is another issue, and that is that, on the occasion of the [Party] congresses, there are other parties invited; during the congress, for example during the Czechoslovak congress, insults and blaming takes place. Would it not be better to change this practice? Better not to invite any foreign delegations to the congresses. We did not invite anyone to the 9th Congress. It is true that the sky did not fall.

Ceausescu: It is true that such a tactic could be adopted, as long as the congresses are being used for insults, to hurl insults at other parties.

Mao: Recently, the Korean Workers’ Party did not invite foreign guests to their congress. Cde. Kim Il Sung visited our country last year; he asked us: “are you inviting anyone?” We told him: no, we are not inviting anyone; it is difficult to invite other people. The more they insult and judge other people, the worse things will go for them.

There are more guests present, and they do not have identical opinions; it is better to have bilateral relations, like, for example, the fight against imperialism; then we fight. They want to have united action; it is hard because there are different opinions. A few years back, we talked with a few comrades, we told them that we cannot reach such accords; even then the sky did not fall, and the planet continues to revolve.

Ceausescu: Of course, it would be good if we reached an end to the insults and labeling. I have to tell you that many parties are calling for this, that even at the [Moscow] congress of the [fraternal] parties in 1969, and at the CPSU congress, a lot of parties—even big parties—refused to ally with the condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party, and are trying to find ways to establish relations with the CCP.

Mao: It is better to do these things bilaterally, like for example the relationship between the two of us.

Ceausescu: This is exactly what these parties want, for example the Italian, Spanish, [and] others. When we left to come here, they asked us to transmit their desire to reestablish contacts.

Mao: We can reestablish them, but the question remains what we do with their debt to us, because they have cursed and insulted us a lot in the past.

Cde. Zhou Enlai: And there is the issue of interest on their debt.

Mao: We have such calculations. If they no longer insult us, at least they should say something about the debt they owe us, the same way you did. There is no need for much, just a few words.

Ceausescu: Some have already said it, and we talked to them: they are ready to recognize that the past way was not good.

Mao: Not just that they were not good, they were wrong.

Ceausescu: Yes, wrong.

Mao: They were wrong. Things developed in an unbelievable fashion. What can we say of the great family, of the internationalist proletariat, of unity, when in reality there was a schism. It’s not a big deal, if they want a schism, a separation in many parts. Even if the entire Italian party wants to come to China, they are welcome here. They are allowed to curse us in their newspapers and magazines, but they must allow others freedom of expression as well. We will respond to any who shit on our head (isi fac scaun in capul nostru), irrespective of the size of the country, irrespective of the number of bombs they have. You can visit our modern shelters. We have built them in case of a war.

Will you visit the North-West of China? We have to be prepared for any possibility.

Ceausescu: It is true that the schism has caused much damage. Of course, there have been many mistakes made, but we have to put right the mistakes and I believe that we all have to work in this direction.

Mao: We will not put anything right, and will continue in our dogmatism; even [for] ten thousand years.[3] One time, when [Soviet Premier Alexei] Kosygin visited, we reduced that time by 1000 years; one time, during the visit of the Romanian delegation, we reduced it again by 1000 years; at once we reduced 2000 years from this period. It is very dangerous, there are only 8000 years left.

Ceausescu: We can reduce some more!

Mao: Not even one year can be taken off. They can sit on our heads, but we must answer back. We do not do this when it comes to small countries. We cannot say a word toward them, but with regard to the big countries, we do not take anything into consideration. We will not be moved by any messengers [purtatori de cuvant], who give advice; the more advice they give us, the worse things will go, since we here, all of us, are bureaucrats and militarists, we betrayed Marxist-Leninism, we do not have the qualities necessary to be part of the great family. You do, we do not.

Ceausescu: Now we are nationalists.

Mao: You too are being labeled.

Cde. Ion Gheroghe Maurer: Fewer [labels], but there are some, Cde. Mao Zedong.

Mao: You have so been labeled because you are resisting the pressure. For us, the labels are not too many, and not too few—8000 years. Everybody should listen up. Now militarism has taken center stage—it is certain that we will no longer reduce [any years]; he (points to Lin Biao) is the head of the militarists. But I too, am part of the militarists and the bureaucrats. They are very smart. Khrushchev developed Marxism-Leninism in a very creative way. I asked [Kosygin], a man as good as Khrushchev, who developed Marxism-Leninism, why have you marginalized him? It was difficult for him to give me any motives. Then I told him: if you no longer need him, give him to us; we invite Khrushchev to come to Beijing University, to hold classes on Marxism-Leninism. Kosygin could not answer then. I have to conclude that such a country is not a good one. I will tell you one thing: we publish [their] articles in our press, but they do not publish our replies in their press. Here there must be a reason. Articles published by dogmatists, by countries where there is a military-bureaucratic dictatorship, have to be repudiated. The entire Soviet people should know them, so they can repudiate them. But they did not publish them. In this instance, they are even behind some imperialist countries; American newspapers have dared publish our articles about them. Especially, I speak of the New York Times.

You have been in the United States of America, but all of us here, we have not been. We sent a ping-pong ball over there.

Ceausescu: It seems it was well placed.

Mao: Do you agree with this ball?

Ceausescu: We agree.

Mao: I read an article published in Budapest; even there they are showing their agreement with this ball. What is so great in the game of ping-pong? The US Vice President—[Spiro] Agnew—said that he is not for it. The leader of the ping-pong delegation that was here said that we do not play ping-pong, rather table tennis. He was trying a play on words.

Ceausescu: Yes, ping-pong is a very interesting game, especially since you have very good players.

Mao:[4] But the leader of the delegation was stupid; we criticized him. They have done this thing chasing only prizes, thinking only to win; they did not want to lose; they took four of the seven medals, and they were not satisfied. How is that possible, to chase only prizes[?] The leaders from the Committee for Physical Education and Sport are, indeed, bureaucrats and great power chauvinists. Our country has such instances of great power chauvinism, quite widespread; they are always trying to defeat other countries. At the same time, they were incapable, since aside from the fact that we won, they boasted everywhere. One of them was here, and I had a fight with him. He said only good things about China. I told him that there is not truth in what he’s saying. He gave the example of China’s launch of a satellite. I told him that presently there are 2000 satellites revolving around the Earth, and we only placed one of them in orbit at that time, while you, the French, launched one, and Japan, another one, a total of three, and over 2000 satellites are launched by other countries. It is not good to gloat; how can we gloat?

Ceausescu: It is true, it’s only a beginning, but it is a good beginning, because the other countries started with one as well.

Mao: That is very true. I agree, this corresponds to reality.

They even went to the moon; presently, we do not have such possibilities. At the same time, however, we do not have an interest in doing so, and we do not admire those who got to the moon. In this instance, we are equal in right; neither us, nor you, have reached the moon.

Ceausescu: We do not think of doing this in the future either, it is very expensive.

Zhou Enlai: Especially since there is no water or air there!

Ceausescu: And without any results, aside from scientific ends, and out of curiosity.

Zhou Enlai: Not all issues here on Earth have been resolved, and they have already gotten to the Moon.

Ceausescu: But this race to the Moon is very expensive.

Zhou Enlai: The monopolists are making nice profits from this, because they receive orders; even the land of the Moon has been divided up.

Ceausescu: Even so, the people are paying a lot for this race.

Mao: All the people?

Ceausescu: Those who undertake it.

Mao: Two people. What are the superpowers?

Ceausescu: It’s hard to give a definition.

Mao: Those that have more nuclear weapons and have taken over many territories; they can control other countries, while other countries cannot.

Until now we have only said unlucky words at the expense of others. We have begun by cursing the superpowers.

Zhou Enlai: In my speech tomorrow I will make a reference to this. They will not leave if we speak of the superpowers.

Mao: That’s fine; they will not leave if we speak of socialist-imperialism. We gave it a name—socialist-imperialism. We did not say this, it was Lenin; in words they are socialists, in deeds they are imperialists.

Zhou Enlai: We began using this term with the occasion of the reception hosted by [Romanian] Ambassador [Aurelian] Duma on 23 August 1968. It was brought forth by the events in Czechoslovakia.

Mao: On the occasion of Cde. [Emil] Bodnaras visit here, he told us that what Cde. Zhou Enlai said with regard to these events was useful; we did not notice, we did not feel that; he told us it was useful.

Ceausescu: We appreciated the speech of Cde. Zhou Enlai, and looked at them as aid to our country and to the communist movement. After all, many, many parties have condemned the invasion.

Mao: I wonder what the reasons were for their invasion, to send troops there and to occupy places under cover of darkness; troops were parachuted in.

Ceausescu: We were in Czechoslovakia a few days before the invasion, and we met with the party leadership, with the working class, there was no danger to socialism.

Mao: But they said that there was a grave danger, that they have to defend socialism.

Ceausescu: There was only one danger, and that was that there were serious criticisms against the [Soviet] policy of domination.

Mao: Yes, that was it, and only this. At that time they had great plans, not only against Czechoslovakia, but also against you and Yugoslavia.

Ceausescu: Maybe they thought about it, but then, and now, we were, and continue to be, set not to accept any such actions.

Mao: Because you are prepared, especially in the military field. If they shall come, you will fight first and foremost.

Ceausescu: We are a small country, but we do not want to live under [foreign] domination. Of course, we have friendly relations with everyone, we greatly appreciate friends and friendly relations, but we consider that Romania’s problems are first and foremost to be solved by the party, the working class, the Romanian people.

Mao: In my opinion, that is good.

Ceausescu: If we work poorly, our working class, our people, will judge us.

Mao: If you are prepared, they will fear you.

Vietnam is also a small country; Cambodia is an even smaller country, and Laos is smaller still. They carried out a ten-year war, not including the war against the French. There are conclusions that we should be considered warmongers. We will respond to anyone who comes here. We are helping those who fight against the invasion. You are helping the fight of the Indochinese countries to save their motherland.

Ceausescu: From the very beginning we have helped Vietnam, Laos, and now Cambodia. We also offer aid to the fight of African people who fight against colonialism.

Mao: That is very good. We have identical positions.

Maybe we should stop here. Cde. Zhou Enlai said that you will speak this afternoon. Do fight with him!

Ceausescu: I don’t think we will fight with him.

Mao: The third world war will start. The two of you will fight, I will not take part, since I am a bureaucrat.

Ceausescu: Well, that’s good, then there will be someone to make peace between us.

Mao: With Cde. Maurer, we have similar names. My name begins with Mao as well.

Ceausescu: Then, it is even more important to have good relations, to collaborate well. We appreciate very much the relations between our two countries and parties.

Mao: Don’t give it too much appreciation. Just so, it is well. We do not fight. Of course, sometimes we fight a little, like we’ll fight this afternoon. There have to be discussions.

Ceausescu: I hope we’ll have discussions, but I don’t believe we’ll fight.

[1] It is unclear who “they” are. Given the context of discussions, it is possible that Mao is referring to the Soviet leadership.

[2] Mao refers to the Congress of the Fraternal Parties that took place in Bucharest, 26 June 1960. During the congress, the Soviet delegation attacked the Chinese delegation for deviationism and factionalism.

[3] 10,000 years in Chinese has an idiomatic meaning of eternity.

[4] The paragraph is somewhat confused, making it unclear which person or delegation Mao is talking about. The historic visit of the US team to China took place on 12 April 1971.




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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-05-02 18:23:58

1989年12月20日,一个可怕的消息在罗马尼亚不径而走:保安部队在蒂米什瓦拉实施“大屠杀”,几千人丧生,上万人被捕或失踪。 谣言,煽动,妖魔化是最好的颠覆手段.


  让我们再来看看所谓的"罪状",在控诉书上写到了齐氏夫妇的五大罪行:一、大量屠杀人民,牺牲者超过6万名;二、利用秘密警察来对付人民和国家,损害了国家力量;三、在各个城市制造爆炸事件,破坏建筑物和公共财产;四、把国家经济搞得一团糟;五、在国外银行存款超过1O亿美元,并企图利用这笔款外逃。  一,所谓的屠杀几乎全部是口头的传言,至今没有任何实际的证据证明,冲突造成的死亡以及混乱局面造成的影响,从齐奥塞斯库返回国内冲突开始,到他开始逃亡仅仅2天时间,而这2天时间内军队拒绝开枪,仅仅是他的保安部队和卫队进行了保护政府的防御战,却可以"屠杀6万人"……  二,美国光情报组织就3个,CIA,FBI,国土安全部,世界上任何国家都有自己的秘密警察组织来维护国家.  三,在他还是政府首脑的时候,为什么要自己制造爆炸事件?当他逃离的时候手下已经没有什么人了,怎么制造爆炸?不过相对的什么人需要制造爆炸来引起混乱呢?不正是所谓“救国阵线”有这个动机吗?  四,在齐奥塞斯库当政时,80年代中期罗马尼亚的工业发展迅速。工业产值占国内生产总值的60%,化学、冶金、机械制造这样一些部门的产量几乎增长一倍。罗马尼亚的工业解决了一些最复杂的技术问题,包括生产核能装置。80年代也是罗马尼亚农业的鼎盛时期。1982年粮食收成创历史记录,人均粮食产量第一次突破1000公斤,保证了国家在粮食上的完全独立。罗马尼亚社会主义建设的另一个特点是坚持缩小贫富差距,1950年贫富收入的差距为23倍,到80年代仅为5.5 倍。但是在89年因为天灾等问题,罗马尼亚出现了粮食减产等问题,经济上重工业的发达导致了农业的不平衡,加上东欧国家突然聚变,并且切断了罗马尼亚的贸易往来是导致89年罗马尼亚出现饥荒的原因。  而那些改革家们呢?他们又做了些什么呢?他们使国家陷入了巨额债务危机,1999年应当偿还31亿美元,2000年应当偿还23亿美元,它面临着无法偿还外债的危险。在一小撮新贵神话般地暴富的同时,罗马尼亚的人均月收入只有约80美元。  五,只能说子虚乌有。连审判的时候都拿不出任何证据而且最后谁也没有再见过这“10亿美圆”,这10亿美圆也再没有下文,罗马尼亚并不大,齐奥塞斯库并没有逃到国外去,他只是在国内积极寻求解决的力量。  至于所谓有关齐奥塞斯库夫妇生活上骄奢淫逸的报道曾一度成为罗国内外媒体最热门的话题之一。齐奥塞斯库在全国各地的别墅、招待所等在报道中纷纷被升格为“行宫”,成为两人奢侈腐败的佐证。  那么这些“行宫”究竟如何呢?我引用国际先驱导报的报道。  “齐奥塞斯库夫妇被枪决后,有关他们生活如何豪华奢侈的报道铺天盖地,说他俩住所和别墅里的水龙头、门窗把手等都是金铸银造,而他们所用的各种器皿更是被描述得如同天方夜谭一般。然而,这一切实际上都是当时一些西方记者的主观臆想,他们进入齐家,见“黄”则确定是金,见“白”则断定是银。尽管罗官方后来也出面进行了解释,但直到今天,许多人提到齐奥塞斯库,还总是“惦记”着那些黄金水龙头。  在阿尔库什别墅,记者其实并没有看到有什么特别的东西,装饰装潢同罗许多古堡庄园也没有太大的差别。若用今天中国人的眼光来看,这个套房除了“大”以外,总的装修甚至还不如现在国内一些家庭做得精致。更何况这里的所有建材,包括卫生洁具和五金配件都是罗本国生产的,“自力更生”在当年是着重提倡的,齐奥塞斯库的总统坐骑都是本国的“达契亚”品牌。不过,卫生间的瓷砖和地砖的花色特别,据介绍是当年由一家工厂专门烧制的。也许齐奥塞斯库别墅的价值就在于这些独一无二性吧。”  10年后,当人们冷静下来后他们才打出这样的标语:‘我们热爱您,齐奥塞斯库同志!我们愿意与您在一起,不想再受苦了!“在首都西南部地区有1万名工人举行了抗议活动,他们的行动得到了知识分子以及农民和司机们的响应。”“在首都布加勒斯特,也有500名工人上街游行,要求解散政府。他们打出了怀念社会主义的口号:‘您在哪里,齐奥塞斯库?’‘回来吧,齐奥塞斯库同志!’”西方一位外交官说:‘纪念共产党政权被推翻10周年之际,没有任何庆祝的心情和成就感。人们走路时低着脑袋,扪心自问:‘这一切值吗?’”“当齐奥塞斯库死去时,人们欢呼,高喊:‘我们杀了一头猪。’但是现在他们说:‘可怜齐奥塞斯库,他死时像一条狗,没有一支腊烛。他是好人,但我们打死了他,我们为什么要这么做呢?’”  不过当事情已经过去10几年后美国也公布了事情真相,原来一切都是中央情报局的阴谋。老布什先是要求戈尔巴乔夫出兵罗马尼亚,戈尔巴乔夫虽然白痴,但毕竟还是个共产党员,当即拒绝。老布什于是策划了一个“铲除计划”,先是全世界范围的舆论诽谤,揭露齐氏的“累累罪行”,然后培养代理人和叛徒,最后弄来停尸房大量的尸体,伪造大屠杀的电视片,终于抓住齐氏出访的机会,一举成功。  然而世界上是没有后悔药吃的,罗马尼亚和东欧国家曾经一度是工业强国,但是现在却成了最大的妓女出口国和人口买卖的重灾区,他们的工业,经济都已经被外国控制,而且还有还不完的外债。和他们当年向往的西欧洲式生活完全不同,但是在今天,没有人再支持他们去夺得自己的一切。  当齐奥塞斯库被自己的人民所杀害时,最后一块东欧的堡垒沦陷了,攻陷他的是他们自己,他们就像今天那些梦想着到西方发财的无知少女,等梦已经醒来才发现他们不过是人贩子手中买卖的妓女,但是一切都已经无法挽回。

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作者:双不 留言时间:2018-05-02 17:08:03



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