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王健一案-说文贵五项撒谎欺骗的吴建民同志 2018-08-28 14:30:31

 王健一案 —— 说文贵五项撒谎欺骗的吴建民同志

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Inside the NYPDs 纽约警察局 Anti-Terror Program Overseas

                       CNBC  NOV. 14,2016  03:15

ANTWERP, Belgium — An explosion at the main train station. Minutes later, shots ring out as terrorists storm a synagogue in another part of the city. And then, in a mall on the outskirts, armed gunmen storm a movie theater and take hostages.

At police headquarters, Antwerp police commanders mobilize all available units and call in national counterterror teams to deal with the series of coordinated attacks. In the command post sits an officer from a different police force an ocean away — an NYPD lieutenant. Briefed on events in real time, he calls his own HQ in New York with an update. Within minutes, NYPD counterterror teams are dispatched to Grand Central Station, the Belgian consulate and synagogues across New York City as a precaution.

It is all a drill -- an exercise to test cooperation and information-sharing between Belgian and New York authorities. In addition to the lieutenant inside the command center, other NYPD detectives are riding along with SWAT teams in the field, getting real information from what is happening at the scene.

The Antwerp exercise is one example of how the NYPD 

is placing detectives in big city police departments across 

the globe amid the growing terror threat from groups 

like ISIS. Since 9/11, the NYPD has embedded 

intelligence officers in 13 locations including 







and as far away as Sydney. 

It is all part of a growing effort to exchange threat 

information with international partners in real time.

The NYPD has personnel stationed around the globe working with local police departments to protect New York City from terror attacks.The NYPD has personnel stationed around the globe working with local police departments to protect New York City from terror attacks.NBC News

NBC News was given exclusive access to the NYPD program — the first time cameras were allowed to film the intelligence officers and their partners in action.

Watch Jonathan Dienst on Nightly News Sunday for More

"We need to be positioned 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, all around the globe to react in New York City in real time," said John Miller, the NYPD deputy commissioner for intelligence. Miller points out that New York has seen 20 terror plots since 9/11, and that numerous overseas attacks were carried out by suspects who had possible New York connections.

"We are seeing some dangerous themes here," Miller said, pointing to the thousands of jihadist fighters now returning from Syria to Europe along with possibly hundreds who traveled from the U.S. "They've come back trained, hardened committed fighters ... Where are they now? Is there a plot or a plan?"

At the end of October, as the first anniversary of the deadly Paris terror attacks neared, NYPD intelligence officers from 13 locations around the world met in London with some of their foreign counterparts to discuss the latest intelligence and how to improve cooperation.

Among those attending the London meeting was Antwerp's intelligence chief Karl Hareen. He said the two police departments "not only share information but we share best practices, to share expertise. So we try to reach out to partners who can help us ... and of course who better to choose than the NYPD." As an example, he pointed out how his department asked the NYPD to help conduct and review Antwerp's marathon security measures after the Boston marathon bombings to see if improvements were needed.

Jonathan Dienst of NBC News (left) outside the Bataclan nightclub in Paris, which is reopening a year after a deadly terror attack, with neighborhood resident Anne Sophie de Chaisemartin. She helped many of the attack victims before first responders arrived.Jonathan Dienst of NBC News (left) outside the Bataclan nightclub in Paris, which is reopening a year after a deadly terror attack, with neighborhood resident Anne Sophie de Chaisemartin. She helped many of the attack victims before first responders arrived.

2.  海航联合董事长创始人王健同志一家三口人,为美国国籍;

4.   习近彭 @WakeUpFrog   2018年 7月22日







Mr Wang fell off a wall in the village of Bonnieux, near Avignon, 

a picturesque area popular with tourists, 


according to lieutenant-colonel Hubert Meriaux of the Vaucluse 


“He stood on the edge of a sharp drop to get his family to take a 

picture of him and fell,” he said.

French police said his death was “likely an accident” based on 

witness accounts. 

Wow !   阿兰·德龙般英俊的法国宪兵队长 ! 张嘴就是 一句三谎:

   王健站在矮墙上,让他在场的家人给他拍照时 失足坠落摔死。

2018年七夕芜湖广电大厦停车场54岁副总编在与42岁女主播车震后 壮烈阵亡

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