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方老说中共消亡时间点 2018-11-12 22:16:22



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Image result for d-day invasion June 6, 1944

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Stephen Bannon, President Trump’s chief political strategist and, after Trump, the 

most powerful man in Washington, once declared proudly: “I am a Leninist.” He 

was talking to a New York university academic who had written extensively on 

communism and the former Soviet Union. “What on earth do you mean?” the 

professor asked him. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that’s my goal too,” 

replied Bannon. “I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of 

today’s establishment.”

From the evidence of Trump’s extraordinary campaign and first two weeks in the 

White House, Bannon has an assortment of Leninist political tactics that could have 

come from the Bolshevik leader’s playbook.

Two days after Lenin seized power in Russia almost exactly a century ago, he began 

an assault on the press – and his successors in the USSR did not let up for the next 

70 years. In the few months between the overthrow of the tsar and Lenin taking 

power, a relatively free press had sprung up, almost all of it vigorously opposed to 

Lenin, who was written off as a dangerous demagogue. When his Bolshevik party 

mounted a successful coup and Lenin made himself, in effect, dictator of Russia, 

one of his first acts was to censor the press, which he called “a weapon no less 

dangerous than bombs or guns aimed at us … Why should we place it in our 

enemies’ hands?”

Three days after Donald Trump’s inauguration Bannon told the New York Times: 

“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and 

just listen … I want you to quote this. The media here is the opposition party. They 

do not understand this country.”

Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts” are not entirely different from the

“objective truth … the greater truth” that Lenin used to call for in the USSR’s 

state-run newspapers. If Twitter had been around then, he would very likely have 

used it. Lenin was brilliant at producing a pithy phrase to explain a complex 

problem so that anybody could understand.

No one should directly compare Lenin’s seizure of power in a military coup in 1917 

with the populist insurgency that has swept through America and elsewhere in the

west through the democratic process. And the lies the communists told for decades 

are different from Bannon’s or Trump’s. But much of Lenin’s political style and 

strategy can be adapted to present conditions. He depended on constant conflict 

and drama. He deliberately used shock tactics. He was nearly always domineering, 

abusive and combative, and often downright vicious. He battered opponents into 

submission with the deliberate use of violent language, not because he was 

personally vicious – he wasn’t – but as a technique “calculated to evoke hatred, 

aversion, contempt … not to convince, not to correct the mistakes of the opponent 

but to destroy him, to wipe him and his organisation off the face of the earth”.

Breitbart, the website Bannon created, and the hate-filled language of alt-right 

politics, are decidedly Leninist in tone. Above all, Lenin needed to invent enemies 

he had to be seen to defeat. In post- revolutionary Russia it was the kulaks – richer 

farmers who were “sucking the blood” of poorer peasants, bankers who were war 

profiteering, the “elite” (a word Lenin used frequently) who treated the majority 

with contempt. He despised so-called “experts” who claimed a monopoly of 

knowledge. He often said that a worker with five days’ training could run a 

government department. He scapegoated opponents and labelled them “enemies 

of the people”.

Lenin abolished the existing legal system and started afresh. Within a few weeks his 

regime closed down the first freely elected parliament in Russia’s history – and the 

Soviets never allowed another one. It would be wrong to assume that the next step 

for Trump is the abolition of Congress, or the construction of labour camps. But the 

unprecedented war by tweet between the administration and the judiciary over the 

president’s executive order on immigration has real echoes of Bannon’s 

revolutionary hero.

Lenin would very likely have identified 2017 as a revolutionary moment. He 

matters today not because of his flawed and bloody answers, but because he was 

asking questions similar to those we are asking today. In his quest for power, 

Lenin promised people anything and everything. He offered simple solutions to 

complex issues. He lied unashamedly. He justified himself on the basis that 

winning meant everything; the ends justified the means. Lenin was the godfather 

of post-truth politics. Powerful people have learned depressing lessons from him.   


特朗普总统的首席政治策略师斯蒂芬·班农(Stephen Bannon)是仅次于



学者交谈。“你究竟是什厶意思?”教授问他。 “列宁要打碎国家机器,

这也是我的目标,”班农回答道。 “我想打碎 Sui 一切,摧毁今天所有





攻击 - 他在苏联的继任者在接下来的70年里没有放松。在推翻沙皇和


几乎所有的媒体都Qiang烈反对列宁,后者被视为一个危险的煽 Shan








Kellyanne Conway的“另类事实”与列宁过去在苏联国营报纸上所要求









故意使用暴力语言来打击对手,不是因为他个人恶毒 - 他不是 - 而是



Breitbart,Bannon 创建的网站,以及充满仇恨的alt-right政治语言,








俄罗斯历史上第一个自由选举产生的议会 - 苏联人从未允许另一个议会。








自己辩护; 最终证明了手段的合理性。列宁是后真相政治的教父。有能力


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-13 11:08:38

After the invasion of Poland in September 1939,

Hitler parades in the streets of the city of Danzig.

Hitler in Poland

Hitler in France

Democratic Socialists Anti-War Protest in NYC, 1941: ‘Why Not Peace With Hitler?’

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-11-13 01:01:36


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